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Be a winner! Clock ticking on North Delridge logo contest

July 22, 2011 9:04 am
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(WSB photo from July 2009)
They’re known for the stylish (Heart) Delridge T-shirts sported by many in our photo from the Delridge playground-construction event two years ago this week – but now, as noted here earlier this month, the North Delridge Neighborhood Council is in search of a full-fledged logo, for “a letterhead, posters, and other outreach materials,” as NDNC’s Holli Margell explains. Two weeks left to get in on their logo contest, perfect for a graphic designer who needs to build a portfolio and/or one who’s able to give back to the community with a donation of time and talent. The winner gets not only one of the famous T-shirts, but also $50 in gift certificates to local businesses. If you’re interested, e-mail – and check out the rules/criteria on the NDNC website, here. Deadline is August 5th!

Big West Seattle weekend ahead, with promising weather…

Another round of reminders about big events this weekend (besides The Parade) …

Late-in-the-day rain canceled last weekend’s West Seattle Outdoor Movies opening night (“Ferris Bueller” is rescheduled for August 27th), but so far things look good for THIS Saturday, when “Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure” is planned for the courtyard screen next to Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor, 4410 California SW). Movie’s at dusk; free, but bring a few dollars for concessions and a raffle, both benefiting nonprofits, and of course bring your own blanket/chair. It’ll be a great followup to whatever you spend Saturday doing – maybe first the parade, then an afternoon at the beach, full of art and music:

That’s the MoodSwings Jazz Band, scheduled as the first of 29 music acts on the schedule for the two-day Alki Art Fair this Saturday and Sunday. Music starts at 10 o’clock both mornings, continuing till 8:30 pm on Saturday and 7:15 pm Sunday – two stages, so it’s pretty much nonstop. Other activities – besides admiring and buying art! – include a chance for kids to help create a composite mural, with Charley Danner (who facilitated a different round of painting with kids during a CoolMom event at Alki earlier this year) – Art Fair organizers say each participating child “will be given a space on the mural to create a painting.”

As an Alki Art Fair co-sponsor, we’d love to see you at the beach both days this weekend, but here’s something else we’re also co-sponsoring that’s worth taking a break to be part of on Sunday:

It’s WestSide Baby‘s big “Stuff the Bus” diaper-drive day this Sunday. Your diaper donation counts extra, because if WS Baby gets 50,000 diapers, that’ll mean 100,000 more donated by Huggies. Don’t forget that the location has changed – go to Viking Bank (40th/Alaska) on the east side of The Junction, 10 am-2 pm on Sunday, to drop off your diaper donation!

*** More weekend previews later today…***

Countdown to the Alki Art Fair: Winning T-shirt design

July 19, 2011 9:14 am
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When it’s a celebration of artists – and there’s a competition to design the official T-shirt – you know the result will be memorable. This Saturday and Sunday, the beach will be alive with art for the annual Alki Art Fair (co-sponsored by WSB), and though it’s free, you can help support it by buying a shirt. The winning design is above; the winning artist is Susan Basher, who organizers tell us is new to the fair, and will have a booth there. (You’ve probably seen the poster all around town too – it was created by Alaina Gridley, who has participated in the fair for several years.) In addition to the art you can admire and buy during the fair (10 am-6 pm both days this weekend), make plans to check out at least a few of the 29 acts slated for live musical performances – here’s our previous report with the full schedule, and help pay tribute to the Alki Bathhouse’s centennial (did you catch the Then And Now Seattle Times feature on Sunday?). More previews ahead; check out the official Alki Art Fair website here. And the forecast still tantalizes us with a suggestion of some weekend sunshine…

Mediterranean Fantasy Festival continues at Hiawatha today

Two major ways to brighten your day today, no matter what the weather – and here’s one of them. Before day’s end on Saturday, we stopped by the 24th annual Mediterranean Fantasy Festival. It offers an exotic, colorful escape, as its lineup of more than 200 belly-dance performers and vendors continues starting this morning at 11, in and around Hiawatha Community Center (2700 California SW). We were there for one of the Saturday afternoon sunbreaks:

It was just as bright indoors, with troupe after troupe taking turns delighting the crowd:

And when you stop in, note the festival banner at the indoor stage, designed by West Seattle dancer/artist Dina Lydia (the “Costume Goddess“):

You can find the dancer lineup and other information on the official MedFest website here. (And if you missed it previously, here’s our recent story about the busy local belly-dance scene!)

