Noisy night on Harbor Avenue

Noting for the record: From more than a few neighborhoods in north West Seattle, people texted us tonight, wondering about what one reader described as “racing cars and loud bangs,” audible all the way up to Admiral. Reviewing police-radio audio, we note the activity was a summer-size crowd of drivers drawn to Don Armeni Boat Ramp. One police officer dispatched in the 7 pm hour reported back, “There’s too many people here for me to do anything.” But others were sent and before 8 pm, one officer reported that they were planning to close the entrance to Don Armeni, where police estimated hundreds of cars/drivers had gathered. There were no confirmed shots-fired incidents; some cars are modified to generate backfire noise similar to gunshots (early in the evening, eastbound on Roxbury, we were right behind one). No injury incidents logged.

100 Replies to "Noisy night on Harbor Avenue"

  • John February 18, 2024 (11:54 pm)

    There was not gunfire. It was cruising and many cars will do it all summer! It’s beach life and some of the cars are cool! Of course I’m against racing but people need to understand the difference between a gun shot and muffler shot.

    • Allen February 19, 2024 (6:57 am)

      Agreed! Some of the cars are cool! Seattle has a rich car culture. Perhaps next time the meetup will be communicated out to the public so normal folks can participate, enjoy, and educate themselves on the car enthusiast community. 

    • JP February 19, 2024 (7:43 am)

      WSB specifically said it was NOT gun fire.

    • Seth February 19, 2024 (8:21 am)

      Love playing the game where you have to decide if your life is in danger or it’s just someone trying to look cool. It’s not even a good mod it’s just attention seeking cause they can’t afford an actual nice car lol

    • Brian February 19, 2024 (8:27 am)

      As a thought exercise, I drew a Venn diagram showing the folks who own cars that make obnoxious backfire shot sounds in one circle and the folks who habitually speed and drive recklessly in the other circle. It’s a perfect circle. 

    • Debatable February 19, 2024 (9:20 am)

      No, not unimpeachably ‘beach life’. And hundreds of cars jammed into a small parking lot is not cruising.   A difference between a backfire and a gun shot is only 0-30 decibels. Both fall within the upper limits for ear pain and damage per OSHA’s permissible exposure limits. Both are caused by an explosion of gases. Sound wise they’re very similar, and that’s pretty much the point of the ‘muffler shot’ mod.

    • Jim P. February 19, 2024 (12:09 pm)

      ” I’m against racing but people need to understand the difference between a gun shot and muffler shot.”

      Perhaps people should not be expected to have to.

      Making noise for the sake of making noise in public is juvenile at best.

    • alki_2008 February 19, 2024 (5:52 pm)

      My cats do not differentiate.  Fireworks, backfire, and gunshots all sound like end-times to them.

    • Cameron February 20, 2024 (10:24 am)

      “Some of the cars are cool!”But most are just pieces of junk

      • Lp February 20, 2024 (1:46 pm)


  • Rhonda February 18, 2024 (11:58 pm)

    We have a young…..fellow…..on our street in Arbor Heights with one of those “machine gun” exhausts on his fancy, racy Subaru. We get treated to mock gunfire most days.

    • Alki resident February 19, 2024 (7:06 am)

      Call it what it is, backfiring. 

  • Oh yes…that one February 19, 2024 (1:39 am)

    He and his fellows enjoy testing the limits down 35th to MVD. Only matter of time before a  pedestrian is struck while getting their mail.  Time to wake up kiddos. Life isn’t a video game. 

    • Rick February 19, 2024 (9:57 am)

      Yeah, no reset button.

    • Ej February 20, 2024 (8:50 pm)

      I think I know the one. They flew by one night while I was taking my dog out. I tried getting a license plate because I’m so sick of them using 35th as their de facto raceway, to no avail. 

