West Seattle Crime Watch: 35th/Thistle police response

(Photo by WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand)
Police are still sorting out the chain of events that led to that sizable response that in the area of 35th and Thistle a short time ago, with one person taken into custody. Here’s what we know so far, with the help of Seattle Police media-relations Officer Renée Witt: This apparently originated with a report of someone being robbed at Westwood Village. A possible suspect was then spotted running northbound on 35th SW and trying to get into houses – reportedly even walking into one at one point. Other reports included one seeing what was believed to be the same suspect, jumping a fence. He was reported to be armed with a knife or garden shears. Eventually, police detained and were questioning a man along SW Thistle just west of 35th; they also were circling back along 35th to make sure everybody else who had called in was OK. We expect more information later once they’ve sorted it all out, including what if any of thisthe person they detained might have been involved with.

24 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: 35th/Thistle police response"

  • LBJane May 28, 2013 (10:00 am)

    Anybody know if the schools went into lock-down?

    • WSB May 28, 2013 (10:16 am)

      This wasn’t exactly a longrunning search. I doubt the schools even knew about it; we had just dropped off our Sealth student minutes earlier.

  • coffee May 28, 2013 (11:05 am)

    Even when home in the daytime, keep doors locked! You would be amazed how much you do not hear even when you are home…

  • justin mcmahon May 28, 2013 (11:30 am)

    Wasn’t me!!!

  • Breezy May 28, 2013 (12:18 pm)

    coffee’s comment is spot on. I used to roll my eyes at my mom when she insisted locking all the doors, ah youth is sometimes so blind….

  • AG May 28, 2013 (12:37 pm)

    Thank you, SPD and alert neighbors!

  • Vanessa May 28, 2013 (12:44 pm)

    I’m beginning to wonder if it’s good to know what’s going on (as I get more paranoid) or just unplug and live happily ever after?

  • DTK May 28, 2013 (1:32 pm)

    Vanessa, I think you just described the contrast of our two political parties.

  • Westwood Neighbor May 28, 2013 (2:48 pm)

    Wondering if it was the man I saw running west on SW Henderson around 8:20am. I thought it looked like he had a small knife, but told myself that was ridiculous and that he was running for the bus. Guess I’d better start listening to my gut!

  • wsn00b May 28, 2013 (3:45 pm)

    +1 @ coffee.
    For the most part we not only keep our doors locked but alarm system at “Armed Stay” mode. It bothered me at first but now it is a simple habit that in theory avoids some stupidity.

  • w.s. maverick May 28, 2013 (5:05 pm)

    lots of crime here lately, i feel sorry if he comes to my yard

  • justme May 28, 2013 (5:44 pm)

    You know, I hate to say it. But this is exactly why I don’t even go to Westwood Village anymore. I’m just trying to reduce my risk and think it’s much safer in other shopping areas of our fine city.

  • Jen May 28, 2013 (7:42 pm)

    It’s funny, maybe ironic is a better word, that with all the crime in Westwood we don’t see more officer presence there. Maybe there isn’t enough man power but one would think that would help.

  • Frazzled May 28, 2013 (7:55 pm)

    Spooky that some random guy running from police would just open any person’s door. Glad no one was assaulted.

  • Seattlite May 28, 2013 (9:00 pm)

    DTK — Your post is funny. Best to be informed…

    Westwood Village is scary. I don’t feel safe there anymore which makes me sad. I still go to Target and Barnes & Noble but I am very vigilant of the people, surroundings and park close to the stores.

  • Bunny May 29, 2013 (12:02 am)

    He didn’t open my front door. He walked in my back door which was open. I have a big back yard which is fenced in. I left the door open for my dog to go out. I am going to get some sort of locks for the gate and bells. I am not going spend the summer inside with the doors closed out of fear. I was aware/alert enough to respond immediately to my dog’s barking. The guy was just walking in. He was carrying what looked like gardening shears at his side. He did not threaten me, he said he was being chased. It all happened really fast. My reaction was loud and stern and I bscked him all the way out through my gate with my arm stretched out, hand open, not getting too close. I told him he cannot just walk into peoples homes especially with a weapon. it’s still very strange to me that I reacted like that. It was automatic. But like I said I was not being threatened. He was running from someone. He then ran across the street and jumped over the neighbors fence.

    • WSB May 29, 2013 (6:51 am)

      Thanks, Bunny – glad you are OK – TR

  • Eric May 29, 2013 (4:59 am)

    Is there an update as to what happened? Westwood is getting ridiculous. Yesterday, I was going to QFC and a group of punks in a car drove by yelling at me.

  • miws May 29, 2013 (8:02 am)

    Bunny, I’m no expert on how to react in such situations, but I think you actually reacted perfectly. You took charge of the situation, and made it clear that you, not he, were in control.



  • The Farm May 29, 2013 (10:23 am)

    I go to Westwood Village all the time and I never feel afraid. Bad things happen every where.

  • velo_nut May 29, 2013 (12:28 pm)

    This guy hid in my yard and tried to get into my neighbors house…. Any more info on it?

  • Jennifer May 30, 2013 (11:56 am)

    Velo, WSB posted a separate update. Just someone having a mental issue of some sort. Interesting comments about Westwood. I shop there all the time and have never witnessed anything sketchy. Yeah, plenty of teens b/c of the proximity of the school, but those jokesters are pretty harmless.

  • anonyme June 3, 2013 (6:36 am)

    I work by Westwood Village and agree that it has gotten creepy. Roxhill Park hosts a variety of miscreants, and it’s a haven for drug use 24/7. The drug use has spread to Westwood, with students holding large open bags of weed on the bench outside QFC. The other day I was approached by a young transient who said he’d just got into town and heard this was the place to score some weed.

    I don’t agree that these “jokesters” are harmless. Several months ago, a gang of middle & high school students were arrested in Roxhill Park for armed robbery. All but one were immediately released due to their age.

  • FionaEnzo June 3, 2013 (7:51 pm)

    My concern has been the young fellows hanging out at the Barton bus stop across from Target. Not a problem in daylight but winter darkness with young men who appear high at times and aimless creates some anxiety. I’m a city person so expect some of this but the setup feels somewhat like a gauntlet with the wall of buses on one side and shrubs on the other.

Sorry, comment time is over.