Vote out Lisa Herbold

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    Only 2 years into her term, Lisa has successfully sponsored and/or supported measures to create: (a) higher property taxes, (b) implementation of unconstitutional income tax on professionals who make market wages for highly skilled/educated professions, (c) expansion of urban villages allowing multi-family developers to destroy neighborhoods, (d) expanded extortion of job producing employers with new head taxes to deepen the city’s coffers for its deeply flawed and failing homeless program, (e) publicly City-funded investigations into private Highland Park land owners who legally raise rent on their privately owned rental properties as a small measure to compensate for the city council’s continually increasing property taxes, (f) homeless camps that unsafely border/invade residential neighborhoods increasing crime and drug use in what were formerly safe neighborhoods, (g) support for rezoning of single family neighborhoods to expand ability of deep pocketed builders to build multi-family units on lots unsuitable for such development, and (h) refusal to direct existing tax revenues to adequately maintain and repair crumbling streets, sidewalks and other infrastructure in neighborhoods where she continually rezones and permits massive developer sprawl. Notice that her own residential street in Highland Park is mysteriously spared from any of the above decisions. It’s time to begin the campaign to unseat her from office and instead elect a competent leader.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Rb1.


    And better than that…. The Seattle Times editorial today is urging Seattle citizens to create an initiative to gather signatures that will overturn the Council’s ill-conceived head tax vote that took place without voter approval and place it on a ballot. This city legislative body needs to listen!!! There are better and faster ways to begin solving the homeless problem, some of which have been placed right in front of their noses, but they seem stuck in an either/or mentality and can’t think outside their political grandstanding boxes in order to bring all sides together to find solutions. An initiative only needs 21,770 signatures, which is 10% of the last voter turnout. From what I’ve been reading across this city, that should be easy to get if someone knows how to go about starting this up. We CAN save jobs, be good partners with the business community and solve the homeless problem, too!



    The majority of the city council lacks the political will to take effective action. Overall, I’m satisfied with Lisa Herbold’s work. She’s an elected official tasked with the impossible. This city does not currently have a consensus that would actually solve this issue (which is why politicians don’t take more dramatic action). Personally, I like the take that Redfin’s CEO had on the latest head tax:



    Let’s drive the initiative. I know at least 200 of my fellow employees who will sign day 1. The behavior of Lisa, Kshama and their activist politician comrades have beyond irritated my colleagues who are highly educated, well employed, highly compensated and feel taken advantage of by this entitled city council. It’s time to take this city back before it crumbles further under Lisa’s inept leadership. Let the initiative begin!!!


    Michael Waldo

    Weird, I composed a long post then clicked on submit – an half hour later, nothing. Testing now with this.


    Michael Waldo

    By the way, I will give Lisa a chance to come to her senses. I have been communicating with her about my concerns. We all should do the same. Just be factual and polite. You get more bees with honey than vinegar.


    Michael Waldo

    Besides, she is a grandma with a nose ring. How Seattle hip.



    The new referendum website, shows that a petition to overturn the council’s decision to impose a head tax can be found at the West Seattle branch of the library.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by TanDL.


    so. you overturn the head tax… which in effect does little more than roll back a really small portion of the concessions we gave those corporations to do business here in Seattle…. because.. it’s “head” tax.. and that isn’t right…

    that’s the Seattle way.. right.. I don’t like the way that sounds.. it’s not perfect.. kill it.

    What is your solution? Because the reality is that some of those employers who would be forced to pay a head tax also pay so little that after paying rent.. if they can… their employees utilize our food banks to feed themselves and their families.

    You are already paying a head tax .. you just pay it through social services and your donations to those who are less fortunate than you.

    and then you complain about Seattle property taxes and Seattle rents and and and….

    does this really make sense to you?
    will throw the b…s out and show them who’s boss really improve anything?

    just asking.. would love to hear some answers that go beyond.. this just isn’t right


    Michael Waldo

    We want fewer people to smoke, so we tax cigarettes. We want fewer people to drink soda pop, so we tax soda. So logically, we want fewer employees hired, tax employees. This isn’t just about Amazon. This is about Dicks drive-ins, Grocery stores who all ready have a very small margin of profit, something like 2 or 3 percent. I do not trust these social justice folks on the city council to spend my money wisely. I wish we had people with management experience to run our city. We are allowing a small minority of a left wing mob to flock to city council meetings and chat and shout down people to get their way. Tax for transportation -oops not enough money, buses or drivers to fully expand bus service. Trolley down first ave – oops – going to cost double what we said. Bike lanes – just reveled not enough money to complete the bike lanes we promised. Fix streets and improve side walks – oops not enough money to finish the promised work. And you want to give them more money? How about they give us results.



    Here’s an idea… and I can’t take credit for it. I heard it from a friend who is upset at the state of things here. First – Create a tax exempt centralized charity to deal with the homeless issue and put qualified people in charge of running it. Second – Gather large and small businesses together and talk them into donating yearly for which they will get a tax exemption and some free advertising for being good guys (you know… that catching more flies with honey incentive thing our mothers taught us). Third – create a huge city-wide campaign so everyone can get involved in helping out – not just businesses. Fourth – determine EXACTLY where the money will be spent, get buy-in from communities and make each and every expenditure public knowledge so we know what’s happening. Also quarterly progress reports should be published! This City has been completely irresponsible with how money is spent and all you have to do is read the last few Seattle Times to see what messes have been made with cost overruns and bad planning on all sorts of projects. Finally – quit thinking of only how to “tax” people! Think of something different for a change! Try doing win-win for a change instead of us vs. them. We’re all in this city together and we need to come together and get these huge problems solved. Quit dividing us with your vitriol. We need leadership that will unite us… not divide us.

    P.S. Does it gall anyone at all that Tacoma is smarter than we are in offering incentives for businesses to “come on down” and get a nice tax break for bringing jobs to their citizens?



    Michael Waldo
    as i understand it the tax wouldn’t apply to Dick’s drive in or the local groceries.. unless of course you are talking about large national mega chains…



    TanDL.. i like the idea of a centralized charity.. but without total transparency and some really effective forensic accounting it wouldn’t change much… and sadly that’s not the Seattle way :(
    i do like the idea of tying tax exemptions and concessions to specified charitable donations…
    but again.. not the Seattle way :(
    “come on down” jobs that aren’t tied to available services .. like affordable housing and public transportation.. exacerbate the problem .. as Tacoma is well on the way to figuring out :(
    though they do have a kick a… homeless housing model program.


    Michael Waldo

    Yes, it does affect grocery chains. And I don’t know if it affects Dicks but they are strongly against it.


    Michael Waldo

    Is the blog deleting my posts? Two post in the last few days are not here.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Michael Waldo.
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