Scenes from July 2011 West Seattle Art Walk: Mural to marimba

July 14, 2011 9:28 pm
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(WSB photos and video by Patrick Sand)
During tonight’s West Seattle Art Walk, muralist Glenn Case started work on a mural, about murals, at Mural Apartments (WSB sponsor). He explains the project in this quick clip:

Some of the most vivid work we saw tonight was by Sheila Lengle, showing at Shoofly Pie Company:

Sheila’s art career is in resurgence – you might remember her as the owner of Critical Mass and ec’Collective art galleries. She says she’ll be the August artist at Brunette Mix (WSB sponsor), also in The Junction, and will have a September show at Alki Arts.

Our Junction adventure continued at Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor), which had a visit from the DRY Soda team, offering free samples:

Inside, artist Dawn Endean:

And then back up California at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor), a little marimba music from NZIRA:

Hotwire, of course, is where you’ll find West Seattle Outdoor Movies for the next six Saturday nights, weather permitting, starting with “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” at dusk this Saturday (free, bring your own chair/blanket, and a few dollars for concessions/raffles that benefit local nonprofits). West Seattle Art Walk, meantime, is always the second Thursday of the month, 6-9 pm, and you can watch for updates at the Art Walk website.

Speaking of music: 29-act lineup for Alki Art Fair, July 23-24

July 13, 2011 12:49 am
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Lots more outdoor fun to come this summer, and we have more information you can use to plan ahead – the music schedule for the Alki Art Fair, at the beach July 23rd-July 24th. WSB is a co-sponsor this year for the first time, and we’ll bring you preview information in the days ahead. Here’s the live-music lineup, 10 am-8:30 pm on Saturday 7/23, 10 am-7:15 pm on Sunday 7/24. Twenty-nine acts are scheduled over the two-day fair, which is running on volunteer power this year, more than ever, because of the city budget cuts affecting Alki Community Center staff. The Alki Bathhouse’s centennial celebration will be part of the fair, too, and that includes one onstage event, vintage swimsuit fashions at 2:30 pm on 7/23, courtesy of Southwest Seattle Historical Society. That’s the only non-music event on the schedule (here’s that PDF again).

West Seattle scene: Star Anna packs Easy Street in The Junction

Big crowd inside and outside West Seattle’s Easy Street Records tonight for Star Anna and The Laughing Dogs, performing live to celebrate the release of their new album “Alone in This Together.” We’re told Star Anna lives here now, as do some of her bandmates. Even from the street, though, as this clip tweeted by @darrenkwalsh shows, they sounded great. If you missed the Easy Street show, the band’s website says they’re live downtown at noon tomorrow (like tonight’s Easy Street show, free) – AND later this summer, you’ll see them again in West Seattle during Summer Concerts at Hiawatha (co-sponsored by WSB) series, as the grand-finale act on September 1st.

9:49 PM: Thanks to Colby for sharing a ground-level photo:

West Seattle, belly-dance mecca: Festival next weekend, and more

EDITOR’S NOTE: Belly dancers delighted West Seattle Summer Fest crowds last weekend and will welcome you to the annual Mediterranean Fantasy Festival in the park around Hiawatha Community Center next Saturday and Sunday (July 16-17), plus they have a monthly showcase at Skylark Café and Club. With all that, we sent WSB contributor Keri DeTore out in search of the people behind West Seattle’s belly-dancing mecca status.

By Keri DeTore
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

If you’re interested in watching a belly-dance performance, or taking classes, you might be surprised to find that you need look no further than right down the street.

