ELECTION 2024: Republican candidate for governor Semi Bird in West Seattle tonight

Just got belated word of this:

Tonight, 6-8 PM, 34th LD Republicans Committee host Semi Bird, GOP candidate for Governor. Inviting all King County to a special Christmas dinner and inspiring conversation.

Where? The Grove West Seattle Inn, 3512 SW Alaska St

Please RSVP: birdforgovernor.com/34th-ld-republican-committee-christmas-dinner-potluck-rsvp

84 Replies to "ELECTION 2024: Republican candidate for governor Semi Bird in West Seattle tonight"

  • Seattlite December 12, 2023 (4:21 pm)

    Dave Reichert would make a good governor.  His focus is on crime.    WA State has been inundated with increasing crime these past years.

    • Yeah December 12, 2023 (5:13 pm)

      Yes, it is Washington State and only Washington State that is experiencing crimes lately, and it is definitely the fault of *flips through conservative talking points* Jay Inslee’s focus on climate action and definitely not *looks around* national policies that are driving a rapidly increasing gap between the wealthy and the poor.  Luckily the guy who pretended he was the one who caught the Green River Killer and tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act is coming out of his 5 year retirement promising to create jobs that will bring in even more people from out of state with no place to live, and that will definitely Solve Crime Forever.  I love it when complex problems have easy answers!

      • Seattlite December 12, 2023 (8:04 pm)

        I remember the Green River Killer case well.  Reichert was a member of the task force.  I don’t recall him saying he alone caught the Green River Killer.  Reichert had valid reasons to question the Affordable Care Act which have come to light in recent years.

      • Brian O December 12, 2023 (8:51 pm)

        This is one of my favorite posts ever.

      • R December 12, 2023 (10:24 pm)

        I think I speak for many of us when I say that you should focus on saying something meaningful rather than attempting to say something clever. If you put as much effort into critical political thought as you do typing out desparate, unconstructive comments, your words then might get you somewhere.People need to reclaim their own power. The democratic party is not on the common people’s side any longer. While I struggle to condone the right, I can no longer vote to continue giving democrats power. They leave empty promises branded as care for the average American, meanwhile tankong the economy that the average American dependa on. At this point, at least the right helps the economy – even if they still lie.  

        • Doubt December 13, 2023 (8:21 am)

          Republicans and democrats are lying day and night. They’ll tell you any lie you want to switch to the site.This government is not your friend. I hate to tell you this: If you keep doing what you’ve been – You are heading for abyss.

        • Ryan December 13, 2023 (8:51 am)

          I KNOW I speak for many of us when I say the fascists and bigots you support are disgusting ghouls who repulse anyone who meets the very low bar of just being a decent person.

        • drahcir61 December 13, 2023 (12:39 pm)

          at least the right helps the economy” – Wow, you must be wealthy! 

          FACT:  Republicans support the Reagan economic policies of “Supply Side Economics”, aka “Trickle Down Economics”.  The premise, tax cuts for the rich & de-regulation will increase economic production & growth (the excess profits “trickling down to the common folk“). 

          Both have failed miserably since I first voted in the early 80s, the burden of higher national debt & less regulation hitting hardest on middle & low-income families. 

          Anyone claiming conservative economic policies help the economy, let alone the average person, is either clueless, foolish, or selling their economic soul for the conservative social agendas. 

          The National Debt is almost $34 Trillion. 
          Republicans & Trump added $7.8 Trillion in 4 years
          Obama added $9.5 Trillion in 8 years
          G.W. Bush added $4.3 Trillion. 
          Clinton added $203 Billion not Trillion
          H.W. Bush added $350 Billion. 

          You don’t reduce the debt by giving tax breaks to the wealthy, unless you’re going to cut spending, which again, hits the middle & low-class families much harder. 

          If you want to convince yourself that Republican policies help the economy, then you’re either really wealthy or you don’t care as long as their conservation social agendas are implemented.

