SCHOOLS: Vashon Island SD still accepting non-resident applications

With a month left in the school year, many are looking ahead to next year. In addition to Seattle Public Schools, West Seattle has public-school students in neighboring districts, primarily Highline to the south and Vashon Island to the west. VISD’s superintendent Dr. Slade McSheehy asked us to publish this reminder for any family interested in their district:

Did you know that the Vashon Island School District is currently accepting non-resident applications for students in grades K-12? This is a wonderful opportunity for families in our neighboring communities to become part of an exceptional school district. At Vashon Island School District, we take pride in small school environments where every student is not just a name on a roster, but welcomed, known, and treasured.

Join over 200+ students, K-12, who commute daily to be a part of our close-knit island community.

Apply for admission using the VISD Non-Resident Student application, Non-Resident Application

Questions, forms, and other information can be received for each school from the following people:

Chautauqua Elementary: Caleb Johns, CES Registrar – 206-463-8540

McMurray Middle School: Kelly Murphy, McM Registrar – 206-463-9168

Vashon High School: Deb Franson, VHS Registrar – 206-463-8684

Choice Transfers, District Contact: Kareem Greenidge – 206-463-8530

30 Replies to "SCHOOLS: Vashon Island SD still accepting non-resident applications"

  • Alki resident May 12, 2024 (4:23 pm)

    The best school around, for many years, going strong. 

    • David Marzano May 12, 2024 (8:09 pm)

      I agree.  But I have a bias.  I was one of the original faculty members that opened McMurray in the fall of 1969.   And I am still proud of our early achievements.  

  • Mustang May 12, 2024 (5:29 pm)

    Such a great decision for our kid to go to Vashon schools. In particular, I have appreciated their growth in arts, leadership and writing. Highly recommend Vashon schools as an alternative for families looking for a smaller school environment.

  • J May 12, 2024 (7:04 pm)

    I’m very curious. What’s the main motivation for sending your child to VISD schools?

    • Eric1 May 12, 2024 (10:38 pm)

      Avoid Seattle public schools? There are many reasons but it usually boils down to the dysfunction that is Seattle. Vashon Island schools are just a ferry ride away so it isn’t difficult for West Seattle or North Burien kids to attend. 

    • K May 13, 2024 (6:57 am)

      Vashon is demographically different than West Seattle, which is reflected in their school system and the resources allocated per student.  

    • Alki resident May 13, 2024 (7:23 am)

      Seattle public school has consistently been the worst school system. So many great successes came out of Vashon schools in West Seattle. 

      • Colby May 13, 2024 (7:40 pm)

        Highline Public Schools says “hold my beer”

    • Diversity has value May 13, 2024 (9:02 am)

      Vashon has 3 small schools with under 15% of their students qualifying for free and reduced lunch and only 20% minority population with few of those being language learners.  Folks can talk about enjoying a smaller district, better organization or whatever, but it is essentially a free school for rich white kids…. if it is better than Seattle it is because they face far fewer challenges. 

      • Andy May 13, 2024 (9:08 pm)

        The residents pay state and local taxes. What is this “free for rich white kids” nonsense.

    • Sarah May 13, 2024 (11:26 am)

      Smaller classroom sizes, smaller school population, better communication with staff and instructors, better organization…the list can go on. The commute and ferry can be a pain, but it’s been worth it for us, and it’s all been my kids’ decision.

  • Seattlesun May 13, 2024 (7:59 am)

    Are there buses or free ferry/ transit vouchers to aid low income families?

    • Dr. McSheehy May 13, 2024 (10:43 am)

      Good morning, Thank you for the question and your interest. The ferry and all transit are free to all students. We have district buses that transport students from the terminal to their schools. I hope this is helpful. Dr. McSheehy, Superintendent

      • Southworth May 13, 2024 (1:21 pm)

        Dr. McSheely,
        Since it has been raised as an issue can you give us the demographics of the non-resident students?

      • Bus May 13, 2024 (9:27 pm)

        Is that transportation set up to accommodate kids with mobility devices or other disabilities?  Or is it one-bus-fits-all?

  • Jake May 13, 2024 (8:04 am)

    Another thread where people speak in hyperbole. Seattle is the WORST! Vashon is THE BEST! Geeze, nothing but random  bias and anecdotal experiences here. As someone who is dating a severely underpaid SPD teacher, the hate the schools get is beyond me.

