Poverty..going hand in hand with single motherhood…I will agree that I didn’t have it very easy after my divorce. Yes, There would have been more income in the coffers with a partner. But…we were better off without each other, and no, I don’t necessarily agree that it feeds neglect. I never neglected my kid…you could ask her. We didn’t get the newest clothes, or eat out, and, yes, we struggled at times. Money would have made it easier to live…but I still spent time with her, instilled values. She has a grat job with a great company, making more money than I ever did. She didn’t go to college, just has a highschool education. But she is smart, resourceful. She has worked since she was 15yo. You can be a decent parent and still not have money. I never relied on the gov’t. except for medical for a year because I had no insurance and had a serious illness. So, I’m not the norm? I think there are many of us out here..you just don’t hear about the positive stuff…you only dwell on the negative. It’s a shame.
Sometimes there is no compromise, like when a sppouse disappears because he’s fooling around on the side…and…you’re supposed to accept that? Yes, it happens the other way , too. Marriage is too much like going steady these days. It takes work on both sides. Compromise? One would think, but look at our public figures that can’t set an example by compromising ever.
No one wins in divorce, I found out…esp. not the kids….