West Seattle, Washington
05 Wednesday
One month after our last post on the controversy over the city’s proposed crackdown on “nightlife” businesses — the so-called “nightlife premises legislation” — opponents and supporters are about to get their day before a City Council committee. Opponents, including West Seattle restaurateurs whom you would never consider to be “nightclub” operators, contend this law will hurt their businesses and your/our right to patronize them — so they’re pleading for backup at the meeting (9:30 am Thursday, City Hall downtown) to make sure they’re not outnumbered by community groups (reportedly mostly from other parts of the city) who have rallied in support of the law. If you can’t be there in person, here’s how to contact council members to let them know what you think. If you want to read the whole ordinance for yourself, here it is.
Thanks to CHS for pointing to Defend Capitol Hill. As in, from condos. In our case, townhomes. Perhaps the iconic image could be a red circle-slash through the Death Star Trench (as coined by “Steve E” in a comment on this post).
Seems that somewhere around the time some criminal idiots were stealing copper wire and throwing hundreds of people off the phone system the other night, some (other?) criminal idiots were smashing out car windows on lower Gatewood Hill. Happened to us near The Beach years ago. If the cops don’t get ’em, karma will. Here’s hoping.
Just spotted along the westbound Fauntleroy Way end of The Bridge — huge banners with a sequential message (a la the “Burma Shave” roadside signs way back when) — REPLACE IT?/NO … FIX IT! (We feel a growing sense of kinship in our pro-retrofit-ness.)
West Seattle’s Most Famous Politician is just wrapping up an hourlong q-and-a session on the Times website. Some WS-specific stuff, too.
Two months after Wind-tastrophe ’06, a new city report is out (here’s the city press release, with a link to the full report). Best quote is on page 11: “Seattle City Light should develop a more robust emergency power restoration plan for storms.” No comment.
A little too cold for us personally to get out on the water (ice on the car roof this morning, yikes), but this photo (thanks to Bob Bollen) is immensely cheering anyway:
-Want to hear the experts discuss the viaduct situation, present and future? Tonight’s the big forum at West Seattle HS (6:30-8 pm) with panelists including City Council member Jan Drago and Seattle Department of Transportation boss Grace Crunican.
-Just two nights till you can get the mayor’s office perspective from Deputy Mayor Tim Ceis, courtesy of the Fauntleroy Community Association.
-Ex-govs Gary Locke and Dan Evans declare themselves anti-viaduct (though not necessarily pro-tunnel) in today’s Times.
–MIDMORNING ADD: The No Tunnel Alliance says it will “rally” 4:30 pm-6:30 pm today at 35th & Fauntleroy.
For everyone kind enough to have been voting for us in the seemingly endless saga of the Metroblogging Seattle popularity poll (we’re in it too deep now to quit) — the original polling service (dPolls), died, and they’ve just relaunched our part of the poll here. (We’ve updated the page that links to the tab atop this page, too.) Thanks for your help!
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