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July 31, 2008 at 4:13 pm #632622
It seems many of you have no idea how Pakistan is structured or its history.
Read a bit and then judge whether civilian control of Pakistan is possible or desirable. Pakistan has been structured by the wests (us) support for their military and its control of manufacturing and business. This is the neocon paradise the wingnuts hoped to emulate in Iraq.
What has never been tried, is supporting a civilian government while separating the Pakistani military from their control of the economy.
The Pakistani military conceived, trained, financed and supports the Taliban using money supplied by the US and other western nations.
Ignorance of this inconvenient fact is required for Americans to pretend that Pakistan is an ally.
July 31, 2008 at 5:55 pm #632623
LOL.. you do have a way with words…
and you’re spot on…
we get the repressive little country.. a lot like Iraq was in some ways when Saddam was still being cooperative… although without quite the cooperation between the military and govt as i remember… or we get to go after Al-Qaida…
these little arrangements backfire like crazy… but there you go.. our government hangs onto them because it’s good for business…
oh.. and it’s strategic:)
August 11, 2008 at 6:39 pm #632624
AnonymousInactiveMcCain: Dazed and Confused
Best line ever “I will veto every single BEER”
Think his wife knows :-)
August 11, 2008 at 9:33 pm #632625
JoBParticipantnot so quick on his feet…
August 25, 2008 at 10:46 pm #632626
AnonymousInactiveI LOVE Obama’s new ad. Everyone is going to be singing it.
August 25, 2008 at 10:55 pm #632627
villagegreenMemberGenius! It’s about time they went on the offensive.
August 25, 2008 at 10:55 pm #632628
Ok, this link nearly caused me a personal problem:) too much fun!
i have always loved that song.. and love what the Obama campaign is doing with it even more.
August 25, 2008 at 11:00 pm #632629
grrParticipantsigh..I’m still voting for Obama..but my give-a-damn is busted now that he’s picked an old, white, male career politician as a running mate. I thought this was about CHANGE, not status-quo.
NO..I didn’t want Hillary for VP..just SOMEONE closer to the age of 50.
August 25, 2008 at 11:07 pm #632630
JoBParticipantAugust 25, 2008 at 11:35 pm #632631
grrParticipantI think Hillary would make a great Sec of State, or even Sec of Heath, etc… Maybe president in 8 years as well…Maybe. If she divorces Bill :)
August 26, 2008 at 8:19 am #632632
JanSParticipantso..listening to the coverage this evneing of the convention, Rachel Maddow made some comments about the latest McCain TV ad that features a Hillary supporter saying that she was going to vote Republican for the first time in her life, and urged other Hillary supporters to do the same. In an interview after the ad first aired today, she was asked by the interviewer how she could support a man who was so against the things that Hillary stood/stands for..for instance , he’s anti-abortion, and would like to have Roe vs. Wade repealed. The woman stood there and said that she was under the impression that he was pro-choice, pro Roe v. Wade. In other words, she didn’t know what he really stands for, yet she’s more than willing to throw her support to him, and even be in a commercial for him.
I don’t get it. I don’t get how women can do exactly what Hillary is asking them to not do, and still they say that they believe in Hillary and what she stands for. In the case of this woman, it sounds like she’s just disgruntled because she feels Hill was dissed, and is turning to McCain for spite, not because she agrees with where he’s at politically, if she even truly knows what that is.
My feeling is…if you want to throw your support to him because Hillary didn’t get the nomination, make sure he (or whoever) really has beliefs that you can agree with, that you really feel that his positions are right and aligned with yours. Then vote however your conscience dictates. But don’t do it for spite, please, please, please…
August 26, 2008 at 12:02 pm #632633
yikesMemberYeah, that’s the bugger. I really like Hillary, think she was more qualified and, in spite of Bill, became a very good legislator. Kind of like the woman who had to dance backwards and did it beautifully in spite of Fred Astaire! And I don’t see Obama reaching out to women in a serious way. Please don’t bring up Michelle as a substitute. And as much as I like and respect Caroline Kennedy, she is not a heavyweight in my book to represent us reg’lar women. But I look at the alternative and I know I’m better represented by Barack. And it’s time for a non white male. It’s past time.
August 26, 2008 at 1:48 pm #632634
JoBParticipantany woman who votes for McCain because Hillary didn’t get the nomination not only violates everything that Hillary stands for, but everything that women’s rights stands for.
And.. she is in direct opposition to what Hillary has asked us to do.. which is fight as hard for Barak Obama as we did for her.