  • True North February 19, 2024 (1:52 am)

    None of the people who liv on Harbor, Alki and Beach Drive have a problem with summertime increased traffic and activities. What they do take issue with is those few people who think it is their right to visit the beach after curfew, holding all night parties with hundreds in attendance, racing, drifting, stunt driving, revving engine contests, rapid backfire popping contests, drinking, drug use, fights, yelling, screaming and playing music as loud as their amps will allow. And, YES there is quite often gun play.  We do see a lot of really cool cars on parade down here, and we too enjoy the many activities. We do not claim to own the beach or the views , and we encourage all respectful law abiding citizens to come and enjoy the place where we live. Those not fitting that description should not be allowed to cause what qualifies as a public nuisance. This holds true for every neighborhood in the entire city. It is those who live in the city and enjoy all of the many wonderful places and things Seattle has to offer, to join together in taking back our city.

    • neighbor February 19, 2024 (10:29 am)

      This, exactly! I love cars. I love car shows and car enthusiasts, and I would love for there to be a safe, sanctioned place for the drifting and racing enthusiasts to do their thing. But Alki isn’t that place- it’s not safe for either the racers or the residents to have street racing, drifting, tire-smoking donuts in pedestrian intersections. 

    • Fake South February 19, 2024 (12:53 pm)

      There’s no curfew.

      • True North February 19, 2024 (2:26 pm)

        There is most certainly a curfew on the beach and in the parks of Seattle. There are also parking restrictions, signs that say NO PARKING AFTER 11:00 and a picture of a tow truck.  Those who are declaring this as simply fun on the beach, are either ill informed, stupid by choice i.e. ignorant, or are those who think illegal activity is perfectly fine. Again, those who live on the beach enjoy the beach activity especially in the summer months, it’s why we live here. We do NOT claim special privilege, nor ownership of the beach. We do however want to see the laws abided by and those who break the laws be penalized for their illegal activities, Yes, there has always been cruising on the beach and there always will be. The activity we are talking about does NOT IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM qualify as cruising. 

        • Fake South February 19, 2024 (3:39 pm)

          Still, there’s no curfew. Alki Beach…..the sand part…..closes, but there’s no closure of the roads these loud patrons perform their antics on. Likewise, the bike path, sidewalks, and railings are open 24/7/365.

          • alki_2008 February 19, 2024 (5:56 pm)

            There is a noise ordinance.  Every Friday and Saturday night, around 2am (Sat/Sun morning), there are people blaring music and racing their cars on Alki Ave. They station up across the street from Blue Moon Burgers and everybody nearby gets to listen to their noise for hours that should be spent sleeping. Do you think that’s just fine?

    • Alki resident February 19, 2024 (4:17 pm)

      What curfew did you just make up? 

      • AG February 20, 2024 (5:14 am)

        You claim to be an “Alki resident” but aren’t familiar with any of the curfew signage on Alki. Interesting, squirrel, interesting.

  • Melinda R February 19, 2024 (3:25 am)

    When you’re born with a small “gun”, apparently you need to compensate with the sounds of a big one. Poor fellas. It’s unfortunate we need to hear it.

  • WarOnCars February 19, 2024 (5:18 am)

    reaping the rewards of car centric infrastructure 😊

  • Jimmy February 19, 2024 (5:29 am)

    We have racing of cars every time a car drives down our residential street! I get to hear it constantly and it starts at 4 am and plus the idiot neighbor who has a dump truck filled to the top with rocks and other items going down our dirt alley and runs his truck in front of my bedroom window almost running into my fence in order to park his dump truck on his tiny driveway. He is wrecking the alley and the plants I have planted against my fence. His dump truck sounds like a fire engine and it awfully loud to listen to it for more than 30 minutes as he warms up his dump truck next to my bedroom window at 5am in the morning. We have over 6 neighbors who have those extremely loud cars and also their friends who show up with those loud exhaust pipes. 

  • Al King February 19, 2024 (6:31 am)

    Heard them popping on Alki Ave & 61st

  • john 316 February 19, 2024 (6:49 am)

    as long as there’s no trouble we should not judge

    • EJ February 19, 2024 (8:22 pm)

      “No trouble.” Yeah. Maybe there’s no “trouble” until one of these delinquents hits someone due to them driving at a high rate of speed. But why wait until there is that kind of “trouble”? Not to mention the majority of these cars are likely in violation of RCW 46.37.390.

  • Alki resident February 19, 2024 (7:08 am)

    So at 7pm people are calling police over cars gathering in the most beautiful part of West Seattle? Are these callers afraid for their lives or something? Nice weather is coming, get use to it. 