    • Elton May 13, 2024 (12:56 pm)

      As a parent who chose to not send their kid to SPS I can say that I don’t “hate” any of the SPS teachers. The ones I have direct knowledge/experience with are great. However, SPS leadership seems awful. Consider the safety situation at Chief Sealth, the feet dragging on union demands last year, the delays with the Alki Elementary project, underfunding of schools (e.g. lacking specialties like music programs), and the threat of closing schools so we can more densely pack our students into the existing schools and further burden the teachers.That being said, the reviews on online sites for Vashon schools are concerning – not sure to what extent to trust them.

    • Alki resident May 13, 2024 (3:40 pm)

      I was in SPS during the 70’s and unfortunately put my kids through the same. It wasn’t until our neighbors and friends put all of their children through Vashon that we knew what we were missing. It was too late for us because we established so many friends but as time goes on and I still see kids coming and going on the ferry, it’s apparent Vashon has a gem. We have a family friend who was a teacher for years but got out of it to have peace of mind and higher income. It’s not teachers who we dispute, it’s SPS main office who’s the issue. The clear choice was for my grandchildren to get homeschooled and avoid lockdowns, bullying, chaos and commotion in the school instead of learning. 

  • Curious May 13, 2024 (8:24 am)

    Could someone please describe the transportation details for a student to get to & from Vashon for schools?  I presume they ride the Fauntleroy Ferry to & from Vashon – what time does the ferry go to and from?  And is there a school bus or a regular bus that goes from the ferry dock to the schools?

  • Sarah May 13, 2024 (9:35 am)

    I’ve always been curious as to student’s commute experience heading out to Vashon.  How long does it take door to door on average for someone living in WS?  By my estimate it’s got to be nearly an hour?  Drop off at ferry plus school bus from dock to school.  Do elementary students hang out on the boat by themselves?

    • Dr. McSheehy May 13, 2024 (10:48 am)

      Hi Sarah, Thanks for the questions. Please take a look at our website for some details… The ferry is about 15 minutes and the bus ride to school is about another 15 minutes. The door to door would depend on your location for certain.  We have ferry monitors for the younger students.  I’ve attached our website here for more details that should be helpful. Have a great day, Dr. McSheehy

      • Sarah May 13, 2024 (12:21 pm)

        Thank you for the response!

      • Southworth May 13, 2024 (1:30 pm)

        I believe those times fifteen minute plus fifteen minutes,  to be optimistic for anyone experienced in Fauntleroy Vashon ferries.   If parents are thinking they can drop their kids at the Fauntleroy dock and expect them to be in their classroom Hal an hour later, they are misinformed.   More realistically is an hour of transit.

    • Dad of Vashon Commuters May 13, 2024 (1:25 pm)

      MAYBE it’s only 15 minutes from the time the boat pulls away from one dock and arrives at the other, but add all the time for loading and unloading, arriving in time to be able to load on either side, and the fact that the evening boats run anywhere from five minutes to nearly an hour late more often than not, it does make for a much longer day than what you’d get staying in Seattle. If your student gets involved in extra-curriculars, that can lead to even longer days. The Friday boat for the elementary school has landed too close to 6 p.m. (meant to be 5) to ever be comfortable making Friday night plans.And we will continue to make those time sacrifices for the benefits we perceive for our children since transferring there.We did not necessarily have negative experiences at SPS (at least until after we had made the decision). Rather, it was an SPS teacher who advised that our elder child might find a better social and academic fit via the switch. She was correct.

  • wsparent May 13, 2024 (10:06 am)

    Is Vashon district good for Highly Capable and Advanced Learning designated kids?

    • Sarah May 13, 2024 (11:15 am)

      Both my kids have been in the VSD for 3 years. Both are advanced learners. My daughter is currently in 8th grade and goes to the HS for 10th grade math. In my experience it has been  amazingly accommodating for advanced learners.

    • Derek May 13, 2024 (12:24 pm)

      Gifted programs are extremely classist and rooted in segregation and it’s wild that it is still accepted widely. 

      • NAM May 13, 2024 (7:45 pm)

        This attitude (which is shared by the district administration) is responsible for a lot families leaving Seattle Public Schools. 

  • VHSparent May 13, 2024 (1:37 pm)

    I appreciate how incredibly thoughtful, caring, and transparent the VSD has been- especially through Covid. I had, and continue to have, one kid in SPS and one in VSD and it’s been very different. The SPS middle schools in West Seattle are huge. Too big in my opinion and I’m afraid my kid would have gotten lost and not had the support they needed there. I’m incredibly grateful that VSD is an option and love being connected to the community on Vashon. The schools do a great job of involving commuter families. The ferry system needs more support and can sometimes be tricky, but for the most part, my kid enjoys the commute and it provides some transition time and build in social time for the kids. I highly suggest going to visit the schools and see how it feels to be there. 

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