Re: Rant – WS Farmers Market



i could do without thinking of urine of any kind in contact with my food.. thank you:)

House. well behaved dogs at their owners side are often much less obtrusive than children.

Of course, the parents of obtrusive children.. children who touch everything in reach without permission.. children who squeal constantly in joy, anger or just plain boredom… children who fight with one another… children who cause their parents to loudly plead and bargain with them.. or play loud games to distract them… children who run about with minimal parental supervision.. (it is not enough to know where your kids are.. you should also know what they are doing…)… those parents rarely have well behaved dogs either.

Both conscientious dog owners and conscientious parents occasionally have a dog or child that acts out.

How that incident is handled determines whether the dog or child really should be inflicted on others in public.

The people who allow their children to run amok are often those complaining loudest about the mere presence of dogs.

I think sometimes it is too easy to think of your own “rights” while ignoring the rights of others to enjoy public spaces…

and that happens on both sides of the dog/kids fence.