Propane gas is your answer…We went thru the same sticker shock with the Gas Co..$5thousand alone for the cement back on the street. So we starting checking into propane, they said no go, cause everything was too close to a neighbor or our own window.That was with the big propane tanks, that you rent and get filled by the propane co. THEN someone suggested that we buy two smaller tanks (40 gallon) like they use on boats or RVs. We own them, don’t have to rent, not that heavy to refill and the restrictions are not as stringent as on the big tanks. (which surprised us) But we now have the 2 tanks, I finally get to have my gas stove and cooking is fantastic. (The oven part is electric.)We cook a lot at home and we went almost a whole year on the first tank. If you’d like more info, we can figure out how to get in touch with each other.