West Seattle Thursday: Otto the otter update! Plus Design Review, theater x 2, adventurer Erden Eruç, much more…

Before the calendar highlights for today/tonight – an Otto update! David Hutchinson shares that new photo of the Duwamish Head-frequenting otter, with this update:

Otto the river otter is continuing to entertain folks walking along the Alki Trail past Duwamish Head. He’s visited his favorite spot 7 of the last 9 days, usually hanging out from about 11 AM – 5 PM. His behavioral pattern is to bring in his favorite food (a flounder) to eat on the rocks nearby, and then make a stop on the sand to dry off his fur, do some grooming, and take a short nap. Then it’s back out for some more fishing. There’s no guarantee that this will continue, as river otters circulate around to different sites in their territory.

Even though river otters are not marine mammals, Seal Sitters has had volunteers around most days to answer questions and is always looking for new members. The next training is on Sunday afternoon, March 22nd, at the Alki Bathhouse. Go to www.blubberblog.org for additional details and to find where to RSVP if you would like to attend.

Now, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

FREE CAR-SEAT SAFETY CHECKS: Wonder whether your baby/toddler/child seat is correctly installed/fastened? Swedish Automotive (WSB sponsor) is offering free checks 11 am-2 pm today and tomorrow, any vehicle make/model, not just the ones in which they specialize. (35th/Kenyon)

FAREWELL RECEPTION: As previewed here earlier this week, the Log House Museum is saying goodbye to manager Sarah Baylinson (headed to Oregon!), and you’re invited to stop by for her farewell reception 3-4 pm today. (61st/Stevens)

COMMUNITY ORCHARD OF WEST SEATTLE: First of the season’s weekly work parties, 4-6 pm – all welcome – details here. (6000 16th SW)

‘OLD SCHOOLHOUSE’ TASTING NIGHT: 5-8 pm at The Beer Junction – details in our calendar listing. (4511 California SW)

DESIGN REVIEW FOR 4515 41ST SW: 6:30 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle, the Southwest Design Review Board takes another look at the 4-story, 66-bed memory-care center proposed for 4515 41st SW in The Junction. Preview the “packet” here. Public comment welcome. (Oregon/California)

MEET HISTORY-MAKING ADVENTURER: 7 pm at Emerald Water Anglers (WSB sponsor), meet West Seattleite Erden Eruç, who’s in the records as the first to circumnavigate the globe on his own. And that’s far from all he’s accomplished! Hear his stories and see his photos – as previewed here. (42nd/Oregon)

HOLY ROSARY SCHOOL PLAY: 7 pm, second of two performances of ‘Fairy Tale Network‘ – read about it in our calendar listing, then go applaud the young performers! Free but “donations warmly accepted at the door.” (42nd/Genesee)

‘CHINGLISH’ OPENS AT ARTSWEST: First performance, 7:30 pm, for the new production at ArtsWest Playhouse (WSB sponsor). It’s described as a “laugh-out-loud comedy.” Tickets available online, here. (4711 California SW)

MUCH MORE! on our calendar.

13 Replies to "West Seattle Thursday: Otto the otter update! Plus Design Review, theater x 2, adventurer Erden Eruç, much more..."

  • clark5080 March 5, 2015 (10:03 am)

    Exactly where is the area Otto is frequenting? “Alki Trail past Duwamish Head” my 400mm lens is itching to get some shots of him

  • pest alert March 5, 2015 (10:25 am)

    River otters are major messy pests that can do *serious* property damage. Putting them on the same footing as baby harbor seals is madness.

  • schwaggy March 5, 2015 (11:04 am)

    Been enjoying watching this little guy, but I hope he moves on soon. It’s a really bad spot to hang out. I see folks let their dogs run down those steps to the beach all the time.

    @pest alert – mmmmmmmmKthxbye.

  • Eric1 March 5, 2015 (12:03 pm)

    I actually think otters are better than the seals. At least the otters are cute and fuzzy. Harbor seals not so much. Harbor seals can soil boats, docks and beaches with the best of them. Their best function seems to be Orca attractant in my book.

  • sc March 5, 2015 (12:19 pm)

    The Otter, I’m Told

    The otter, I’m told,
    will never grow cold,
    no matter how chilly the water.
    Instead he will float
    in his lovely fur coat
    while the warmth of his fur makes him ‘otter.

    –Kenn Nesbitt

  • David Hutchinson March 5, 2015 (12:25 pm)

    Duwamish Head is the northern most point of the West Seattle peninsula. Otto is using the area just past where Harbor Ave SW turns into Alki Ave SW, on the small Seattle Parks beach by the large anchor.
    I would like to point out that Seal Sitters is handling this in a very different way than we do for marine mammals which are protected by law. We would normally tape off an section of the beach consistent with NOAA guidelines. That is not being done in the case of Otto. A number of Seal Sitter first responders drop by to monitor his activity and let people that stop to take a look know what he is, what he’s doing, and a bit about river otters and the marine life of Puget Sound. A temporary sign is also put at the top of the steps to alert people to his presence.
    In the story about Otto that was posted back on 2/27, we mentioned the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife webpage that contains an informative section on non-lethal ways of dealing with nuisance otters on private property.

  • John March 5, 2015 (1:29 pm)

    @pest alert…

    An Otter does very little damage compared to the “Serious” damage we humans have. Picture what the Seattle area looked like just 150 years ago.
    I for one am happy to see animals still with us….

  • Jeanie March 5, 2015 (2:39 pm)

    Thank you, John.

  • RarelyEver March 5, 2015 (4:48 pm)

    Great shot, David Hutchinson!! :)

  • mrsMarty March 5, 2015 (5:07 pm)


    having a bad day?

  • tw March 5, 2015 (5:31 pm)

    -Otto needs your help and protection West Seattle…
    myself and another concerned Otto admirer had to stop traffic on busy beach drive at sunset so Otto could get across safely .Road signs?.otter escorts?.Save Otto!

  • busrider March 5, 2015 (6:16 pm)

    What’s that strong odor by Kitty Harbor/U Bike? I could smell it while on the bus.

  • wetone March 6, 2015 (5:11 pm)

    pest alert, is exactly right with comment. Most people on here see river otters as interesting and cute critters and that’s fine, but anyone that has had waterfront property, boat, boathouse knows how bad these lovely cute critters can damage ones property. Growing up at Alki I knew more than a few that had expensive property damage and health issues(from waste) caused from otters. We have the same problem today in marinas where the otters get on boats and boathouses chewing things up and staining paint jobs, costing owners big money for fixes. Not much different than a big wharf rat. Always keep your distance as they can be very aggressive when their space is invaded.

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