day : 19/05/2006 2 results

More rebranding

We used to call the little grocery on the west side of Cali Ave, halfway between Morgan & Alaska Junctions, “the so-so market.” Not as a judgment on its quality or lack of it, but because its old sign saying “50-50 Market” looked more like “So-So.”

Well, we can’t make that joke any more. West Seattle Blogger Spouse tells me it’s put up a new sign with a new name, “Juneau Street Market.”

Everybody’s trying to upscale around here. Question though, does it have … CUPCAKES?

Get the dirt …

May 19, 2006 2:23 am
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… on the stability of the dirt beneath your dwelling: New UW map link is getting a lot of publicity today.

But beware, it’s tough to decipher. Or at least, I’m having trouble here in the wee hours. All I know is, I’m in the blue zone. Hmm.