2:17 PM: Ashley hopes you will be on the lookout for her stolen e-bike, taken from the Marq West apartments on Avalon: “My e-bike was stolen last night. It’s a Magnum green step-through e-bike with a basket on the back. Has a Harry Potter decal on the right side below the battery mount.” She says someone else’s bike was stolen too, and there was an attempted motorcycle theft as well.

3:06 PM: Since we published that report, we’ve received this, from Amanda:

Please be on the lookout for a stolen electric bike. My roommate Elliot‘s electric bike (black colored, still had their white helmet on it) was just stolen from the parking lot of the Rite Aid on California Ave.

Someone in the parking lot was kind enough to snap a video after they noticed the chain being cut, by someone in a black T-shirt and red shorts.

I’ve attached the clearest picture from the video, of the thief riding away with the bike.

No incident # in either theft yet but we’ll add if/when we get those numbers. (UPDATE: For the theft reported by Ashley, it’s 24-155579.)

4 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen e-bikes"

  • Admiral-2009 June 8, 2024 (7:34 pm)

    Many people have e-bikes as second vehicle and some as a primary one.  It’s past time that bike thieves get caught and held accountable.  E-bikes are pricey as are good street bikes, the City wants people to get out of there cars then the City needs to get this rampant bike theft problem under control!

  • Azimuth June 8, 2024 (8:09 pm)

    General PSA: always take your e-bike batteries with you. I can’t speak to other brands or even the latest models, but earlier model Rad bikes are shockingly easy for thieves to help themselves to your $500 battery.

  • Ryan June 10, 2024 (12:06 am)

    I’m the other person at Marq West Seattle whose bike was stolen. This incident is said to have happened at 4 am Saturday when two guys wearing bandanas over the rot face came in to the apartment garage area with a truck filled with other bikes. They did a massive bike theft around the area probably. But seems like they probably had an idea of the layout of the building or else might not have been possible to pull this theft.

  • Highland park resident June 11, 2024 (12:05 pm)

    There is a motor home at 12th and Trenton that has an Electric bike in front of it that wasn’t there yesterday. Can’t get close enough to check for any specific marks 

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