From the ‘in case you wondered too’ file: Here’s what’s happening at West Seattle Junction park site

A reader texted that photo of a Seattle Parks crew at the future West Seattle Junction Park site (40th SW between Alaska and Edmunds), wondering if park-development work is finally getting under way. Short answer, no; longer answer from Parks’ project manager Kelly Goold: “Current work on site is general cleanup and lawn care to improve current temporary open lawn space.” Park construction is still on the other side of getting bids, choosing a contractor, and finalizing permits, but could start this year. “Until then, the site is an open lawn for public use.” (As explained here last year.) The city bought the third-of-an-acre parcel more than a decade ago.

9 Replies to "From the 'in case you wondered too' file: Here's what's happening at West Seattle Junction park site"

  • Derek March 7, 2024 (4:34 pm)

    Kindly asking everyone to stop using this as an off leash dog park 

    • sf March 7, 2024 (5:48 pm)

      Derek, I believe the dogs like to be referred to as ‘canines experiencing leashlessness’.

      • StopRecreationalOutrage March 7, 2024 (6:09 pm)

        Glad I checked the comments. This is amazing.

      • wscommuter March 7, 2024 (10:29 pm)

        Best reply ever.  I’m weeping.  

  • KT March 7, 2024 (7:41 pm)

    “Park construction … could start this year”.  The city bought the third-of-an-acre parcel more than a decade ago”.  Of course.

    • Jared March 8, 2024 (6:10 pm)

      To be fair, the park was supposed to go out for bids in 2020, but covid stopped all of that. Parks are usually funded a few years in advance, but since Covid scrapped that the funds had to be re-authorized. Thankfully it was!

  • April March 8, 2024 (9:53 am)

    This should be a dog park as its to close to a cannabis shop to be a pedestrian park according to law. It has to be over 1000 feet from the shop. Is this parcel over 1000 feet from Origins?

    • WSB March 8, 2024 (10:50 am)

      That’s irrelevant as they’re eventually moving.

  • Paul March 9, 2024 (11:35 am)

    After a site inspection WSDPC concluded that the area was inappropriate for an Off -Leash area as the surrounding buildings create an amplification effect for barking. Building residents would not likely appreciate this.

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