JoB does an amazing job of expressing her belief in Hillary Clinton. I admire JoB’s tenacity and intelligence. Reading the following report from made me realize that JoB is on the mark when she states that sexism and media distortion of Hillary’s character are playing a role in this campaign.
“So that’s why NBC and MSNBC wanted Clinton’s schedules?
Summary: On Today, Tim Russert discussed the schedules from Sen. Hillary Clinton’s time as first lady and asserted: “Senator Clinton has made her experience such a part of this campaign, particularly her eight years as first lady. So this may be very rich in terms of exactly how did she spend her time, who did she meet with?” Russert added that “this, I think, today will be analyzed very closely by all of us at NBC News and media organizations across the country.” Indeed, while NBC and MSNBC journalists discussed more substantive issues related to her schedules, they also repeatedly discussed what the schedules say, or do not say, about where Hillary Clinton was during Monica Lewinsky’s encounters with President Clinton, in many cases teasing segments or leading them with that information.”
I am not trying to say that I want think Hillary should get the nomination if she doesn’t have the popular vote, but I think she deserves more respect than what she’s getting from MSNBC.