FYI: Film crew planning to work near 35th/Morgan tomorrow

Thanks to Chris for the tip about no-parking signs in the 34th/35th/36th/Morgan vicinity. A close-up look shows they’re attributed to a production company for “filming” tomorrow (Monday, June 17). Detailed information on some of the signage pointed us toward the production manager, who tells WSB they’ll be filming a “TV commercial” tomorrow; he isn’t allowed to say what the commercial’s for, but insists it’s nothing “exciting.” He says passersby will notice production trucks and a motor home, and that what they’re filming will include a delivery truck rigged with a camera, “driving around the neighborhoods,” with a police escort.

5 Replies to "FYI: Film crew planning to work near 35th/Morgan tomorrow"

  • At June 16, 2024 (8:33 pm)

    It’s a commercial for the food bank. 

    • WSB June 16, 2024 (8:45 pm)

      Thanks! Maybe the Food Bank is featured, given the shooting location, but the production manager indicated the commercial was for “a company.”

      • L June 16, 2024 (9:18 pm)

        It’s going to be an Amazon commercial featuring the WS Food Bank.

  • Local June 16, 2024 (11:03 pm)

    Do you know what the upcoming construction on California between Andover and Charleston is? Looks like it also goes around the west corner down Charleston a bit. I haven’t had a chance to look at the signs to see dates, etc but there are a lot of construction signs out in preparation. 

    • WSB June 17, 2024 (12:20 am)

      The secret to decoding NO PARKING signs is to look for the one sign every half-block or so with a piece of paper attached, usually saying at least a little about the reason, and offering a contact number. We’ll take a look tomorrow too.

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