The gas-line work that’s been under way at Fauntleroy/California/Morgan already had things a little dicey at that busy intersection, during the day. But now we have a heads-up from SDOT that the plan for the forthcoming repaving work in that area – part of the big Fauntleroy Way repaving/”rechannelizing” project – will also mean major restrictions on traffic flow. Here’s today’s update from SDOT’s Marybeth Turner:
The configuration required to pave the intersection of California Ave SW and Fauntleroy Way SW is now one lane in each direction – without dedicated left-turn lanes. The change is necessary to allow for the turning radii of larger vehicles. As noted in a June 16th announcement, the work is expected to take five days in each direction, starting with work on the north side. A uniformed police officer will be present during peak hours to assist in keeping traffic moving. Crews will work to complete this segment as quickly as possible.
We’ve got a few followup questions out, including when this is likely to start (if it’s not already overlapping with what’s been happening in that area), and will add the answers when we get them. ADDED 2:15 PM: Here are those answers, also from Marybeth Turner @ SDOT:
Work around the California Ave SW / Fauntleroy Way SW intersection begins today. SDOT’s contractor is trying to work quickly to minimize traffic disruption, and they are currently ahead of schedule.
The crews will head west working on the north side of the intersection, wrapping up by June 26, weather permitting. The concrete work on the south side begins July 6, expected to be completed by July 10.
A uniformed police officer will be on site during peak periods to offer assistance with temporary lane configuration changes and to keep traffic moving.
I believe a flyer was distributed in the area last week, but what has changed since then is that we are not able to provide a turn lane during this work.
ADDED MONDAY EVENING: A construction clip from this afternoon, as the old pavement got jackhammered: