Trump Proclaims the Plutocracy

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    mark47n: I think the post numbers are time-based chronologically and not thread based. Forum post numbers usually relate to a record number in an object-oriented Database. That way posts can be moved form one thread to another when they get posted in the wrong place (among other reasons).

    I looks like my post was deleted. Not sure why. I have NEVER advocated or threatened violence against anyone online. I believe in the Non-Agression Principal. But maybe it is now considered “deadly violence” to simply disagree with the political positions of the collective mindset?

    Anyway, it’s getting too difficult for me to post contrary opinions here. So I should probably just resort to reading your opinions and keeping mine out of it.:)



    i suspect too many people become so accustomed to their rhetoric that they don’t realize how violent it really is…



    dave: TR responded to one of your deleted posts by saying that WSB won’t have fake news links on their servers. the editors obviously took the time to make a determination on whether or not the link you provided was verifiably true… probably because someone flagged it. i doubt they have the time to scrutinize forum posts otherwise.

    whether or not you agree: their servers, their rules. (a pretty libertarian concept, no?) and we, as a community, are damned lucky to have this forum on their nickel. this isn’t a public resource; it’s a privately-run and -financed news and information business. given that, i think that the rules are actually pretty lax, as long as we rabble mantain some semblence of civility.

    and everyone who posts here regularly has experienced their posts disappearing into the ether from time to time. the innertoobz can be buggy.

    anyway, don’t assume it’s a conspiracy, and don’t act like a martyr. just keep doing what you do. there is no cabal that wants to silence conservatives, nor should there be (as long as you’re not p!ssing liberals off just for kicks, which seems to be popular at politico, for example.) i’m pretty sure WSB’s editors believe strongly in freedom of expression, or we wouldn’t even be here. i, for one, admire the job they do in presenting unbiased community news in an era when most of what we see and hear over broadband is corporate.

    furthermore, i don’t know WSB’s personal political bent, and i’m not interested. you have to admit that they have chosen a noble pursuit in covering west seattle so thoroughly, and they appear to value objectivity in that role.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by redblack.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by redblack.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by redblack.


    what Redblack said. So quit with the hyphenated words, and the “they’re picking on me becuase they are against what I have to say” crap. And it IS crap, and you know it. Be nice…don’t post fake anything, falsehoods in links, and you’ll be just fine. No one is out to get you, or shut you up…although we do sometimes wish ;-)



    redBlack: I have not been able to post any links for a while now so it had nothing to do with “fake news links”. I understand and respect the need for any business to deliver what their customers demand. The WSB provides a great product for the dominant target demographics of West Seattle. Unfortunately for me, desiring less government and more freedom is far outside that demographic. So my perspective is a little different from the pack. The extreme outliers of a bell curve are usually pretty inconsequential in politics anyway. So be it. I could always just start a new account with a different e-mail every time I post if I thought it was an insurmountable problem.



    All I hear is whining..grow up, stop with the wild accusations of people you know nothing about. No one is out to get you, or is being politically motivatted to shut you up. Absurdities, but a good effing excuse to not take responsibility for anything you say /post that is not factually correct, or contains questionable things. Good grief, just grow up.



    Captain Dave…

    it wasn’t enough to win the election … you had to do the big “See there.. we won .. you have to shut the f.. up” dance … and to do that in a forum that demands sourcing for opinions… your only resource for our more extreme views was fake news..

    i get it. but that doesn’t mean that i or anyone else should condone fake news.

    As it happens i spend a fair amount of my internet time debunking fake news from both sides of the political spectrum… so if there is discrimination .. it is discrimination against fake news not against conservatives.. although i will admit that so called “liberal” groups are behind the curve on this.. thus not as sophisticated as conservatives who have been practicing it for some time…

    that is neither here nor there… i am sure they will get better at it and that doesn’t gladden my heart.

    what i find ironic is that you think this is like some kind of sports game where the “losing” side just puts up and shuts up until the next election.. unless you are on the “losing” side. then it’s any means to reach your end.

    that is what i mean by disingenuous… your talk doesn’t match your walk.. and I am pretty sure you don’t much care.. you aren’t even making an effort… you throw stuff against the wall to see what will stick . Do you think this will wear us out?

    I can’t speak for anyone else dave.. but this doesn’t wear me out. I am a half century plus veteran of this domestic war and there isn’t anything you can throw that i haven’t seen slide to the floor before… After all I lived through Tricky Dicky and his aftermath…

    I don’t want to.. but my own history tells me i can persevere… no matter how much stuff you throw at that wall…

    but i am weary.. weary of the direction this country seems to be taking where any a..hat with an opinion thinks that their opinion matters whether they can back it up with actual facts or not.. where any a..hat can sell the idea that ideology is more important than outcome.. and can dismiss outcome as happening only to “those” people.. people who weren’t smart enough or careful enough or wise enough. Or if we are to be honest.. white enough or male enough.

