Traffic alert: Fauntleroy/California paving plan change

The gas-line work that’s been under way at Fauntleroy/California/Morgan already had things a little dicey at that busy intersection, during the day. But now we have a heads-up from SDOT that the plan for the forthcoming repaving work in that area – part of the big Fauntleroy Way repaving/”rechannelizing” project – will also mean major restrictions on traffic flow. Here’s today’s update from SDOT’s Marybeth Turner:

The configuration required to pave the intersection of California Ave SW and Fauntleroy Way SW is now one lane in each direction – without dedicated left-turn lanes. The change is necessary to allow for the turning radii of larger vehicles. As noted in a June 16th announcement, the work is expected to take five days in each direction, starting with work on the north side. A uniformed police officer will be present during peak hours to assist in keeping traffic moving. Crews will work to complete this segment as quickly as possible.

We’ve got a few followup questions out, including when this is likely to start (if it’s not already overlapping with what’s been happening in that area), and will add the answers when we get them. ADDED 2:15 PM: Here are those answers, also from Marybeth Turner @ SDOT:

Work around the California Ave SW / Fauntleroy Way SW intersection begins today. SDOT’s contractor is trying to work quickly to minimize traffic disruption, and they are currently ahead of schedule.

The crews will head west working on the north side of the intersection, wrapping up by June 26, weather permitting. The concrete work on the south side begins July 6, expected to be completed by July 10.

A uniformed police officer will be on site during peak periods to offer assistance with temporary lane configuration changes and to keep traffic moving.

I believe a flyer was distributed in the area last week, but what has changed since then is that we are not able to provide a turn lane during this work.

ADDED MONDAY EVENING: A construction clip from this afternoon, as the old pavement got jackhammered:

18 Replies to "Traffic alert: Fauntleroy/California paving plan change"

  • Donuts for all June 22, 2009 (1:36 pm)

    Plesae explain to me why bicyclists continue to use this stretch of road during construction?

    Don’t they know how hazardous construction areas become for all forms of traffic and this one is especially dangerous with how skinny the lanes are currently and there is no where to go if one needs an emergency exit.

    (Yes I am pro-bicyclists – at least the ones who obey traffice laws.)

  • WSM June 22, 2009 (1:53 pm)

    We live along Fauntleroy. I have noticed they are not repaving the entire roadway, rather it is patchwork of repairs. Can anyone clue me into why they chose to do it this way as opposed to a clean repave of the entire stretch?

  • WSB June 22, 2009 (1:58 pm)

    It is being rebuilt from Edmunds to Holly. They are doing it in pieces – one third at a time (left/center/right) – as explained early on. And I know what you mean about the chunks – it is supposed to conclude (this fall) with the entire stretch having been redone … TR

  • Bill Corrigan June 22, 2009 (2:41 pm)


    I live near the construction, bike and drive both. Construction has limited access for all users of Fauntleroy. When I bike, I try to avoid being on Fauntleroy but that is not always possible.

    Consider the bicyclist who is not familiar with the area also. They don’t know where to go.

    Patience, safety and respect by and for all is called for.

    thanks for listening,


  • Donuts for all June 22, 2009 (2:55 pm)

    The west 1/3 that is currently being worked on is being done in patches leaving old stuff in place which doesn’t much make sense.

  • PSPS June 22, 2009 (3:48 pm)

    One thing I’ve got to give credit for is the quality of the concrete patches left after the work done along the west side of Fauntleroy south of Edmunds. They’re smooth as a baby’s butt and meld perfectly with the surrounding pavement. It was a really first class job. Compared to California to the west and Aurora northbound after the tunnel, it’s almost like we were a first-world nation!
    One thing that puzzles me about these road projects, though, is how they seem to be a strictly M-F 9-5 job. Since it’s so important to get the work done quickly, and we have such a high unemployment rate and a professed desire to do something about that (at least officially,) and “stimulus funds” available, why not run two or even three shifts on this work and/or add weekends? I can understand not wanting to do night work in a residential area like along Fauntleroy but this would be especially worthwhile on many projects like the 1st Ave. S. project.

