Must See Movie

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    NewRes, have you seen “The Savages” yet? Hoffman’s in it and it got good reviews. I haven’t seen it but just put it on my Netflix.


    Tommy Lee Jones was hilarious! He can deadpan a line like nobody else. I could watch him for hours.

    I put “3:10 to Yuma” on my Netflix as well, though I’m not a fan of westerns generally…it looks intense enough that I just might like it.

    A warning that “No Country” is pretty violent. Doesn’t bother me but I know it gets to others.



    Kayleigh – 3:10 to Yuma was good. I’m not a western fan either, but I enjoyed it.

    I have not seen “The Savages”, but will put it on my list. Thanks for the tip.



    WSMom, I loved waitress. I watched it twice in a row and then dreamed of pies for a week. Not for everyone (the movie) but I like quirky.



    Fans of the remake of 3:10 should rent the original. It’s quite amazing and I don’t like Westerns at all — (heresy alert) I don’t even like Shane.

    I don’t tend to like remakes–among other things, they make me feel old. :-) But I will give this one a chance (I have such faith in you guys.)



    One of the few films I have given a perfect 10 of 10 over at iMDB is “UNITED 93”

    This is perhaps the most viscerally intense film I’ve ever seen – profoundly disturbing and frightening.

    This film is not for the faint of heart.

    Also, in the theme of doomed resistance, THE GREY ZONE …

    I rated this 9 of 10.


    You can find my other iMDB ratings …



    Bruno Ganz’ performance as Hitler is an acting achievement to match Orson Welles as Citizen Kane, in DOWNFALL, another 10 of 10 for me …

    If you value great WWII films do not miss DOWNFALL.



    I heard of this when it first came out — and meant to watch it; thank you for the reminder — and for reviving this thread. What’s everyone watching now?

    the charlabob scored a huge box of varied videos at last night’s raffle/auction. I’ll let you know of any gems.

    Meanwhile, Crazy Love, for anyone interested in truly inexpicable relationships and true stories. Woman scorns man — woman disfigured by person hired by man — man goes to prison — man comes out — marries woman — they live, um, everafter. Strange flick — well done. Disturbing.



    charla – I would like to recommend to you, if you have not yet seen it, the movie “Once”. It is one of the best movies I have seen in a very long time, and it was fantastic (in fact, we’ve already rented it twice and I don’t think it’s been out that long).

    Definitely a “must see”!



    Thanks, NR — I’m hooked both by your recommendation and by the line that showed up in google: “A scrappy heart-on-its sleeve little movie.” Quite different from, and a good antidote to, “Crazy Love.” You-all have convinced me to (1) Sign up with Blockbuster and lose Netflix (again) and (2) ping this list again when I run out of recommendations.



    Blockbuster: Pre-Sanitized for your viewing pleasure. No thanks!



    NR…Once is one of my favorite movies. Glen Hansard, who stars in it , was the lead singer of an Irish group called The Frames…absolutely adore them. He’s now touring with a group called Swell Season, with his co-star….check them out :)



    Jan – He is amazing! I heard the two stars fell in love during the making of the movie. Maybe it was just hype, but I like to believe it.



    JenV, does BB actually supply “edited” versions of movies? If yes, we won’t be going there.



    charlabob- while they don’t censor movies, they did choose to stock only studio cut r-rated and below movies- no unrated or NC17. So they were in essence pre-screening what you were able to rent. I don’t know how prevalent this is now, with their online service and wanting to compete in the Netflix market, but they used to do it and so lost me as a customer for life. I also won’t order from Dominos pizza because of their political & religious stance. I won’t shop at Wal-Mart for many reasons. (i am not calling for anyone to boycott any business in general, I just like to do my homework on where my money goes…)



    I don’t go to WalMart or Dominos — the list is long…I just figured that Blockbuster had come to its senses — I will check before I sign up. Thanks for the reminder.



    I recall hearing that WalMart had special, censored versions of movies to sell in their stores. Don’t know if that’s an urban legend, or really true.

    I don’t shop there often, but maybe once a year. It’s almost a cultural experience, especially since we don’t have a K-Mart in WS any more. (I never use Dominos, no matter what.)



    They’ve always censored by “elimination” (refusing to sell.) A few years ago, they tried to “censor” a Michael Moore movie but had to relent when it became a hit.

    They do only sell “GP” rated CD’s — and, it’s an urban legend that they hide the covers of controversial video games.

    All the discussions I could find in Google were from before 2003, so I’m not sure they’re still valid.



    Another documentary recommendation — Touch the Sound — a biography of percussionist Evelyn Glennie, who also happens to be profoundly deaf. You have to like or tolerate very modern music (Fred Frith) but it’s a very interesting and compelling story of how you really can do anything you set your mind to.



    Great documentary, GRIZZLY MAN …

    … about that nut case Treadwell who “lived with grizzlies” until they ate him and his girlfriend – the speculation as to why he was attacked after years of living among them is very interesting, totally preventable.

    And for some more “real nature” don’t miss this youtube classic, 29 million views !!!

    “Battle at Kruger” …

    … some of the best “nature” footage I’ve ever seen; sort of rough on the calf. Watch it to the end.

    Lesson: DON’T TRY TO PET THE WEST SEATTLE WILDLIFE!!! And don’t put food outside.



    I wanted to recommend another documentary (especially for the present time) and in regards to other threads on this forum.

    “Why We Fight”. Very informative. I don’t feel that it is, in any way, “one-sided”, but gives all views from all angles in regards to war.

    Interesting documentary. I highly recommend it.



    Wow…what a list for my movies to see… thanks for all of the recommendations. :)



    I just saw this piece on Eddie Vedder in the P.I. about the movie “Body of War”



    one of my all time faves: The Straight Story. It is the true story of Alvin Straight, who after losing his license,rode his lawnmower from Iowa to Wisconsin to mend his relationship with his ill brother. Directed by- of all people- David Lynch. Sissy Spacek plays his mentally handicapped daughter. it is just a sweet, simple film. Don’t be freaked out- it is not typical David Lynch fare.



    I’m a child of the 60’s…EV’s song would have fit right in then, too…

    I read the review of the Documentary in that PI article. The reviewer – Bill White – says the movie is just propaganda in an election year…I wonder. Guess we should see it ourselves and form our own opinion.

    There’s another documentary playing at the Landmark Egyptian on E. Pine called Young At Heart. It’s about an amazing chorus of senior citizens (average age 83) from Massachusetts, the Young at Heart Chorus. Google Youtube for “Young at Heart”..listen to some of the songs…Coldplay’s “Fix It”…the Ramones “I wanna be sedated”…definitely something to see…can’t wait to see the movie..



    Jen, I loved The Straight Story!

    If you like the quiet, thoughtful, mostly-indie-but-not-trying-to-be-hip kinda movies, some of my other faves: “The Station Agent,” “Breach” and “The Shipping News”.

    Putting “Once” on my list. :-)

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