Scenes from Hi-Yu Parade Day ’07, 3rd installment: The enforcers

July 21, 2007 10:16 pm
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 |   West Seattle Grand Parade | West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival

As always, the West Seattle Hi-Yu American Legion Grand Parade began with two very different police-motorcycle drill teams: Seattle Police and Vancouver (B.C.) Police. Our favorite sight is this one, where the SPD officers stand at Cali/Alaska after their performance so they can watch their VPD counterparts:


To see the officers actually on their motorcycles — click ahead:

It’s impossible to capture these performances with stills; next year we swear we’ll have a video camera. Seattle’s team goes for slow but intricate maneuvers, circling, weaving, etc:


Vancouver’s team just goes for fast (or daredevilish, with one officer roaring toward the rest of the group, which splits off to let him through):


This year, Vancouver did something we hadn’t seen before — the officers parked their bikes in the Cali/Alaska intersection (in front of the Hi-Yu Court, which you’ll see in another installment) and did a sort of curtain call.


Links to all our other parade photo posts:
First installment (unusual sights)
Second installment (The Kids)
Fourth installment (The Wheels)
Fifth installment (The People)
Sixth/final installment (The Winners)

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