Our own West Seattle and White Center neighborhoods boast a large community of belly dancers who perform and teach classes locally. In fact, when local belly dancer and costume designer Dina Lydia> was asked for an interview for this WSB story, she quickly gathered three other dancers for what became something of a panel discussion regarding our local community of dancers, its history and opportunities for involvement.

Joining Dina Lydia were Adriene Rice and Julia Demarest of Troupe Hipnotica and Imei, who performs solo.

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Happening now: Alki Arts celebrates 1st anniversary

Alki Arts owner Diane Venti, right, is celebrating her gallery’s 1st anniversary on into tonight – violinist Geoffrey Castle was scheduled to perform starting at 7. In our photo above, Diane is with nearby residents Celest and Karen, who made the first purchase of the day. The gallery’s featured artists today are Karen Dedrickson and John Constantine:

Alki Arts serves as more than a gallery – Diane also has opened it up for community events, from parenting workshops to parties to even a future-of-journalism discussion. It’s at 2820 Alki SW, online at and on Facebook here (where the party invite says tonight’s festivities continue till 10).

West Seattle summer fun: Movies, parade, Art Fair ahead

July 9, 2011 11:30 pm
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 |   Fun stuff to do | West Seattle Grand Parade | West Seattle news | West Seattle Outdoor Movies | WS culture/arts

At the West Seattle Summer Fest information booth, besides “where’s the stage?” “when’s (fill in the band name)?” and “anybody here selling strawberry shortcake?” frequent questions include the dates of other upcoming major summer events. So, a couple quick notes tonight on three of the biggest events ahead (all of which we are co-sponsoring):

WEST SEATTLE OUTDOOR MOVIES START ONE WEEK FROM TONIGHT: Next Saturday (July 16th), get to the Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) courtyard early and stake out your spot for the season’s first of six West Seattle Outdoor Movies, “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off(trailer above). Each movie screens at dusk and will have preshow entertainment this year (find the schedule here). Free, but bring a few bucks for concessions and raffles that raise money for local nonprofits.

WEST SEATTLE GRAND PARADE, TWO WEEKS FROM TODAY: 11 am Saturday, July 23rd, the big parade coordinated by American Legion Post 160 rolls down California from Lander to Edmunds, with floats, bands, community entries, motorcycles, and more – including traditional favorites like the Seafair Pirates and All-City Band, and there’s always something/someone new. The parade’s online at and on Facebook here.

ALKI ART FAIR, TWO WEEKS FROM TODAY/TOMORROW: Also on July 23rd, plus July 24th, this year’s Alki Art Fair at the beach. WSB is a co-sponsor for the first time, and while you’ll see a longer preview here in the next day or so, there’s advance word on the Art Fair website now – including the Alki Bathhouse centennial celebration, and music on two stages!

West Seattleite to open mobile art gallery in an Airstream trailer

Video, photos, and reporting by Christopher Boffoli
For West Seattle Blog

Brenda Scallon is a little more than one week away from the first show for her mobile Airstream-trailer art gallery.

Scallon is a 26-year resident of West Seattle who formerly co-owned the Black Lab and Parlour gallery in Ballard.

She’s also a musician with the band Daughters of Joy. Brenda, her husband and children, live at 3815 46th Ave SW, and in this case, the specific address matters, since that’s where her trailer/gallery’s first show will be.

First, the backstory: A couple years ago she got the idea to do a mobile gallery in an Airstream trailer. She started looking around and ultimately found a 1974 Airstream in Lake Stevens for $5,000. She has been renovating bit by bit since she brought it home.

Airstream trailers, first produced in the 1930s, continue to have something of a cult following in the US. They’re desired for their classic retro, riveted aluminum design.

Scallon’s Airstream has required quite a bit of work.

She has had to seal up leaks, replace flooring and paint some of the interior surfaces. There were also a few dents to bang out, some of which occurred in her driveway when a neighbor’s tree fell on the trailer in a windstorm. Scallon has added some modern electrical components but has kept the ’70s-era sound system, which includes an 8-track tape player.