    • newnative February 19, 2024 (10:23 am)

      We’re up in North Admiral and were subjected to hearing cars revving,backfiring and speeding up here too. There was one loud car just driving in circles and through our alley. “Cars gathering” was not the problem. 

    • Neighbor February 19, 2024 (5:27 pm)

      I could hear it from Beach Drive.

    • alki_2008 February 19, 2024 (5:59 pm)

      Some of those loud cars were way too fast, at least 45 or 50 down a one-lane street (25mph speed limit) that has poor lighting and where kids and elderly could get hit if they tried crossing. If you’re gonna drive loud, then at least drive safely.

  • Alki Jack February 19, 2024 (7:26 am)

    These cars that make all this racket are polluting the air we all breathe. Almost all have had the catalytic converters removed and they have adjusted the timing so unburned fuel enters the hot exhaust pipes creating the bang, bang, bang sound you hear. They are extremely annoying to the vast majority of citizens, are illegal for both noise and pollution. BUT, Seattle doesn’t have a fully staffed  police force to enforce the laws.

    • Alki resident February 19, 2024 (10:09 am)

      I guess you should’ve been behind the metro bus yesterday that was burning oil something awful all the way down the street. The pollution was horrendous and I had to pull back just to see in front of me until he turned. Oh and the semi truck last week that was spewing black smoke. Those little cars on Alki are giving off very little exhaust. My son has one and it’s minimal compared to the ships at the ports offloading containers right there in Elliott Bay, sitting idle running. 

      • YT February 20, 2024 (11:46 am)

        The difference here is that bus is carrying many people at once, as opposed to only one person who, in this case, is creating pollution and wasting resources while out joyriding.  The semi truck and ports you mentioned are moving huge amounts of goods, which are unfortunately required for our capitalist society to function.  

  • Mike February 19, 2024 (7:41 am)

    Did they pay the parking fee?

    • Derp February 19, 2024 (10:47 am)

      I believe it is a launch fee for the boats and there isn’t a parking fee. If you are referring to the Boat launch parking lot. 

      • Osprey February 20, 2024 (12:00 am)

        $12/day for parking in the lot and you must have a boat trailer behind your vehicle.Vehicles without trailers may park only in the few slots at the very north and very south sections of the lot, closest to the entrance and exit.q

  • Lucy February 19, 2024 (7:59 am)

    It was very loud and somewhat scary down here between 730-9 on Alki Ave.  I did see two SPD cars drive by a couple times around 8pm.  It was ridiculous how many LOUD cars were cruising past. Speed humps need to be installed all along Alki Ave. and there needs to be a law enforcement presence.  This summer is going to be a crap show.  

    • 937 February 19, 2024 (12:52 pm)


      • Neighbor February 19, 2024 (5:29 pm)

        Yeah, lots of people doing unpredictable things with cars is scary.  I wouldn’t want to be down there with that going on.  Even during the day people drive in the bike lane.  It’s a no-go area after dark for me.

        • 937 February 19, 2024 (7:31 pm)

          Such a shame to be living your life in a constant state of fear. Some incredible views from Anchor/Armeni/Block/Alki after dark. I’ve been to them just short of a zillion times – never once had an “afraid” issue.

          I must’ve missed the reports of reckless driving and multiple accidents. Best of luck to you Neighbor – Even getting out of one’s bed brings risk.

  • SuperAwesome February 19, 2024 (8:44 am)

    “There’s too many people here for me to do anything” is a frightening quote from a police officer.  It was as loud as a summer night last evening with racing and revving engines. 

  • Lisa February 19, 2024 (9:27 am)

    What bothers me most is that I now live in a city where I have to think about whether what I hear is gunfire or a car backfiring.

    • Reality February 19, 2024 (9:53 am)

      Don’t live in a metropolitan area then. 

      • Lisa February 19, 2024 (4:01 pm)

        @reality – I call BS on that. Seattle never used to be like this. Not even just a few years ago. The gun violence is out of control and, as Superawesome said, it’s frightening the police would say, “There’s too many people here for me to do anything.” Of course there will be more crime if the police refuse to show up / do anything about. It’s unacceptable, in a city or in a rural community.