John McCain votes for what makes John McCain look good at the time. And he doesn’t think women matter enough to even mention.. so he doesn’t vote for us.
At least Barak Obama understands that women are actually covered under the constitution… even if he hasn’t figured out that we are the single largest voting block in America.
As a woman who cares deeply about women’s rights, I am not happy with the democratic ticket… especially after the addition of Joe Biden.
But they are a dream team for women’s rights in comparison to McCain and his fellow republicans.
Only a very foolish woman would vote for McCain out of spite.
August 26, 2008 at 1:51 pm #632635
Hillary will reach out for Obama… and she carries enough weight even dancing backwards… and pushing a husband behind her:)
August 26, 2008 at 2:57 pm #632636
AnonymousInactiveBeside the Anita Hill issue (which I feel he’s tried to make up for) why isn’t Biden a plus for women?
“Working Mother magazine said Sunday that Biden is one of 24 lawmakers on its “2008 Best of Congress” list. “He puts kids’ health, safety and education at the top of his priorities list,” the magazine said. It said he has worked recently on a bill to reduce class size and “along with his wife, Jill, Biden has been a longtime leader in the fight against breast cancer.”
Biden supports abortion rights and, as a senior member and former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has helped block anti-abortion jurists. Emily’s List president Ellen Malcolm, whose group supports female abortion-rights candidates, called Biden “a passionate advocate for women” whose “commitment to family will resonate with women voters across this country.”
More here:
August 26, 2008 at 3:18 pm #632637
TrickParticipantOn a side note,
I just saw the clip of McCain on the Leno show.
Leno asked him about the exact number of homes he owns, McCain referred back to his prison days without a table and from the shortness of the clip, didn’t really see him answer the question once again.
It’s really starting to get tiresome.
August 26, 2008 at 4:15 pm #632638
JenVMemberMcCain and his constantly bringing up his experience in Vietnam is like Rudy Guiliani constantly bringing up 9-11. It’s emotionally manipulative and makes me feel dirty. Yes, John McCain is a war hero. I did not realize that is the end-all be-all qualification to be president.
August 26, 2008 at 4:29 pm #632639
JanSParticipantTrick…after McCain made those comments he ran off 4 or 5 different condos in various states. He comes across as so affable, he says the right things when he’s on shows like Leno…and all I could do is sit here and shake my head. I hate when they think we’re sheep and will believe almost anything said without really looking up what they stand for in actuality. We (mostly) are better than that.
August 26, 2008 at 4:36 pm #632640
JanSParticipantAugust 26, 2008 at 4:36 pm #632641
thanks for the link..
i feel like he is a johnny come lately to women’s issues…
but i am trying to like him better.
August 26, 2008 at 6:32 pm #632642
AnonymousInactiveMcCain is being accused of “saying the right things” at certain times and, yet, Obama plays to whatever audience he happens to be speaking in front of.
I think they are more alike than not, as politicians. The only difference is that Obama is promising “change”, which he doesn’t seem to be practicing. It’s hypocritical and even more insulting to our intelligence.
Just my $0.02
August 26, 2008 at 7:54 pm #632643
walfredoMemberNewRes- Actually if you pay attention, McCain is also promising change. One has voted 95% with the current administration while making that promise. This seems, a bit hypocritical…
“Steve Benen reports that Debra Bartoschevich, the former Clinton supporter now appearing in a John McCain campaign ad, today falsely claimed that McCain is pro-choice — with McCain adviser Carly Fiorina standing nearby.
Other than TIME’s blog, I’ve seen no coverage of this in any MSM publication. More importantly, I’ve seen no indication that Fiorina or anyone else from the McCain campaign has attempted to correct the record.
Based on these reports, it seems the McCain camp is guilty of a major distortion of John McCain’s true record, which is stridently anti-choice.”
August 26, 2008 at 8:13 pm #632644
Grampy was never pro choice. He upset the anti choice crowd with the campaign finance law, and that’s what seems to be confusing some really low info voters.
The corporate media’s maverick schtick (now with more mavericky goodness!) seems intent on keeping low info voters at status quo.
August 26, 2008 at 9:47 pm #632645
JoBParticipantthanks guys.. couldn’t have said it better myself…
August 26, 2008 at 11:19 pm #632646
AnonymousInactivewalfredo – Of course McCain is promising change! What is Bush’s approval rating now? Who wouldn’t want to separate themselves as much as possible from a very much hated administration?
I think my point is being missed. McCain promises changes, Obama has built his entire campaign on “Change” and the fact that he is like no other politician that has ever been.
He looks more and more like a regular politician everyday.
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