Construction cranes next to Jack Block Park

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    Does anyone know why there are now four huge construction cranes standing straight up in the air to the north of Jack Block Park? There seems to be a lot of construction-type storage there lately. We used to have a little view of the water, but now all we see is ugly cranes! It wouldn’t be so bad if they just laid them down, but they are pulled straight up in the air. I would think that they would be concerned about liability if one of these monstrosities fell on a person or property during a wind storm, etc. Anyone have any idea of who to contact to register a complaint?



    Where is there not construction?



    Call the Port of Seattle public line and see if you can get an answer.

    I suspect that since construction is happening virtually all up and down the peninsula, that the Port is leasing open space at the T5 terminal as a staging area. The fact that they are upright is interesting though? Maybe that’s a temporary state?



    That site is not part of T-5. It’s part of the “Pier 1” site (NOT port-owned, privately owned) that has been proposed for rezoning and rejected. Mentioned here earlier this year:

    West Seattle rezoning: South Morgan Junction, Pier 1 potentially back in play

    So for now it’s industrial storage. Crane parts have been there a long time, but previously horizontal rather than vertical. If you think they are a violation of zoning/code, you would want to complain to DPD, if you can’t find the owner (look up Pier 1 LLC) to take it to them directly first.

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