WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen backpack with new graduate’s items inside

B emailed this morning about her new college grad’s backpack, stolen in a car prowl in North Delridge:

We’ve been teaching our teen how to drive and forgot the bit about locking the car. My oldest daughter had her backpack in the back and it was stolen last night. She is especially sad because she just graduated from Texas Southern University and this was her student athlete backpack.

It was a black Columbia 300 backpack with red and white stripes and the TSU logo and #12 on the front, luggage tag with the TSU logo and the name “Smith” and #12, lots of keychains hanging, Dean’s List medal, bowling shoes, journals, Coach K’s book, a wrister, wrist brace, a tripod, and a bowling kit. It looks similar to the one in the photo attached.

Most everything inside and the backpack itself can be replaced, but it held great sentimental value to her.

5 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen backpack with new graduate's items inside"

  • Star55 June 25, 2024 (11:04 am)

    Where did this happen? Helpful for location to look around.

    • WSB June 25, 2024 (11:05 am)

      Sorry. Adding. North Delridge.

  • T Rex June 25, 2024 (11:53 am)

    Us Texans will be looking carefully!

  • The Smiths June 25, 2024 (1:05 pm)

    Happened around midnight last night. We are on 25th between Dakota and Genesee. Sound like others in the neighborhood had issues last night too. :(Thanks for keeping an eye out, T Rex!

  • Recess Lady June 25, 2024 (3:55 pm)

    B, I’m so sorry these items are so sentimental and I also know how difficult it is to believe someone would be such a jerk to break in and steal these items in your own neighborhood. While it happens regularly it took me a couple break ins to learn the life lesson of taking items out of the car. So happy to hear your daughter graduated TSU, that is a great achievement, her education will last a lifetime and this life lesson will mark a moment in time and a change in habit. Remind that daughter of yours to try and not let some inconsiderate human take any bit of it away from your achievement, Deans List medal, amazing. I will certainly keep an eye out around the paths and gym. Big hug and congratulations to the college graduate and her proud parents!

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