    • Jeff February 19, 2024 (11:02 am)

      “Now” live in a city. This has been going on for years. Cruising is part of living on a beach! That’s like being against beach volleyball.

      • SuperAwesome February 19, 2024 (12:46 pm)

        No, it isn’t.  These folks aren’t just cruising.  They are deliberating making loud noises, being obnoxious, and making the area less enjoyable for others.  I cannot imagine how people defend this.  I was eating at Harry’s outside last summer and someone was spinning their tires at the intersection and flooding the area with smoke and noise.   Last night it was so loud on 61st my dog got spooked and wouldn’t go outside.   Yes, it’s been going on for years and it’s getting worse. 

        • Jeff February 19, 2024 (2:48 pm)

          I missed where you owned the beach and who can go there. Look, sorry for your dog, but perhaps Kitsap peninsula is less busy and more suited for your needs? The cars are legal. Everything they’re doing is legal. It seems if it’s Permit Culture, it’s acceptable, but if it’s largely “those people” (as it seems some want to say in this thread without saying it) who do it, is when you guys suddenly start to care. The noise happens whether there’s permits or not and not everyone is asleep at 7PM on a Sunday. Give these people places to race!

          • SuperAwesome February 19, 2024 (9:28 pm)

            I said no such thing. I don’t think I own the beach which is why I don’t do things to disrupt others quiet enjoyment. It’s not legal to do donuts in the middle of the street or race side by side driving in the wrong lane, or blast your music late at night, or have a loud muffler. It’s illegal and rude no matter who does it and I don’t appreciate your insinuation.

      • Pete February 19, 2024 (4:11 pm)

        Ah yes, the speeding, increased pollution etc is just like volleyball.  Good lord that is infantile.  I’ll never understand justifying utter selfishness like this.

      • Neighbor February 19, 2024 (5:30 pm)

        Cruising is fine.  Doing donuts on public streets isn’t.

        • Al King February 19, 2024 (7:29 pm)

          Neighbor. Have watched kids doing donuts on West Seattle and other streets since the ’60’s. Nothing new here.

      • EJ February 19, 2024 (7:14 pm)

        I have a sneaking suspicion you’re not a local. Having lived here nearly my entire life, things were never this bad. What’s happening now is both disrespectful and downright dangerous.

  • oerthehillz February 19, 2024 (9:32 am)

    The sad thing is, most of those driver’s still live at their parents house because they pour all their money into their money pit cars. When they eventually grow up, they’ll realize how pathetic their choices are. 

    • Alki resident February 19, 2024 (4:21 pm)

      Not true, these people have great jobs and careers and have their own places. These people aren’t 16. You don’t even know who this group is so why try to belittle them just because you’re not into the same hobby as them? 

      • Pete February 19, 2024 (6:18 pm)

        A hobby seemingly based on antagonising people. Lovely stuff!

      • KBear February 19, 2024 (6:30 pm)

        Alki Resident, these people’s hobbies are illegal and a community nuisance. 

    • Al King February 19, 2024 (7:22 pm)

      oerthehillz. I know quite a few guys that poured all their money and time as kids-and young adults into their cars. They’ve all successfully grown up and still have and enjoy fast and loud cars.  They’re in their 60’s 70’s and 80’s and are happily passing their love of hot rods down to their kids and grandkids.  And sorry, not a “pathetic” one among them.

      • Alki resident February 19, 2024 (8:23 pm)

        Thank you for this. One of these drivers spends over $100 a day at restaurants in our community not just feeding himself but others. Not because he’s rich, he’s getting by, but because he’s generous. He has a great job he loves and he’s a great guy. He’s also the first person to pull over behind you on the freeway to help you change your tire. There’s many like him in these car groups. 

  • XBD February 19, 2024 (9:35 am)

    Why is nobody mentioning the absolutely insane rate of speed some of these cars decided to “cruise” down our roads at? That’s the point at which people were calling 911. It’s only a matter of time for one of these cars to wrap themselves around a pole or kill a pedestrian. The lack of alarm in these responses is truly astonishing. The cars were all over west Seattle last night not just Alki. 

