Video: West Seattle High School, Seattle Lutheran graduations

June 12, 2009 1:57 am
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(video no longer available due to shutdown)

After both the West Seattle High School and Seattle Lutheran High School commencement ceremonies on Thursday night, we published photos here – now we’re adding video. Above, it’s the WSHS Class of 2009 — 265 grads — on the field at Memorial Stadium (here’s our earlier coverage on their Awards Night); below, members of the SLHS Class of 2009 (45 grads) doing the wave while waiting to enter the gym for their ceremony:

(video no longer available due to shutdown)

Since our photographer got a little closer to the SLHS grads, he noticed special detail work on some of their caps, like this:

And here they are in the gym:

The SLHS ceremony, by the way, was streamed live online! Graduations yet to come: Chief Sealth High School on Saturday, and two ceremonies at South Seattle Community College next week (schedule here).

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