READER REPORTS: Abandoned, possibly stolen, toolbox, bicycle

Two reader reports on abandoned items; if either might be yours, please email us and we’ll connect you with the finders:

TOOLBOX: Cynthia sent the photo and report:

This was left behind our condo building and it doesn’t belong to any of us. It has some scuffs on the top so it doesn’t seem to be brand new. But it also still has stickers on it from some kind of retailer. There was only one item left inside but we figured someone might want the toolbox back.

BICYCLE: A reader who wante to be anonymous sent this photo and report:

Bicycle abandoned near Fairmount Ave SW and Harbor Ave. It has been there since last weekend, so clearly it is abandoned. At the back side of Duwamish Head Greenspace behind the pump station.

1 Reply to "READER REPORTS: Abandoned, possibly stolen, toolbox, bicycle"

  • Jeff July 19, 2024 (8:46 pm)

    The bike looks like it is locked to the top of that block.    It’s not a lockup that would stop even a casual thief, but it suggests someone is hoping to still find it there later.   Doesn’t seem abandoned in any event.   

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