  • Sue June 22, 2009 (3:53 pm)

    It was my understanding that once they were done fixing the concrete down to the roadbed and improved drainage (they replaced our storm drain with one about 3x as wide), that they were going to pave and then stripe the new street. I’ve emailed the project manager to ask for clarification about that. But it makes sense since they said the project would run until October, and at the rate they’re going, if this was all they were doing it would be done long before that.

  • Susan June 22, 2009 (4:48 pm)

    I, too, have been wondering why they are re-paving some, but not all, of the southbound lane. The strips that they are leaving look as worn as what they are tearing up, with big cracks down the middle and in some places, small potholes. Does anyone know what the rationale is?

  • alkikmac June 22, 2009 (7:13 pm)

    Yes, a police officer was at the Faunt/Cali intersection during pm rush hour today, but spent more time standing next to his car talking on the cell phone than directing traffic….while westbound traffic on Fauntleroy backed up horribly.

    And…it amazed me how many people drove through the intersection, right in front of the officer, holding a cell phone to their hear. Not even trying to hide it. Although, the officer was on his cell phone, too!

  • alkikmac June 22, 2009 (7:14 pm)

    Yes, a police officer was at the Faunt/Cali intersection during pm rush hour today, but spent more time standing next to his car talking on the cell phone than directing traffic….while westbound traffic on Fauntleroy backed up horribly.

    And…it amazed me how many people drove through the intersection, right in front of the officer, holding a cell phone to their ear. Not even trying to hide it. Although, the officer was on his cell phone, too!

  • bb June 22, 2009 (7:38 pm)

    I love being stuck in traffic next to a sign that says “seattle keeping you moving,signed Mayor Nickels” i will remember that during election time…

  • Dreamland June 23, 2009 (11:17 am)

    I’m glad I’m not the only one puzzled by the [cacophonous] repaving-by-chunk with concrete, and in piecemeal. Um…are they going to lay asphalt over everything when all is said and done? And why are only those patches done? Some kind of stability issue?

  • Donuts for all June 23, 2009 (11:34 am)

    Oh come on Bill- Don’t make this appear anit-bicycles.

    I am patient with them and give them plenty of room – I just worry about their health with this construction as I worry about my own in a more “armored” car and was wondering why they don’t appear to be.

    Are you defending their right to be stupid and bike where and when they want regardless of the risk factors – heavy construction, narrow lanes, high volumes of cars, big trucks and buses?

    I did state I was pro-bicyclists – I was just pondering the question of why bicyclists put themselves at such an added risk. Not trying to say the bicyclists should be on Fauntleroy at all.

    Don’t even get me started on the motorcyclist that passed me on a curve in the construction zone.

  • J June 23, 2009 (11:52 am)

    Would it be possible for them to add a sign reminding people of the absence of left-turn capability waaaay south on Fauntleroy? Driving by habit, I forget until it’s too late–then I have fiddle about to get myself going north on California. With a reminder, I could turn off Fauntleroy back by the school, turn left on California, and no shenanigans needed. I assume it might also be appreciated the other direction.

  • WSB June 23, 2009 (12:54 pm)

    SDOT’s been reading the comments and has sent some additional info I’ll be publishing soon – if that’s not part of it, I’ll inquire – TR

  • timmy June 23, 2009 (2:23 pm)

    The city evaluates each concrete panel individually and instructs the contractor which ones to replace.

    The contractor gets paid by the panel, but has no choice in the matter. This is typical of how the city performs this type of work.

  • Donuts for all June 23, 2009 (2:45 pm)

    typo corrections:
    anit = anti
    should = shouldn’t

    That should make my comment more readable.

  • bb June 23, 2009 (7:27 pm)

    please remeber this project is run by progressives in seattle, which means each day it gets progressivly worse, instead of better (like my spelling) i really dont get why the roads look just as bad as they did before…I thought i did finally see a snowplow on fauntleroy.hehe hehe

Sorry, comment time is over.