UPDATE: 81-year-old man killed by hit-run driver at Roxbury/15th

(Updated screengrab from nearest SDOT traffic camera, looking east toward scene)

10:20 PM: According to SPD radio, King County Sheriff’s Office deputies are closing Roxbury at 15th, after a collision reported as a driver hitting a pedestrian – reportedly a hit-run with life-threatening injuries. The driver was last seen heading eastbound on Roxbury. One officer says a witness believes the vehicle was a gray Mazda SUV.

10:38 PM: SFD medics are taking the victim to Harborview.

11 PM: Roxbury has reopened. We have followup inquiries out but may not hear back until tomorrow morning.

8:30 AM TUESDAY: SFD says the victim is an 81-year-old man who was in critical condition when transported.

10:56 AM: KCSO tells us the victim has died, and a spokesperson adds, “Preliminary investigation says the suspect vehicle was a silver SUV, possibly a Mazda. The vehicle would have front-end damage to the grill and hood area.” They are hoping to get more information about the suspect out later today in hopes of public help in tracking them down.

7 Replies to "UPDATE: 81-year-old man killed by hit-run driver at Roxbury/15th"

  • whataboutthecreedence April 23, 2024 (9:24 am)

    An 81 year old man? What horrible person could do such a thing? Prayers for the victim.

  • WSB April 23, 2024 (10:57 am)

    Story updated again – KCSO tells us the victim has died.

  • flimflam April 23, 2024 (11:57 am)

    Very sad, I hope the man’s family (if he has) find peace.

  • J April 23, 2024 (8:10 pm)

    There are SDOT cameras on 15th and 16th on the traffic lights. One is not working and the other is pointed right at the accident scene. They should both be operational. 

  • 1994 April 23, 2024 (10:08 pm)

    Very sad to hear the walked has passed away. I hope the driver can be identified or turns themselves in.

  • TJG April 27, 2024 (12:35 pm)

  • Mike Cadigan April 30, 2024 (9:30 am)

    Terrible tragedy!  I hadn’t seen Tommy since he graduated from Garfield H.S., but have seen his brother, Randy, who lives in Paris.  I remember Tommy as a very intelligent, gentle, and gregarious person as well as a terrific athlete.  Rest in peace, brother.

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