    • Admiral Resident February 19, 2024 (6:24 pm)

      Honestly aside from the volume of them that’s business as usual here.  Nobody respects speed limits, especially on Admiral Way.  For all that modded cars are noisy and annoying, the majority of people who blast past me doing 40+ up and down the hill from the bridge (a posted 25 MPH zone) are driving normal cars you see on the road, from work trucks to minivans to BMW SUVs.  It would be nice if the people gathering for car stuff had plans in mind for crowd control and some more respect for the noise level of their activities, but let’s not pretend that they’re not simply emblematic of a broader issue when it comes to even vague adherence to traffic laws.

    • Al King February 19, 2024 (7:12 pm)

      XBD. Was invited to watch the drag racers on E Marginal my 1st year at West Seattle.  That was 1971.

  • Rosemary February 19, 2024 (9:56 am)

    Who else’s dog (or cat) was terrified in their home last night by the muffler backfires probably because it sounded loud and unpredictable like fireworks or gunfire and caused vibrations that our pets feel?!

    • herongrrrl February 19, 2024 (5:03 pm)

      Not just pets! There are also plenty of combat vets and other people who have PTSD reactions to these sounds. The noise is NOT benign. 

  • Rick February 19, 2024 (10:04 am)

    We’re on Ocean View Drive just off MVD and heard a pretty loud boom right around 8:00 last nite. Unfortunately, it’s not all that unusual.

  • Drock February 19, 2024 (10:09 am)

    Does the city have some type of ordinance limiting how many decibels of sound a car can produce. If so I’d like to see some more enforcement, if not can we look into it, cars this loud are really annoying.

    • EJ February 19, 2024 (7:12 pm)

      RCW 46.37.390(3): No person shall modify the exhaust system of a motor vehicle in a manner which will amplify or increase the noise emitted by the engine of such vehicle above that emitted by the muffler originally installed on the vehicle, and it shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle not equipped as required by this subsection, or which has been amplified as prohibited by this subsection.

      How often do y’all think this is enforced? I am over this BS. 🙄

      • Alki resident February 19, 2024 (8:15 pm)

        How much fentanyl is being enforced?

  • BDJ February 19, 2024 (10:29 am)

    I understand loud car noises; backfiring and loud people,  can be obnoxious, rude and down right scary at times. When thought is given to other issues that need addressing by the understaffed police department in the city, noise is not top of the list nor should it be!. It is inconvenient to everyone who is subjected to the noise who live nearby, but everyone who is complaining the noise bothers you, you should have been well aware of the noise issues of living on Alki, Harbor Ave and nearby, before you decided to live there. This is not a new issue by any means. The complaints of noise, kids (young adults) and cars go back to at least the 1960’s. Have they gotten louder and more violent? Yes they have. Agreed. That said, I think police should focus on the people robbing others who are simply minding their own business, walking down Calif Ave. Or car jacking people, steeling their cars and committing crimes with the stolen cars. Or burglarizing local businesses, often enough some are closing up their shops. Complaining at 7:00pm (rather than if it happened after 10pm),  about people and car noise near our waterfront seems very out of touch with the reality of how dangerous West Seattle and the rest of the city has become. If you’ve lived in West Seattle since you were high school age, there’s a chance you were once part of the crowd others complained about being too noisy, too rowdy, up to no good,  out too late, causing trouble down on Alki, Harbor Ave and surrounding areas. Maybe we should consider violent acts, crime, robberies and burglaries are more important than a lot of younger people with loud vehicles gathered in a parking lot at 7:00pm.  

  • Vee February 19, 2024 (10:52 am)

    Ah, the noise-culture of toxic masculinity. For those who suffer through this display, you can take some grim satisfaction in knowing that the participants are inducing in themselves severe tinnitus, and will likely spend their later years with it’s unending high-pitched scream, suffering with a loss of concentration, often resulting in severe depression, and with a debilitating sensitivity to the very sounds they now think so cool. Can you imagine, trading the ability to hear the voices of one’s grandchildren for the ability to be audibly obnoxious? Its just sad really.