    i am weary of fighting people like you.. but i am more weary of the direction the national conversation has gone because of people like you …

    equality for all? yes.. but… “we have to do this first”.. “this is more important”… “how can anyone be equal if we don’t fix equality for workers” …”i have empathy.. but.. or yours .. “everyone will be equal if we get out of the way and let free enterprise function”…

    I am weary of the “but… s” on both sides of the aisle Captain Dave… and i am tired of this never ending fight.. a fight i won’t see resolved in my lifetime… especially if i let people like you convince people who think equality is not “the” issue convince them that inequality doesn’t exist.. “it’s not so bad”..

    and it’s amazing how insidious those words can be… “not so bad”.. or it’s cousin.. “not so much worse”… In a recent conversation elsewhere i pointed out to women who were talking about how bad intelligent professional women of color had it during the late 60s that white women didn’t have it so much better.. they shut me down by pointing out that at least white women didn’t have to walk a mile in heels to find a bathroom… they were right.

    Equality means all of us Dave.. not just the privileged few who had a step up the ladder at birth… As a poor white woman i didn’t have much of a leg up but when it came to opportunity it was still more than any person of color… I try very hard not to forget that.

    i wish you would too… but i realize that is just a pipe dream. More than that i wish you would stop trading in hatred.. because the trickle down effects of hatred and intolerance are a very hard burder for the rest of us to bear.



    JanS: I wanted to post a short video link for you but it won’t post. However, it’s easy to find on youtube if you search “Captain Kirk meets Ashly Judd”. There could be no better way to describe the rift between conservative and liberal viewpoints. (well worth watching).

    JoB: It isn’t equality when you make one person more “equal” than others. It’s a game of whack-a-mole as your party goes around and around trading votes with new victim groups while abandoning others. Just look what your liberalism has done to black communities across the US in the “war on poverty”–or should I say the war to break up families, encourage criminal institutions and get more people dependent on mother government. What have been the results? The track record of social-ist destruction speaks for itself.

    You keep accusing me of hatred and intolerance. Where is your evidence? I have never been guilty or accused of discrimination of any kind in my business career–far from it, I have gone out of my way to help people who seemed disadvantaged. I have employed and contracted to people of all ages, nationalities, skin colors, genders, sexual preferences and political affiliations. I have provided work for homeless people, convicts, and people with addictions. What is your problem? Why do you keep inferring that I am a hateful bigoted white rac-ist because I don’t believe in bigger government to solve everything?



    Please show my quotes that said you were hateful and intolerant.



    Please show my quotes that said you were hateful and intolerant. What I called you was a whiner. There’s a difference



    Sorry JanS, meant to address JoB’s post. I know you would never say anything mean. :)



    Captain dave..
    i don’t know how to explain this so you will get it..
    but some people are already more equal than others.. and always have been.

    now.. i understand that when you have had unlimited privilege.. someone telling you that you have to give some of that up to allow other people more equality .. feels like you have to give something up…

    but if you weren’t already more equal then you wouldn’t feel that way…

    your insistence that inequality doesn’t exist and therefore nothing should be done about it is hateful to those of us who live with that inequality…

    as by the way is your insistence that all anybody really needs is to go get a job to survive in our current economy…

    as for the sites you link to…. well.. enough said

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by JoB.


    regarding poverty: well, if poor people don’t have money, and the government is $20 trillion in debt…

    who has the money, dave?

    who is holding this country’s capital (and capitol) hostage, and who’s holding their hats for them?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by redblack.


    I continue to be dismayed at the degree to which people get sucked into pointless exchanges with the captain. I appreciate the intent to make a solid point in response to whatever silliness he throws out, but on one hand you know he will seldom, if ever, concede an argument and on the other, even good points get lost in the bickering. So let me offer this:

    Some time ago Dave suggested that readers here look into Stefan Molyneux as a good source of politcal and economic information. Since I was already familiar with that right wing poseur, I asked Dave if he agreed with the anarchocapitalism Molyneux espouses. Although I infer from his typical comments about regulation and free enterprise that he does agree with that largely libertarian viewpoint, Dave never replied one way or the other.

    So for those who aren’t familiar with Molyneux, I’m posting a link to a short clip which illustrates several aspects of the man’s intellectual dishonesty and slick foundation for a white racist outlook—“listen up white people”. poseur

    Apart from the content, note a series of odd and conflicting comments in one simple scenario put forward to illustrate how biased nonwhites are against anyone outside of their own group. He moved to Canada when he was eleven, but he describes a situation when he was in “high school, a term used in Canada, but not England for secondary education. While it’s possible there might be “busloads” of subcontinental Indians in Canada showing up at a polling place, it’s much more likely that something like that would occur in England where there are cities with very large Indian populations. In the account, the busloads of “elderly Indian men” are transformed into “young men” in one sentence. Now those are minor details to quibble over and you might say he just misspoke, but this guy has been making hours long podcasts for years and is extremely poised and articulate, so Isee it more as an example of how slick Molyneux can be while conveying emotionally charged messaging in the most genuine, heartfelt demeanor.

