WEST SEATTLE SCENE: Heart-y lights

Valentine’s Day is exactly two weeks away. While out walking this evening in Gatewood, we noticed a mini-trend:

Within the span of just a few blocks, three homes had Valentine’s lights. We photographed the illuminated hearts at two of them:

So in the spirit of Halloween and Christmas lights, we’ll extend the invitation for this season too – if you have or see a particularly festive Valentine’s display, we’d love a photo – westseattleblog@gmail.com – thanks!

5 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE SCENE: Heart-y lights"

  • Leslie McGovern February 1, 2024 (1:50 pm)

    There are many more now of those Gatewood neighborhood hearts. They are for Valentine’s, for sure, and placed by the neighborhood in honor of one of our most cherished neighbors, Valerie Barrs Omara, who died last Friday, January 26th. As we mourn her passing, we also respect and honor her life and the person she was for everyone whose lives she touched – and send her, and her family, our love.

    • WSB February 1, 2024 (2:01 pm)

      Thank you! I just heard about that last night, when one of the people whose hearts we featured emailed and mentioned that. Turns out we had received your neighbor’s obituary hours earlier – it is scheduled for publication here tomorrow – TR

      • Leslie February 1, 2024 (5:07 pm)

        Thanks for letting us know.

  • tunnel guy February 1, 2024 (3:58 pm)

    The tunnel of lights on the corner of Belvidere and Hanford now has “love” written above it in red lights.

  • Lisa Plymate February 1, 2024 (7:11 pm)

    For those of us who live on 44th Ave SW, Valerie O’Mara was our ‘mayor.’ She ran our block watch and organized the annual block party.  She was an inspiration in so many ways, from becoming one of the first Physicians Assistants in the country to leading Team BadAss for the ALS society, she was always looking for ways to help others.  So our decorative hearts are for Valerie and her family,  to bring our community together in a time of sadness, to share our gratitude for the joy she brought to so many lives.

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