ISO Recs: plugging into the West Seattle community

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    I’m a newbie in the neighborhood, trying to figure out the many ways I can participate in my local community. Which groups, campaigns, councils and other initiatives are happening?



    If you found this site, that’s a great start. Our events calendar is full of what’s happening. So is the forum here – some impassioned advocates working for causes … homelessness, animal advocacy, lots more. As editor, a fair amount of stuff passes through my mailbox/keyboard, and if you tell us for starters some of what you’re interested in – as well as what neighborhood you’re in – we can offer some ideas. (You mention “councils,” for example. We cover all the neighborhood associations, so if you tell us where you’re living, we can tell you whose area it’s in and when they next meet, whether they have a website, etc.)

    Another great resource – probably the best volunteer advocacy group website out there – is Sustainable West Seattle –

    Anyway, thanks for finding WSB.

    Tracy (editor/co-publisher)



    My new neighborhood is Alki. I have a whole bunch of experience in government, fair trade, political organizations and nonprofit management. I want something with a lot of human contact, not doing a bunch of data entry all by my lonesome!




    You can always go to the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce website and look up various organizations/groups in their business directory, they have listings for nonprofits, community groups and associations, etc. Good luck with your search.

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