More water-taxi tidbits

In addition to all the new info on the Water Taxi page, Councilmember Constantine’s staff e-mailed us with more on the April 29 (one week from Sunday) kickoff: Since the noon-2 pm WT celebration overlaps with the 10 am-2 pm season opener for the West Seattle Farmers’ Market, there will be an added shuttle running directly between the two events; also, joining Dow C on the dignitary roster will be County Exec Ron Sims and even the CEO of Argosy Cruises, plus music by Bronwyn Edwards Cryer and Friends. (Check your mail – our delivery today included this year’s version of the cheery annual Water Taxi postcard, with a coupon for a free ride plus a jaunty picture of Dow C looking into the distance from the WT’s bow.)

1 Reply to "More water-taxi tidbits"

  • KikiRiki April 19, 2007 (12:47 pm)

    Yay for the return of the Water Taxi. Don’t forget that there is also a day Mariners game that Sunday as well. The waterfront and West Seattle are going to be hopping!

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