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February 14, 2012 at 1:21 am #602177
KenParticipantFebruary 14, 2012 at 8:58 am #748159
HMC RichParticipantMy five year old loves this type of humor.
February 14, 2012 at 2:12 pm #748160
redblackParticipantdid you follow the link, rich? it’s not just toilet humor. in fact it’s pretty un-funny.
February 14, 2012 at 2:26 pm #748161
KenParticipantA discussion of the possible reasons why this is not a classic “google bomb” :)
February 14, 2012 at 3:55 pm #748162
DBPMemberI’m not sure how this “Google bombing” is any different from Facebook bullying. Yeah, it can be kinda funny if it’s directed against someone you happen to hate. But then you think, “Hm. Wonder what I’d feel like if someone did this to me.”
People have criticized Rick Santorum for not managing the Dan Savage/pottymouth problem, but I think this is really on Google to manage, not Santorum. Google should automatically downgrade any references to Santorum that aren’t strictly related to politics. That way, when you Google “Santorum,” you can get some actual information about the guy at the top of the list, and not some nonsense contrived by a pottymouth.
February 15, 2012 at 2:57 pm #748163
redblackParticipantthanks, ken. i just learned that a romney is a type of sheep, too. and that the sreading romney site appears to be hosted in my home town, which is hardly a hotbed of liberalism.
DP: i think google has “safe search,” which should filter out the savage love definition of santorum. (i currently have google set to “unsafe search.”)
but to your point, maybe some of these politicians should think about the people they might offend before they open their big, stupid mouths about things they don’t understand. talkin’ ’bout santorum here. he gave offense to a large swath of the population, and, in my opinion, he fully deserved the pie that got thrown back in his face.
as far as willard romney goes, maybe he should have displayed a little more sensitivity to animals by not strapping the family dog to the roof of his car, then driving down the freeway with it.
if i had to guess, i’d say he probably couldn’t stomach the thought of the smell of dog shit in his station wagon. and he probably made some untouchable clean the carrier for him when they arrived at their posh family vacationing spot.
i think romney’s attitude in general is what’s on parade here. to me, he comes across as a disconnected snob.
February 15, 2012 at 5:06 pm #748164
dbseaMemberI have to question anyone’s common sense who travels with a dog on the roof. Seems a bit heartless too, unless he hated that dog.
And who’s willing to bet the “I’m Mormon”, ie. I’m Normal campaign goes away the second Romney’s either out of contention or after the election?
February 15, 2012 at 5:15 pm #748165
DBPMemberHm. Good point, dbsea.
But maybe you have it backwards.
Is the “I’m a Mormon” thing an advertisement for Romney, or is the whole Romney candidacy really just an elaborate “product placement” scheme for Mormonism?
(Sorry folks. I couldn’t resist.)
February 15, 2012 at 9:44 pm #748166
dhgParticipantI believe the ads are there to bolster Romney’s campaign but it also helps out the image so they may keep it up. They were surprised at the bruising they took for supporting Prop 8. Some folks were ready to chase them back to St. Louis. So they are in need of good PR.
February 15, 2012 at 10:00 pm #748167
DBPMemberHaw. That makes TWO marriage-related issues the Mormons have been on the wrong side of in the last 100 years.
Does anyone remember what the OTHER one was?
What is . . . ?
What is p ________ ?
What is p-p-p ________ ?
February 15, 2012 at 10:03 pm #748168
DBPMemberp-p-p-p-p-p . . . .
February 16, 2012 at 12:56 am #748169
miwsParticipantFebruary 16, 2012 at 3:24 am #748170
TrickParticipantGrandpa Gaskell Romney from Mexico for $200
February 16, 2012 at 7:28 am #748171
DBPMemberPolygamy, sillies.
M-m-maybe M-M-M-Mormons are still p-pissed about p-p-polygamy being p-p-p-prohibited.
Th-that’s why they’re a-g-g-g-gainst g-g-g-gay m-m-marriage.
[d-d-d-darn k-k-k-keyboard]
February 16, 2012 at 9:33 am #748172
JanSParticipantwell, I suppose then if they were for gay marriage, and polygamy still existed, then maybe, just maybe they could have men and women and women and men in one big party ;-)
February 16, 2012 at 3:44 pm #748173
That was my indirect way of answering your question. It was said that Mitt’s Grandfather moved to Mexico to avoid the laws against Polygamy here in the U.S.
