UTILITIES: Power outage, brown water in Arbor Heights

Two utility notes, both from readers in Arbor Heights:

ARBOR HEIGHTS POWER OUTAGE: Thanks for the texted tip about a 13-customer outage:

Seattle City Light blames it on “equipment failure.”

ARBOR HEIGHTS BROWN WATER: Thanks to Mark for the report about “brown water near 37th Ave and 97th St” early this afternoon. No emergencies today so likely hydrant testing again, but always report it to Seattle Public Utilities‘ 24/7 hotline, 206-386-1800.

1 Reply to "UTILITIES: Power outage, brown water in Arbor Heights"

  • West Seattlite May 31, 2024 (8:11 pm)

    Just a note, the brown water lasted about 5 hours. stopped around 5 pm

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