Thanks Pops

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    On this morning, June 6, 1944, the 101st Airborne, America’s Screaming Eagles made their mark on history. 72 hours later, with over 75 per cent of your unit dead or wounded, you were were taken POW. The rest of your life, I would watch as you massaged the burn and shrapnel scars loose before going to work. S/Sgt Robert E. Keyser, Purple Heart, Bronze Star “V” for that service.

    In his first address to his soldiers the day the division was born, Major General Lee read General Order Number 5 dated 19 August 1942:

    The 101st Airborne Division, which was activated on 16 August 1942, at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana, has no history, but it has a rendezvous with destiny.



    That’s very powerful Kootch. Thank you for sharing.



    Wow, 75% casualties. Regular folks put into unbelievable situations and doing incredible things. Then going back to their lives and, unless you asked about it, you’d probably never know what they’d done.



    Thanks for sharing this! It is solid reminder to never forget how we got here…

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