Unlike most art galleries, the trailer is not exactly spacious. So Scallon plans to put up various tents around the trailer to expand the gallery space. She is planning to do quarterly shows in various locations. The first show and open house, featuring artists Michael O’Driscoll (), E. Grace Dager, Band of Toy, and Scallon’s own art, will be on Friday, July 15th, 7-10 pm, at 3815 46th Ave SW.

Scallon is inviting local artists to contact her if they want to participate in future shows. She can be contacted at:

West Seattle Wednesday: Traffic alert; Duwamish kayaking; more

(Fauntleroy ferry dock, fog, Vashon Island; WSB photo by Patrick Sand, added 8:39 am)
From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

TRAFFIC ALERT: Tonight’s the first of three nights for lane closures on the westbound Spokane Street Viaduct, as part of the widening project. The westbound right lane will be closed 11 pm-5 am. (Also note that the entire westbound stretch will be closed 11 pm-5 am three nights NEXT week, 7/12-7/14.)

UP EARLY? The Westside Professionals business-networking group would love to meet you this morning, 8 am, The Kenney.

APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR NEW HOUSING COMMUNITY: Strength of Place Village begins accepting rental applications today. This is a new low-income community in White Center at 14th Ave SW and 100th Ave SW, currently under construction. Sit down with a management rep to fill out an application for housing & ask questions. Child care, light refreshments and interpretation in Spanish, Vietnamese & Somali will be available, according to the announcement. Come to the YWCA Learning Center at Greenbridge (9720 8th SW), 3 pm – 7 pm. Download application here

SEE THE RIVER: The 2011 Summer Community Kayak Tour series by Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition starts tonight, 5:30-8:30pm: RSVP to Alki Kayak Tours (206) 953-0237. Tours cost $45 per person, we also ask for a $5 donation per person to DRCC/TAG to support our educational programs. All equipment, instructions, and guiding are provided. Children under 18 must be accompanied by parent/guardian. Some scholarship funding is available for Duwamish community members; please contact DRCC/TAG for more information. Meet at Terminal 107 Park in West Seattle (4700 West Marginal Way SW). More info

DANCE!: Dance Time with Lauren Petrie (at Bridge Park, which is at 3204 SW Morgan), 1st Wednesday of the month, 7 pm – 9 pm. Tonight’s theme: Summertime.

(added) REALITY SHOW VIEWING PARTY: At Beveridge Place Pub at 6:30 pm tonight, Ian Sutton and friends plan to gather to watch an episode of the reality-show “Bath Crashers,” featuring his firm Green Home Contractors working on a North Seattle bathroom remodel. (If you can’t make the party, the show’s at 7 on the DIY Network.)

West Seattle music: Local scenery in new Cause & Effect video

Thanks to Nick for sharing the link to this newly released video by the duo Cause and Effect. Not only did we like the song (“Happiness Is Alien”), having a personal fondness for synthpop, but it’s cool to see the West Seattle backdrops that dominate the video (after the first minute or so). The scenery is what won the recommendation from Nick, who says C&E’s Rob Rowe lives here. The song is from their new multisong release “Artificial Construct II,” available July 26th.

New at West Seattle Summer Fest this year: Hack-cycle

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Recycling is bigger than ever at West Seattle Summer Fest this year.

Not just because the festival zone in The Junction this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday will be aiming for Zero Waste … nor is it just because sustainability is in the spotlight in the GreenLife area again this year.

Recycling will also happen in the form of interactive art, via a first-time feature called Hack-cycle – which you could say puts the “cycle” in “recycling.”

“We’ll have equipment for people to dissemble and reconfigure bikes,” explains Rusty Oliver (right), a metalwork artist and instructor who’s based in South Park. But there’s a lot more to it than that.

If you know Rusty’s work, we have to say, it’ll be tamer than a lot of what he’s known for, such as art with flames:

However Hack-cycle plays out, consider it your introduction to metal art – just bring a bike, not part of a bike, but a bike you’re willing to, well, reconfigure, as part of what might be Summer Fest’s most memorable interactive activity yet … human-powered, in multiple ways.

