McCain ?????

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    McCain’s financial interests tied to his campaign contributions?

    John McCain gets substantial contributions from Nevada gaming interests.

    His wife (Anhauser Bush)gts huge beer distribution contracts from Nevada casinos…

    Of course, it’s her money.. and his children’s … not his. Just look at his disclosure statements ;-)



    you might look into what the United Nations found when it looked into the resettlement of Navaho peoples in Arizoan..

    and John McCain’s involvement in that violation of United States treaties and human rights … to the benefit of Peaboy Coal…. One of his long time contributors…

    fascinating reading.. especially if you follow the links…



    On another note, what exactly are Clinton’s or Obama’s plans in regard to our federal budget?

    The national debt is now $9 trillion.

    In the past few years, Clinton has attached about $2.2 billion in earmarks to federal spending bills.

    John McCain has asked for $0 in earmarks.

    John McCain has one of the best spending records in Congress.

    This is a huge issue, our federal budget. I would say this is significant to issues such as the war and the environment. We need someone who will take care of this issue and has a strong record of being capable to do so. That would be John McCain.



    Earmarks are a really small part of the budget new resident. i think something like 3% They are great for show, but not much else.

    the war is a really huge part of the budget. they have said what they will do with that. Even if they can’t get us out of Iraq right away.. they can stop the hemoraging.

    if all they did was fire blackwater.. and use the troops on the ground to replace them.. it would be a huge savings… our military is a lot cheaper and we don’t have to worry about what they will do there… they are actually accountable.

    they have both said that they will end the tax cuts for the wealthy.. which will increase income… which i believe they both intend to use to fund their health care packages…

    When the first Clinton was in office… Al Gore spearheaded a trimming of the budget by going through federal agencies and eliminating redundancy… which apparently needs to be done again.

    heck.. we would get savings and efficiency. what a thought:)

    and all this before i have even had my morning pills;) want me to work on it?



    Are you sure, cuz this sounds like more of the same…

    McCain’s rhetoric might help him pander to the right wing of his party and bolster his “maverick” image, but it doesn’t match his own fiscally reckless record. The truth is, all the complaining aside, McCain voted for four out of five of George Bush’s reckless budgets, turning record surpluses into record deficits and creating trillions of dollars of debt for the next generation of Americans. In fact, based on his campaign promises to keep our troops in Iraq for 100 years, make the Bush tax cuts permanent, and provide $400 billion in additional tax cuts, John McCain’s budgets as president may be even more reckless than President Bush’s. [2001 Senate Votes #86, 90; 2004 Senate Vote 58; 2005 Senate Vote 81, 114; 2006 Senate Vote 74]



    Your seriously asking about the deficit? Let’s list all the times John McBush McCain objected to either tax cuts for the rich, tax incentives for off shoring, raising the debt ceiling or let the words “national debt” or “balance of trade” pass his lips in the last 7 years.


    Ok then.

    Let see how he describes his economic credentials.

    Following the debate, MSNBC’s David Shuster noted McCain’s response in a fact check, asserting, “John McCain was asked a question that included a quote about McCain talking about economics. And McCain denied the quote.” After airing a video clip of the exchange, Shuster asserted: “Well, actually, NBC News got that quote from last month. John McCain was heard saying on December 17th in The Boston Globe and Time magazine, quote, ‘The issue of economics is not something I’ve understood as well as I should. I’ve got [former Federal Reserve chairman Alan] Greenspan’s book.’ ” Following Shuster’s fact check, MSNBC host Chris Matthews asked Newsweek’s Howard Fineman, “Howard, the ‘Straight Talk Express’: Did it stall tonight? Was it derailed by his denial of a quote that’s on the record?” In his response, Fineman asserted, “You can’t pretend that you didn’t say something you said. You just can’t wish it away.”

    Voting Record of John McCain: National Security and the Economy

    The War and the environment? What planet does the McCain you’re talking about come from cause he can’t be the Senator from AZ that has a long voting record here on earth. He advocates a 100 year religious war as far as I can tell.

    And then there is the environment…

    “Out of 535 Members of Congress, John McCain is the only one who chose to miss every single key environmental vote scored by the League of Conservation Voters last year. When it came time to stand up and vote for the environment, John McCain was nowhere to be found,” said Carl Pope, executive director of the Sierra Club. “Every other Member who received a zero from LCV last year at least had the temerity to show up and vote against the environment and clean energy time after time. And unlike John McCain, I doubt any of them would claim to be environmental leaders or champions on global warming.”



    “While Mr. Obama’s oratorical skills have been inspiring, his proposals would entail roughly the same $800 billion in new government spending that Mrs. Clinton proposes. To his credit, Mr. Obama admits that his spending proposals will take more than three clicks of his heels to fund. He would pay for his priorities with a bevy of tax increases which he hopes taxpayers won’t notice.”