    The cute example of using soccer to illustrate how in-groups have an advantage against outer-directed groups mostly serves to illustrate that either Molyneux doesn’t understand how team sports are played, was too lazy to come up with a credible example, or else expects his practiced media presence to obscure the fallacious reasoning.

    After setting the audience up for how multiculturalism undermines good old white societies, at around 8 minutes, he delivers a spiel that is clearly intended to be sincere, vulnerable, and sad but is clearly just a cover for the call to “listen up white people.”

    I asked Dave if he has Defoo’d his parents because Molyneux uses his popular podcast to encourage young viewers to completely break away from, to disassociate from their family of origin if they don’t support his views. That’s not because he recommends being intolerant of a difference of opinion, but because he posits they represent a physical danger, a violent threat to their offspring. Molyneux’s wife, a psychologist who helped craft that notion, was sanctioned by the professional psychology regulating body for her province for urging listeners on her husband’s podcast to Defoo. Some of us are aware of the well-known practice of cult leaders to encourage their followers to sever relationship with their parents.

    I’m not saying Stef is a cult leader, I’m saying he uses some of the methodology common to cult leaders. In any case, I think this illustrates why I believe you’re beating a dead horse in trying to have a reasoned discussion with the captain.



    i agree with you.. and i will still persist.
    The biggest mistake the women’s movement made was allowing someone else to control their conversation. Although i have always been outspoken .. even i let too much slide.
    I can’t do much else these days.. but i can and will continue to speak up..
    i don’t expect Captain Dave to listen…
    but i do hope that people who might not listen carefully to what he has to say do question some of his verbal sleight of hand after reading the consistent rebuttals….



    JoB: Your definition of hate seems more like an attempt to mask or justify basic jealousy. I haven’t linked any sites for a long time because my posts dissapear when I try. However, did you watch the youtube video I suggested “Captain Kirk meets Ashley Judd”? It really does a nice job of illustrating the differences in our points of view. :)

    redblack: When a farmer fails to plant, and instead consumes all her seed crop, where does the wealth go?

    Much of the debt went into consumable social services–essentially paying people not to produce. …Off course there was plenty skimmed off for the tiny percentage of establishment players who orchestrated the state welfare circus.

    What you should really be concerned about is the $200 plus trillion in unfunded liabilities that will NEVER be paid to all the people who were promised these amazing entitlements. Generation Z is the most conservative (realist) generation since WWII. Do you really think they are going to make their kids slave away for your old-age benefits? I have been trying to warn people about this for years, but that’s another subject worthy of it’s own thread.



    hmmm generation z most conservative captain dave show me some proof of this.. who you say says this or can you….I doubt you can… you have yet ……

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by waynster.


    i find it curious that JTB can post a link to a neoliberal economist’s web site, but dave can’t.

    maybe the conspiracy is realz!


    anyway, i think that if you look at the L curve, it’s pretty obvious where the nation’s wealth is being held. if you give people stimulus in the form of welfare, where does that money go?

    i’m pretty sure it goes straight to the grocery store – which is most likely corporate. you’re right: it evaporates right into the pockets of grocers, distributors, and agribusiness.

    but, for a brief interim, that money fed someone who was hungry. what a waste, huh?

    as far as gen z goes, they are preceded by gen x (mine), which is the smallest generation of the past four.

    in other words, there will be a lot more millenials paying into the system than there are gen x’ers drawing from it.

    after that, it’s anyone’s guess what will happen.

    in the meantime, dave, would you be amenable to raising the income cap on social security, for starters? if only to stanch the bleeding that borrowing from it has caused?

    one other thing, dave. i hate grammar nazis, and i hope you don’t take this the wrong way. but i’ve noticed that you sometimes use the words “tenants” when you mean to use “tenets.” sorry. english was my bag in college. i’m really not trying to be an elitist a-hole. i like to help when i can.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by redblack.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by redblack.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by redblack.


    JTB: what jo said.

    i have a hard time letting disinformation go, especially on our little community forum.

    which is why i rail so hard against the marxism meme. it’s such antiquated bullsh!t. i can’t believe how many people think that the “left” – which usually has a hard time organizing a sock drawer, if you believe half of the conservative comments – can, on the other hand, be plotting to supplant capitalism and seize the means of production and distribution.

    yeah, it’s laughable, until you realize how many people buy into that drivel, and are willing to turn their neighbors’ names in to HUAC. or DHS. or ICE. or NSA. because socialist. or muslim. or mexican.

    yeah. government intel agencies. how ironic is that?

    the humor turns to horror pretty quickly.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by redblack.


    captain Dave..

    A woman has to work twice as hard as a man to get where he waltzes in the door.. but after doing so she is more than twice as competent..
    Why on earth would you think i am jealous of men who rely on their manhood to succeed?



    Capt. Dave…I would never say anything mean? Shirley, you jest. Never is a long time..

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