Pigeon Point 209 results

Groucho gone

May 2, 2007 11:52 am
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 |   Pigeon Point | WS culture/arts

grouchocrop.jpgIt appears the last Groucho left in the greenery along the Delridge-side approach to The Bridge is gone. Riding shotgun along that stretch of concrete this morning, we were able to confirm the reader tip that first told us so. With the Grouchos gone, WS seems a little less whimsical. For now. (We’ll just have to go back to squinting at the Fauntleroy overpass banners.)

First the bear, then the owl, now …

More “public art,” according to a reader tip. We won’t get to check this out for ourselves for a while so we’ll take the liberty of quoting the reader, who reports the sighting from a bus ride over The Bridge:

This morning I had no choice but to crack a grin as I spotted a herd of crouching Groucho Marxes in the woods of Pigeon Point. They can be seen from the eastbound lanes of the West Seattle Bridge and are tucked into the woods maybe a couple hundred meters after the merge.