    • Bill February 19, 2024 (1:09 pm)

         As someone who lives with tinnitus,  your take on it is completely wrong. I am sure this group is now biting there nails from your posturing however 

      • Vee February 19, 2024 (4:35 pm)

        For those of you who want accurate information on tinnitus (which I live with from my time serving in the military), please read this article from the National Institute on Deafness. To be clear, I’m not addressing the automobile noise-makers, as they are a group to whom I wouldn’t bother to deliver my commentary. I am only speaking to those who want to commiserate on the extreme intrusiveness of said group’s actions. We will likely never be able to end another’s ability to participate in offensive behavior, but we can help inform those open to rational discourse.

    • 937 February 19, 2024 (3:58 pm)

      What in the world does a made up term like “toxic masculinity” have to do with young drivers (male AND female) showcasing their “whips”?

      Misandry is real.

      • Anywhere but here February 19, 2024 (9:56 pm)

        Actions have consequences.  Misogyny created “misandry.” And it’s well deserved.  

    • Al King February 19, 2024 (7:06 pm)

      VEE.  My 1st introduction to your “toxic masculinity” was my 1st year at Madison. High school kids in their-or their parents’ cars cruising by and showing off -revving their engines and blasting their stereos to impress the girls. That was 1968.  All those guys are in their mid 70’s now 

  • Alki resident February 19, 2024 (10:56 am)

    I’ve been a car dude all my life and totally support orderly car shows.. but a lot of what I’m seeing now is obnoxious and disrespectful. My partner had to wait for these knuckleheads to get out of the road just to get home, at 8pm on a Sunday? I feel bad for that cop who was out there way outnumbered. Idk what the answer is but sideshows are the worst

    • Neighbor February 19, 2024 (12:07 pm)

      Same as it always was.  Kids will be kids.  Give them a safe place to do whatever it is they are going to do anyway.  When I was young street racing was a problem so the local drag strip had free race nights.

      • Debatable February 20, 2024 (1:09 am)

        They’re not all kids. They weren’t all young people. Some were in their 30s and 40s. Does that cast a different light on it for you? Why do you all use youth to throw your support at it? 

    • HS February 20, 2024 (7:22 am)

      Seriously @Alki resident??
      10:09am “I guess you should’ve been behind the metro bus yesterday that was burning oil something awful all the way down the street. The pollution was horrendous and I had to pull back just to see in front of me until he turned. Oh and the semi truck last week that was spewing black smoke. Those little cars on Alki are giving off very little exhaust. My son has one and it’s minimal compared to the ships at the ports offloading containers right there in Elliott Bay, sitting idle running.”
      4:17 “What curfew did you just make up?”
      4:21pm “Not true, these people have great jobs and careers and have their own places. These people aren’t 16. You don’t even know who this group is so why try to belittle them just because you’re not into the same hobby as them?7:08pm “So at 7pm people are calling police over cars gathering in the most beautiful part of West Seattle? Are these callers afraid for their lives or something? Nice weather is coming, get use to it”
      8:23pm “Thank you for this. One of these drivers spends over $100 a day at restaurants in our community not just feeding himself but others. Not because he’s rich, he’s getting by, but because he’s generous. He has a great job he loves and he’s a great guy. He’s also the first person to pull over behind you on the freeway to help you change your tire. There’s many like him in these car groups.”

  • WS Resident February 19, 2024 (12:59 pm)

    I know I’m getting to be an old grumpy man because every week I make sure to tell my wife that loud exhausts should be banned from our shared roads.I stand by my opinion.And yes, I drive a regular ICE car that’s tuned yet doesn’t sound like it’s firing bullets. That’s for the track.

  • WSEnviornmentalist February 19, 2024 (2:59 pm)

    It seems that commenters have skipped over the biggest issue of the congregation of cars and that is the drag racing.  The speed limit on Harbor Ave/Alki is 25 mph.  Cars are racing in excess of 50/60 mph on a 2 lane residential road.  How soon we forget about last summer’s two car accident when a driver was racing at over 70 mph + and slammed into another car sending the victims car and driver over the embankment and into the water.  The speeder received a multiple complex leg fracture and who knows what kind of tickets with fines while the victim had to be rescued  out of the water – almost drowning – and suffered permanent brain damage.  They will never be the same.  We all love cool cars and we want people to have fun but we also want them to be safe and use some commonsense.  