I really wanted that toaster :)
February 16, 2012 at 4:33 pm #748174
JoBParticipantFebruary 16, 2012 at 4:41 pm #748175
DBPMemberwell, I suppose then if they were for gay marriage, and polygamy still existed, then maybe, just maybe they could have men and women and women and men in one big party ;-)
Jan, that is the most inclusive, life-affirming, sex-positive message that’s ever been uttered in this forum. Someday there’s going to be a statue of you in a local park. And you know what? It makes me really MAD to think of pigeons crapping all over it.
Trick . . . now I know why they call you “Trick.” Bastard.
But hey, I’ll give you the $200 on this.
Please note: I’m going to be talking about a lot about Mormon theology soon. Only I’m going to be doing it very respectfully, see, because:
1) I LIKE Mormons. They’re nice people.
2) Even if I didn’t like Mormons, it’s important to be respectful to them, because . . .
Well . . . just because.
February 17, 2012 at 12:14 am #748176
anonymeParticipantThere’s an ad I’ve been dying to see/make, and I’m surprised nobody has done it yet. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to insert pictures in posts either. But, splashed across the side of a Metro bus, I’d like to see a big color photo of Josh Powell with the caption “I’m a Mormon”.
February 17, 2012 at 12:53 am #748177
KenParticipantGoogle knows all….
Ted Bundy and D.B.Cooper and Josh Powell in a photo triptych with the caption “I’m a Mormon”.
I am to lazy to do it though. Besides I like the mormons I know. They still get teased about the magic underwear and the magic glasses and the missing magic tablets…
February 17, 2012 at 1:05 am #748178
WSBKeymasterI’ve been flagged on this thread.
We do not have a rule that prohibits criticism of faith – largely because your faith is a matter of choice, unlike your gender, sexual orientation, or size. And yet religious intolerance/persecution is no less ugly.
Please remember the rule of criticize the comment, not the commenter. Criticize (or support, for that matter) the belief or teaching, but not the person. Would you all be comfortable if, say, “Jew” was substituted for the “Mormon” references above? Or “Catholic”? Are we feeling it’s OK to ridicule those who belong to a smaller, newer faith? To the last point, if your faith (or lack of it) is shared by a killer, do you expect to be tarred with that brush? – TR
February 17, 2012 at 1:29 am #748179
Under AchieverMemberI am saddened to think my West Seattle neighbors think that I am a moron or less a full person than they are simply because of my chosen religious faith.
All in good fun, right? Thanks for your enlightened tolerance of my lifestyle.
February 17, 2012 at 1:30 am #748180
roundthesoundParticipantCharlie, Braden, and Susan Powell were Mormons too. How could you be so insensitive?
February 17, 2012 at 3:43 am #748181
DBPMemberMagic underwear, magic glasses, magic tablets…
Silly as it sounds, these things are really at the heart of the matter.
With its recent advertising blitz, the Mormon church is proclaiming: Hey, America! We’re just like the rest of you! —Which is essentially true. As people, Mormons are just like everyone else, only with 1950s hairdos.
But beware, ‘cuz the other message they’re slipping in there, in between the lines, is: Hey America! Our religious beliefs are just like yours, too. Totally vanilla. Mainstream. No worries.
That part of the message, I would take issue with. Mos def.
Of course, many religions contain at least a few ideas that, taken by themselves, would seem odd to a reasonable person. For example, until recently Roman Catholic doctrine held that the Pope was infallible and that whatever he said simply HAD to be true, even if he was contradicting himself.
Ridiculous, right? Of course it is.
But here’s the thing . . . THE DIFFERENCE between the Mormon Church and the Roman Catholic Church is that most modern Catholics never believed that the Pope was infallible in the first place, whereas modern Mormons absolutely DO believe in the magic tablet story. Yesirree Bob.
So then you have to ask: Well, Mitt, if you can fall for a story about golden tablets, then what else could you fall for?
—Don’t believe what I’m telling you about how seriously Mormons take their doctrine? Just ask one of them; they’re not hard to find.
Just look for the little black ties and bicycles. Coming soon, to a neighborhood near you.
Under Achiever, do you believe these comments of mine to be intolerant? If so, I’m truly sorry. But just so you know, you’re probably gonna hear a lot worse from other quarters in the days to come. Especially if Mitt gets the nomination. So be prepared.
February 17, 2012 at 4:48 am #748182
carterParticipantI sure know a helluva lot of Evangelicals that consider Mormonism a cult and fear seeing it anywhere the White House. Censorship of any kind is unconstitutional and that includes search engines. Hypocrites abound in both sides of the political spectrum. And I dismiss those in a discussion that don’t acknowledge that.
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