I suspect that in foreign relations, there is a certain consistancy that transfers from president to president. I don’t blame Obama for not closing Gitmo… a silly statement from a community organizer. I imagine his first CIA/FBI/DoD briefing was sobering. There are sometimes, bad choices and worse choices. Iran is one of them. If this President can get us out of this quagmire with an embargo.. great! The stress on the Iranian economy is crushing… but, we are talking with people who share none of our values and are not likely to RSVP like a western European country… Obama tried to be super statesman and was Isreal hostile for his first two years… he “evolved”…. when the Jewish vote started going south. With some modifications, most presidents carry the same international trajectory… RR built on Carter, Ford, Nixon, Kennedy, et al. What he threw into the equation was an up armored US military and was a direct challenge to the Soviets ability to pay for a continued arms build up. They couldn’t do it. Not with the economy they had. We use it too damn frequently… though. I am headed towards the traditional isolationist roots of the republican party. Putin shrugged… he says he can work with Romney. He recognizes “campaign speak”:…