day : 20/05/2007 5 results

Staredown at sea

Seen from Don Armeni through the late-afternoon rain: Orient Overseas Container Line’s Shanghai, dock-bound, and NCL’s Norwegian Pearl, Alaska-bound:



Stolen from Petco in The Junction, according to this.

New WSB feature

We’ve received some requests to add an “e-mail this” type link; after some weekend experimenting, we’ve settled on a feature called “Share This.” You’ll see the link at the bottom of every post. When you click on it, you’ll get a page giving you the opportunity not only to e-mail the post to someone, but also to save/share it via various “social web”/bookmarking sites, including, Digg, and Technorati. Let us know what you think. Thanks!

We think it looks better this way

Some general exterior and interior sprucing-up is going on at Morgan Junction’s big beige public-housing building, Cal-Mor Circle, and this weekend it looks rather Christo-like:


Malicious road-work mischief

As the Cali paving work enters a new phase (the blacktop’s all done up to just north of Charlestown; now the focus is on the stretch up to Admiral), we’ve received a reader’s troubling tale of late-night hijinks that could threaten safety. We’re passing along because at the very least, if you live in that area, you can help watch for this; if you drive in that area, be very careful. Full e-mail after the click:Read More