    Mark Sanford

    The Wall Street Journal

    Obama plans to raise taxes on capital gains, dividends and corporate profits. Furthermore, he wants to hike estate taxes by 50%.



    Ken – You’re sharing quotes from something called “crooksandliars”? Do you think that may be a little biased material?

    I wasn’t necessarily talking about McCain’s stance on the war or the environment, just pointing out that this is just as important as those other issues.



    Have you ever read C&L? “Best Weblog About Politics” at the 2008 Weblog Awards.

    McCain’s views are exactly what will make the debt worse.



    Do you understand what “Crooks and Liars” is? It was created to use actual video and audio, uncut, of politicians on both sides who act as if there previous statements do not exist.

    The logo is Nixon with his fingers crossed.

    Media matters does the same thing.

    On Fox you see video and audio edited to match the message they want to push. These sites use their own words and actual recording to push back against the spin.

    and here is a new McCainism for today:

    McCain said it was “common knowledge and has been reported in the media that al-Qaeda is going back into Iran and receiving training and are coming back into Iraq from Iran, that’s well known. And it’s unfortunate.”

    A few moments later, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, standing just behind McCain, stepped forward and whispered in the presidential candidate’s ear. McCain then said: “I’m sorry, the Iranians are training extremists, not al-Qaeda.”

    This idiot doesn’t need our help in exposing his unsuitability for the presidency.



    “Reality has a well known liberal bias”

    That is what I hear when you make a statement like this:

    Ken – You’re sharing quotes from something called “crooksandliars”? Do you think that may be a little biased material?



    Ken, don’t you know facts=liberal bias.



    ok.. i have to say it:)

    at least this idiot actually admits he was wrong and corrects himself…

    does that make him less of an idiot? i don’t know.

    but wait… wasn’t Joe Leberman Obama’s mentor in the Senate… and now he is fact checking McCain….

    At least Leiberman has found his natural nice… :))))



    A study based on seven US polls found that 80% of FOX news viewers had misperceptions about the IRAQ war compared to 23% of people who got their news from NPR/PBS.

    Another study found that viewers of The Daily Show/ Colbert report gave more correct answers on current affairs than FOX news viewers. Pretty bad when fake news is better than “real” news.



    JT – I completely agree! Unfortunately, fake news is usually better (more shocking, more unreal) than reality, and therefore, it is more interesting. Very sad. I think one thing that all of us are in agreement with is our views on the media.

    I have to apologize about bad-mouthing the “Crooks and Liars” blog. I’ll admit, after Ken posted it, I didn’t have time to follow the link and just made an assumption. I guess I’m an idiot who also can admit when I’m wrong. I’ll definitely check into it. It sounds interesting!



    JT – I completely agree! Unfortunately, fake news is usually better (more shocking, more unreal) than reality, and therefore, it is more interesting. Very sad. I think one thing that all of us are in agreement with is our views on the media.

    I have to apologize about bad-mouthing the “Crooks and Liars” blog. I’ll admit, after Ken posted it, I didn’t have time to follow the link and just made an assumption. I guess I’m an idiot who also can admit when I’m wrong. I’ll definitely check into it. It sounds interesting!



    Sorry about the double post! Experienced some technical difficulties.



    New resident.. it is never idiocy to admit you might be wrong…

    however.. few idiots do.. which does make McCain an exception.

    Still.. in my opinion.. not a good bet for the 3 AM phone call.. unless of course Leiberman sleeps with him ;-0

    ok.. i couldn’t resist. i think my sense of humor has emerged from this crummy flu bug:) perhaps i am giddy:)



    NewResident, you’re nice, you apologize, we often agree. What the h… is a liberal supposed to do with you?



    JT….i gave her a big hug:)

    of course.. i gave theHouse one too…

    but i think i gave NewResident more than one… and i really like her fella:)

    it’s good to have differing opinions as long as we are all willing to value new ideas…

    that said.. i retain the right to yell bull at all political posturing…

    even Hillary’s once in a while…

    and occasionally.. i mean it is possible.. to stand corrected:)



    JoB, that makes me think of the old saying..”Once I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken” :)



    Thank you, JoB. My fella really likes you too! Thanks, by the way, to everyone that made him feel welcome at the get-together, being that he is not a member of the forum (YET).

    JT – Pretty much all my friends are liberal, so I am used to having to apologize and admit mistakes. I, personally, enjoy having differing opinions from my friends. It keeps it exciting.



    does anyone else besides me get the impression that McCain has been painted with Teflon at some point?



    JanS… no.. he thinks he’s superman…

    but he forgot about kryptonite:)



    a 71 year old superman, who’s not so super, it seems…the latest is…

    how can this man stand up there and be a blithering idiot, and still be the only Republican nominee, and now lead the polls against both Clinton and Obama? Is he the idiot? or are we? I’m appalled at his lack of intelligence about Iraq and Iran…and foreign policy in general. Yet, all us Dems can talk about (Reps, too) is Jeremiah Wright…wow…

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