Giving Mother Nature a helping hand

West Seattle-based naturalist Stewart Wechsler is featured in a Times article today about a plant restoration project at Seward Park. He also does naturalist work at other city parks including Camp Long here in WS. We first met Stewart while chaperoning a school field trip at Camp Long some time back; when it comes to the troubled state of our natural world, he is truly one of the people who, to paraphrase the saying, lights a candle rather than cursing the darkness.

3 Replies to "Giving Mother Nature a helping hand"

  • desperateknitwife May 24, 2007 (10:30 am)

    FYI giant police motorcade heading into west seattle on the bridge this morning at 10am

    the times
    w sea herald
    various junction businesses no one knows a thing

    husband said it was !!!GIGANTIC!!! like a presidential candidate or something and they had the bridge blocked off and stuff.

    hmmm… dkw

  • WSB May 24, 2007 (11:36 am)

    We saw it too, just got home and about to mention it, we also have a question out to the police dept. to inquire.

  • Cruiser May 24, 2007 (11:38 am)

    Looking for those cops on push bike i saw here last week:) (try the bakeries!)

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