Woman killed during West Bank protest attended school in West Seattle

1:13 PM: Thanks for the tips. One of today’s biggest international stories is the death of 26-year-old American citizen Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, reported to have been shot by Israeli soldiers in the West Bank, during what the Associated Press describes as “a weekly demonstration against settlement expansion.” The UK-based Daily Mail was first to note that Ms. Eygi listed herself on social media as having attended West Seattle High School. A texter tells us they remember her from the Class of 2016’s junior year and sent the yearbook photo shown at right. We have an inquiry out to Seattle Public Schools. We’ll add whatever more we find out.

3:06 PM: Multiple readers also have mentioned that Ms. Eygi attended other local schools including Alki Elementary and Madison MS. Her family is not speaking publicly, according to this statement from the organization with which she was volunteering, the International Solidarity Movement. The Washington state chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-WA) says in a news release that Ms. Eygi graduated this year from the University of Washington with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a minor in Middle Eastern languages and cultures.

14 Replies to "Woman killed during West Bank protest attended school in West Seattle"

  • Jason September 6, 2024 (1:16 pm)

    This is incredibly sad. I stand with her as a human being and a protester. We should be mourning the thousands of innocent children being struck by Israeli bombs too. Israel has become a deadly settler nation. Why are they in the WEST BANK AT ALL?? There’s no Hamas there… They are there to occupy and exterminate Palestinians. That is what. And America helps them. Thank god our rep is one of the few that fights this in Congress.

    • anonyme September 6, 2024 (3:10 pm)

      Jason, I agree with you.  I’m far from being anti-semitic, and have a good friend in Tel Aviv.  However, the Netanyahu regime is clearly committing genocide, aided and abetted by the US government.  The execution of peaceful protestors has been commonplace in Israel for a long time.

    • lucy September 6, 2024 (3:38 pm)

      I disagree wholeheartedly and believe Israel has the right to defend itself.  

  • SM Westside September 6, 2024 (1:36 pm)

    And Alki Elementary…..Sad, sad news.

    • WSB September 6, 2024 (1:40 pm)

      Thanks, we got another text mentioning another West Seattle elementary school and were working to confirm that.

  • walkerws September 6, 2024 (1:40 pm)

    Settler colonialists will never stop their atrocities        

  • Ummm September 6, 2024 (1:49 pm)

    The family hasn’t publicly identified her so it’s weird some user dug up her photo to get it shared. 

  • Lauren September 6, 2024 (2:35 pm)

    A warning: there are some disturbing videos circulating showing this young woman after she was shot. If you search for her name, proceed with caution. 

    • flimflam September 6, 2024 (3:39 pm)

      Thanks for the warning

    • Bernadette September 6, 2024 (3:56 pm)

      Thank you for the warning. I’ve seen enough horrific photos of mangled children courtesy of Israel to last a lifetime. 

  • Tim September 6, 2024 (3:43 pm)

    So brave. I have seen on the news how settlers threaten, abuse, and humiliate Palestinians in the West Bank at every chance they can. And murder them on almost a daily basis.  Free Palestine! Stop the genocide!

  • Derek September 6, 2024 (4:09 pm)

    Any memorials? I too stand with Aysenur Eygi. Deeply saddened by this. Israel has no business being in West Bank.

  • JR September 6, 2024 (4:11 pm)

    Ezgi was the best human being. She packed a lot into 26 years. I am absolutely gutted and have been mourning her loss all day.  I loved her so much. Thank you for the warning about the videos.  I hope her family doesn’t see them. 

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