    • alki_2008 February 19, 2024 (6:07 pm)

      That’s right. The danger is fast and reckless driving. Yet some people think that REactive speed cameras are the answer, instead of PROactive speed bumps all along Alki Ave. There is a huge gap between the speed bumps at Duwamish Head and the restaurant area. Having speed bumps would mean cars wouldn’t speed and people wouldn’t be injured. Cameras just issue them a ticket after the damage has already been done.

    • Al King February 19, 2024 (6:48 pm)

      As a daily morning walker on Alki Ave I see LOTS of speeding cars.  Also see passing of slower cars. Don’t see-or hear kids in loud cars. At that time of morning 99% of the speeders I’m sure are RESIDENTS that should have left for work/school/appointments 5 minutes sooner.

  • T February 19, 2024 (3:25 pm)

    We happened to be on the West Seattle Bridge when the meet up ended. If you were concerned about the driving in WS you should’ve seen the vehicles on the bridge and I5 south. 

  • Mrs Kravitz February 19, 2024 (4:18 pm)

    Oh my God, a group of young people having fun without hurting anyone!!! Call out the National Guard!

    • EJ February 19, 2024 (8:58 pm)

      Legitimate question. Have you even witnessed what this post is describing? I think if you had, you’d understand the difference between “kids just having fun” and the dangerous behavior happening here.

      • 937 February 19, 2024 (9:30 pm)

        There were no confirmed shots-fired incidents; some cars are modified to generate backfire noise similar to gunshots (early in the evening, eastbound on Roxbury, we were right behind one). No injury incidents logged.

        Did you read the same entry I did? Because NOWHERE does it mention “dangerous behavior”. The verbiage specifically states “no injury incidents logged”.

        I guess a vigorous board game could constitute “dangerous behavior” for some.

        • Ej February 20, 2024 (8:56 pm)

          Not sure if you’ve found different information but last I checked Harbor Ave has a 25mph limit and is not a designated raceway. Police were called because it was being used for racing. How one would not classify that as dangerous behavior in such a crowded area is beyond me. 

  • Jeepney February 19, 2024 (6:00 pm)

    Young people and cars go back a long way.  I am sure many of the people bemoaning these people for their actions did the same things when they were younger.  Back in my day we cruised Alki with our Z28 Trans Ams and Hemi Mustangs.  I am sure that the older people complained about what we were doing as well.  Just relax and let the younger people enjoy their lives.

    • Al King February 19, 2024 (6:56 pm)

      Our versions of loud and obnoxious were headers and glass packs and muffler cut outs.

  • Alki resident February 19, 2024 (6:48 pm)

    Remember folks, the pirates land this summer and their bombs will carry noise all the up to the Admiral so plan ahead so you’re out of the area so you’re not subjected to noise. 

  • Guido February 19, 2024 (7:35 pm)

    Close the street to cars. No pollution. No noise. No accidents. Ride bikes.

    • Alki resident February 19, 2024 (8:13 pm)


    • Rhonda February 20, 2024 (3:00 pm)

      Yeah, I’m sure the Alki homeowners, tenants, and businesses would love being cut off from the world.

  • Suzi February 19, 2024 (7:56 pm)

    The man who was racing on Alki this summer, and hit that woman head on who wound up in Puget sound and ruined her life is not doing jail time. He left the hospital and did not go to jail!this is a crime against that poor woman!

    • John February 20, 2024 (4:26 am)

      I think about that a lot and how nonchalant the attitude of the police was where they commented that they didn’t even know if the guy was still in jail and just sort of swept it under the rug. I still haven’t heard any updates on that woman I periodically check her GoFundMe It didn’t raise newly as much money as I would have liked to have seen it raise

      • WSB February 20, 2024 (12:05 pm)

        The driver is not and has not been in jail. He has not been charged, to date. I check at least weekly via both the court and jail system websites.

        • John February 20, 2024 (12:42 pm)

          Yes I’m aware of that I was talking about the response from the police department AT THE TIME. You guys are very diligent with your coverage and I appreciate it so I know it would have been updated if he was. I have no idea how he’s been allowed to walk free all this time

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