MONA, the Lowman Beach cat – concern

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    Mona is that small, friendly tortoiseshell cat who hangs out at Lowman Beach. She is adorable and I always say hello when she’s out.

    Today I encountered her first on the stairs through the new sewage-treatment plant across Beach Drive from Lowman. We encouraged her to follow us back to the park where she’d be safer.

    Then later this afternoon I encountered her much further away, trotting along the sidewalk beside busy, dangerous Lincoln Park Way near the Kenney.

    I’m really concerned for her safety. If you are Mona’s owners or know them – could you please keep her contained and under supervision, and limit her range? She is such a sweet little girl and I hate to see her at such risk.



    We have a cat in our neighborhood that is a small sweet girl (too) and I thought she was a stray for the longest time so I was feeding her leaving water… come to find out she lives 2 doors down and all her owners said when I asked was “oh she is OK, she’s a tough girl” and besides we do not want a cat litter box in the house…OK that doesn’t mean leave her out in all kinds of weather she needs some kind of comfort and love. What I guess I’m getting at is there are people that take animals in as “pets” and then neglect them and there is nothing you can do about it especially when you don’t know who owns them like your little one. sad, sad, sad.



    What lovely neighbors, letting you know that they’d much prefer that their cat crap in your yard and become a neighborhood charity case rather than act like responsible adults and pet owners. There’s a sweet kitty (if she’s still alive) named Ruby who hangs around the Hall at Fauntleroy. I was in contact with the caretaker several years ago, who admitted that she wasn’t fed for days at a time. She was always back and forth in traffic. Clue: cats do not have car avoidance skills and intuition as negligent pet owners would conveniently like to believe. These sweet, neglected animals deserve better homes (hint, hint).

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