Customer Satisfaction: Porter’s Landscape Maintenance

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    I recently used this landscape/lawncare service in West Seattle and I would not recommend it.

    Work was done okay – however the business practices are not pleasant to deal with. In appearance and initial demeanor the owner appears to be okay.

    However he is no longer doing work for us now – and has become so harassing that I am thinking of issueing a restraining order. Something is definatley off. I would strongly caution anyone before using these services. I am setting my home security system now at all times…



    Something tells me there is more to this story…..



    Molly…curious…were they recommended to you? how did you find them?



    I couldn’t find Porter’s Landscape (or owner John Sheridan Porter) thru the site, nor any mention on Angie’s List. No website, but phone and address on California Ave. listed with a valid license through Washington State.

    Sorry if you’re having trouble, no doubt there IS a story here. I’d HIGHLY recommend doing research on any firm before hiring them.


    I wonder if he is the same John Porter who ran against Dow Constantine? (who, ironically, has a brother who is a landscape architect)



    I think it is unfair to post something like this without any detail. And why the two postings?



    Molly, if you’re that concerned about them that you’re thinking of restraining orders/security systems, have you notified the police about your situation? I would think that if you’re in fear of your safety and/or property that perhaps the police should be involved.

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