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‘Rocky Horror Show Live’ about to time-warp into ArtsWest

(Photos by Michael Brunk, courtesy ArtsWest)
If you’re used to the monthly “Rocky Horror Picture Show” screenings at Admiral Theater – or past experiences – a few things you need to know about “The Rocky Horror Show Live,” opening July 13th at ArtsWest in The Junction. Do NOT bring toast, or rice, or any of the other routinely thrown items. Why? Explained here. However, the ArtsWest notes say, verbal audience participation IS welcome. So you don’t have to be as sweet and innocent as Brad and Janet

… but do keep in mind, this is a production of the Summer Musical Theater Apprenticeship Program at ArtsWest, and not recommended for those under 16. Our reminder of the upcoming “Rocky Horror” run landed in the inbox Sunday night courtesy of cast member Tyler Webster, who has praise for everyone in what Tyler calls “an amazing cast” and adds, ” All of us are dedicated to this performance and have been balancing school, work, and multiple other commitments.” So show ’em some love – showtimes are 7:30 pm Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays from July 13th through July 23rd, with added 11 pm shows on Fridays and Saturdays. Tickets are available online right now – go here. (Theatergoers under 25 pay only $10!)

Followup: Walker Rock Garden’s fate remains a mystery

(Photos by Ellen Cedergreen for WSB)
Since our report of two “open” dates for West Seattle’s celebrated Walker Rock Garden revived questions about its status and fate since it went up for sale earlier this year, we asked WSB contributor Ellen Cedergreen to check out Friday’s two-hour “open” window. She talked there with its listing agent Brad Cooper, but he would not comment on its status, whether it’s been sold, is still for sale, etc. The sale listing for the 12,700-square-foot site still has the notation “pending feasibility.”

Cooper did say that the current overgrowth visible in some areas of the rock garden is about to be cleaned up for a magazine shoot.

The next listed public “open” date is 9:30 am-10:30 am on July 16th (5407 37th SW); watch for other dates (and we will too – whenever we find them in advance, we’ll add them to the WSB West Seattle Events calendar.).

Also tonight: Junction pipe/drum parade for A Terrible Beauty

If you’re in The Junction around 7 pm tonight, be on the lookout for a parade. WSB contributor Katie Meyer reports that A Terrible Beauty‘s new West Seattle location is celebrating its official grand opening (though it’s been open since Tuesday) with a pipes-and-drums parade – the firefighter groups from Seattle and the Eastside will start at Alaska/California and march down the block to the new restaurant/pub, where the Irish flag will be planted. Spectators welcome!

Two more chances to tour West Seattle’s Walker Rock Garden

(Walker Rock Garden photo courtesy Lita Gill)
Five months ago, the home whose site includes the Walker Rock Garden – a quirky labor of love – was put up for sale. Rather quickly, its listing showed a pending deal … but so far, there is no indication that has closed (the notation remains “pending feasibility“), and for those who have wanted advance notice of chances to see the rock garden, in case its days are numbered, here it is: From time to time we have checked its website, and just happened to find it has two tour dates listed: July 1st (this Friday), 10 am-noon, and July 16th, 9:30-10:30 am. The website also promises “more times to be announced.” (Our previous inquiries asking its owners and realtor for a status update have gone unanswered so far, but we keep trying.) The Walker Rock Garden is at 5407 37th SW; read its backstory here.

West Seattle summer: Beloved Mexico @ Admiral concerts

As popular as the Summer Concerts at Hiawatha series (presented by the Admiral Neighborhood Association, with co-sponsors including WSB) has been, many have wished for dinner options, so you don’t have to haul in your picnic for the outdoor series. Today, there’s word there will be something new this year – the Beloved Mexico food truck, which has been a fixture at the West Seattle Produce lot along Fauntleroy Way, will be there, according to ANA president Katy Walum. Definitely for the five shows that will be at Hiawatha, and they’ll also try to be at the one show set for Alki (August 11), she says. Also booked again this year: The Full Tilt Ice Cream bicycle-pulled cart with ice-cream bars, for all shows. Missed the announcement of the Admiral concert lineup? Check it out here; six Thursday nights, starting July 28th, free, all ages welcome, BYO chairs/blankets!

