Coyote crosses 35th SW, and two other West Seattle sightings

Suddenly we have three coyote reports to share – so here goes.

FROM JAF: A coyote crossed 35th SW at Brandon “at approximately 2 pm on 10/27. Poor thing ran east across 35th in traffic to get away from me (pulling in garbage cans). Luckily, cars stopped for it.”

Not long before that, and not too far away:

FROM JOHN … who included this photo:

He saw that coyote “at the corner of 37th and Graham, 1:20 pm today.”

And this happened around 11:30 last night:

FROM JOEY: “Coyote spotted on 34th running toward Barton and the P-Patch. On its way, it attacked a small animal (cat?). Horrible sounds. Little animal got away and ran toward west side of 34th.”

(The most important thing you can do if you see a coyote, the state reminds us on this info-sheet, is to scare it away – for its sake, for your sake, for pets’ sake. They’re everywhere – but they’ll keep their distance if they perceive it’s too risky to get close.)

6 Replies to "Coyote crosses 35th SW, and two other West Seattle sightings"

  • Lindsey October 27, 2015 (3:15 pm)

    I’m sure WSB has published it before, but is there an estimate as to how many coyotes might be in West Seattle? I’m assuming they live in the big parks on our peninsula (Lincoln, Schmidt, Camp Long), but maybe they come from farther away?

  • Scott October 27, 2015 (3:50 pm)

    Wow that is one messed up looking coyote.

  • BLB October 27, 2015 (4:13 pm)

    That coyote looks rough.

  • probably cuz October 27, 2015 (4:27 pm)

    Coyote does look messed up. It’s either old fur that needs to shed or mange. Probably both.

    And when experts suggest we scare off the coyotes, they probably don’t mean scare them into oncoming traffic, though I realize that it is not always under one’s control. Still.

  • JAF October 27, 2015 (10:44 pm)

    Yes, we surprised each other. Drivers on I-35 don’t stop for much, so I was gratified to see it happen in this case.

  • reapit October 30, 2015 (9:13 am)

    That dog has sarcoptic mange and will be dead in a couple of months. Hopefully he won’t infect any pets before he expires though I am doubtful. I hold the people of King County responsible for outlawing the only effective way of trapping these sick animals.

    You passed I713 in 2000 now you can reap what was sown.

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