Re: Any ladies want to loose weight with me in 2010 “Just Do It”



I have re-read velo’s comments and still can’t understand how it came off as being so offensive (and seriously, what is the point of turning this into another her vs. him thing? The gender bashing thing on BOTH sides is getting old. You don’t want it done to your gender, so why do it to the other?). Last December I posted the below text on WSB and people replied that they understood and agreed with it. And what I posted is just a long version of what velo posted. So take velo’s comment as tough love.

Warning: this post is not going to be for the super sensitive at heart.

I am tired of hearing ppl say what they are GOING to do starting the 1st of the year. “I’m going to stop smoking”, “I’m going to start working out”, “I’m going to start eating better”…”on the 1st of the year.” WHY?! What is a good reason…no…excuse that ppl can’t start the journey to achieve their goals today?

The simple fact is January 1st is just another day in your life. It’s not a day that the sun’s rays will be stronger so to give you more energy to start working out. It’s not a day that you will win a million dollars as long as you stop smoking on that day alone. It’s not a day that food portions will magically become smaller so you can start losing weight. It is just 1 out of 365 days in a year.

“New Years Resolution” is nothing more than a nice, sugar coated way of saying “procrastination”. Because that’s all it is. It’s ppl knowing that they want to change something about themselves and their lives but putting it on hold until a specific day.

One random day last Sept, I don’t even know what day it was, I just decided out of the blue to get out and run on the West Seattle track. And from that day, I have kept to that almost every single day for the last 3 months. I am proud to say that I am 30 pounds lighter today because of that decision. Had I made a New Years Resolution about what I was GOING to do, I wouldn’t be able to say I lost 30 lbs until next April.

START THE JOURNEY TO YOUR GOAL TODAY. That way when you reach your goal, you will have done it 3 days ahead of schedule.

You want to start an exercise plan? Stand up, dress accordingly, and go outside NOW. You want to stop smoking? Go find the cigs in your house and throw them out NOW. You want to lose weight? The next time you have a chance to eat, make sure you are putting something healthy in your mouth and it is a small portion TODAY. Not this coming Thursday, but TODAY. If you need a support group, you reach out to your friends, family, WSB or you can PM me to be your support TODAY.

Ultimately 1/1/2009 doesn’t mean anything at all when it comes to living your life the way you want. It is nothing more than just another 24 hours.

In conclusion, don’t let my final sentence offend you. Instead, look at it as tough love/encouragment-

Either put up, or shut up…TODAY.