Re: help with housing for friend



mountainbirds, I can’t think of anything to add to what has already been suggested, other than for your friend to get started pursuing each of these suggestions, if she is able and hasn’t done so already.

If she isn’t amenable to applying for SSDI, because of hearing of others being repeatedly denied, having to get a lawyer, etc, please strongly urge her to apply anyway.

Yes, many are turned down, at least once, and for many that get it, it took awhile.

But, I lucked out, at was awarded SSDI, less than three months after applying, and that was on the first attempt, and with no legal help. Someone else recently told me that they, (or someone they know–don’t recall who the person I was talking to was) were awarded in less time than me.

Anyway, best of luck to your friend, in this difficult time. And as Betty said, please keep us posted.