TV crew at Skylark Wednesday night – help fill up the crowd

During open-mike time at Skylark Café and Club tomorrow (Wednesday) night, around 9 pm, Jason Brunet plans to rap. And, he says, an ABC News TV crew will be there to record him, so perhaps you’d like to be there for the crowd cutaways. Jason has gained media attention lately for an unusual reason: His mom is a “hoarder,” and his family was featured on the reality-TV show “Hoarders.” He also was recently on NBC‘s “Today” (here’s the video clip). Now, he says, ABC’s “20/20” is doing a segment about the children of hoarders, and wants to include video of him performing, so he’s hoping to have a TV-worthy audience at Skylark tomorrow (3803 Delridge Way SW). You can check out his music, by the way, at

All-City Band seeks alumni, announces 60th anniversary party

June 27, 2011 11:31 am
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That’s our video of the All-City Band at the end of last year’s West Seattle American Legion Post 160 Grand Parade, and you’ll see them again in this year’s parade, coming up Saturday, July 23rd. Two weeks after that, the famed band – led by West Seattle’s own Marcus Pimpleton – will celebrate its 60th anniversary. For the occasion, they’re planning a banquet/auction on August 5 – also here in West Seattle, with tickets are on sale now – and they’re looking for past participants to join an alumni band. From the Friends of All-City Band, this news release:

School’s out for summer, and the Seattle All-City Band begins rehearsals this week in preparation of a summer full of performances in Seafair parades and community celebrations throughout the region. This summer, however, is quite special to the band’s over 120 students, volunteer staff members, and supportive parent base; this marks the 60th edition of the All-City Band program.

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West Seattle summer: Still room in kids’ music program

June 25, 2011 6:45 pm
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Don’t let your young musician fall out of practice over the summer. Toni Reineke sends word there’s still room in this program (she shared the photo, too):

It’s still not too late to sign up for Summer Music at West Seattle High School! We are nearing our capacity of 60 students, but still have room for a few more.

In its 58th year, it’s taught by Seattle Public Schools music teachers and is for students who just finished 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th grades (other grades by permission).

Designed for students grades 4-8 (student must have completed at least one year of instrumental instruction)
Students who attend Seattle Public Schools as well as private schools are welcome!
Band, strings, jazz band, solos, ensembles, improvisation — and more!
Daily field recesses!
Concerts every Friday at 11:00 a.m.
Weekdays, June 27 – July 15 (except July Fourth), 9:00 to noon.

For more info, please call the Fine and Performing Arts Department at 206-252-0051 or 252-0050, or contact Toni Reineke, Head Teacher, at 206-243-6955 or

More West Seattle outdoor music: Lineup for The Mount

June 24, 2011 9:52 am
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(WSB photo of Danny Vernon’s Illusion of Elvis at The Mount, summer 2010)
Tons of tunes in the works for West Seattle outdoor-concert fans. West Seattle Summer Fest is up first (haven’t seen the lineup yet? here it is) – then there’s the Hi-Yu Concert in the Park with the West Seattle Big Band on July 19 – the Admiral Neighborhood Association‘s Summer Concerts at Hiawatha start July 28th – and today we have the lineup for this year’s outdoor-concert series at Providence Mount St. Vincent (4831 35th SW):

August 5th-The Haggis Brothers “Rockin’, swingin’ fiddle driven string band”
August 12th-The Illusion of Elvis by Danny Vernon. Classic car show this night, too!
August 19th-Cheryl Serio “Vintage jazz, pop and cabaret”
August 26th-Selam Band “World music”

(Each event runs) 5:00 to 7:30 pm – Live music from 6:00 to 7:30 pm

The music is free, as are snow cones and popcorn, and special kids’ activities; bring your own blanket/chair; dinner and beverages (beer/wine available) can be purchased. The Mount has a special-events hotline for questions – (206) 937-3701, ext. 28652.