          • Seattlite December 13, 2023 (3:16 pm)

            How is the middle class (lower, middle, upper) doing today in 2023 with increasing inflation?    FYI:  Presidents do not borrow and spend.  Congress borrows and spends.

    • 98126res December 13, 2023 (8:20 pm)

      This event was to hear from Republican Gov candidate SEMI BIRD.  If you didn’t get a chance to meet him check out his site:  http:/www.birdforgovernor.com  Semi Bird is a really engaging guy and leader, not a career politician.  He deserves a listen.  Washington desperately needs someone like him.

  • Jeepney December 12, 2023 (4:23 pm)

    I am a proud lifelong Democrat and I am voting for Dave Reichert.

    • Jeep Americaman December 12, 2023 (6:03 pm)

      Agreed. I too am a human Democrat and will be voting Republican because of issue.

      • Andrew December 12, 2023 (7:49 pm)

        Same. Period

      • Adam December 12, 2023 (10:00 pm)

        What’s wrong, that democrat isn’t toeing the party line? Don’t they know there’s a price to pay for that?

      • WS Guy December 13, 2023 (10:43 am)

        Same here, Jeep.  The Democrats lost me (years ago in my case).

    • James December 13, 2023 (7:04 am)

      Yuck. Reichert is awful. Ferguson all the way!!!

      • Stickerbush December 13, 2023 (12:40 pm)

        Exactly how I feel, flipped 180 degrees.

    • Peter December 13, 2023 (11:58 am)

      Literally nobody is dumb enough to believe Republicans claiming to be Democrats who now support Republicans. Jeepney, your lies are idiotic and laughable. You and your fellow liars Jeep Americaman, WS Guy, and Andrew, are not convincing anyone with your hollow bee ess.

  • April December 12, 2023 (4:24 pm)

    Well this should be interesting since West Seattle is mostly Liberal and Democrat! lol He should go campaign in Eastern Washington!

    • Mike December 12, 2023 (5:08 pm)

      I was life long Democrat, but there’s no Democratic party any longer.  The liberal politicians are now extremists and seem hellbent to destroy Western society.  So lol all you want, most of us are no longer voting D on a ballot just because the candidate claims that they’re Democrat.

      • Seagurl December 12, 2023 (5:29 pm)

        I agree 💯

      • ThisCommunityHates December 13, 2023 (1:49 pm)

        What exactly is the “Western society” that you want to preserve, and how is it being destroyed by democrats?

        • Seattlite December 13, 2023 (8:25 pm)

          “ThisCommunityHates”……..Western culture is the identity of a country and its citizens. America, as a western country, has a culture with its own traditions, American history, heritage, rule of law, etc.  America is the outcome of adventurous brave men and women (pilgrims) who left Europe to seek freedom of religion and freedom from Great Britain and other European countries’ oppressive and morally corrupt governments/monarchs.  American History is, hopefully, being taught in schools.  Just like each person is a unique individual with free will, each country has its own unique history of leaders, heroes, conflicts,  etc.  America’s Declaration of Independence and its Constitution are historical documents that guarantee Americans’ freedoms, rule of law, etc.  Hopefully, these documents are studied and read in today’s class rooms.   America’s history proves that mistakes were made along the way but those mistakes were corrected.  

          • ThisCommunityHates December 13, 2023 (9:23 pm)

            the colonizers that came from Europe under the guise of seeking their own freedom in turn took the freedom away from Africans and Indigenous people to maintain their colonies. i think we can agree that slavery was oppressive and morally wrong, so based on what you said the colonizers set up their own society that for non-Europeans mirrored exactly what they had fled. The Constitution at the time only guaranteed freedom for some folks (remember, the 3/5ths compromised is encoded in the Constitution). The movements that sought to change these initial grievous mistakes were also decried as going against “Western” ideology at the time, but now you seem to include them (as “mistakes corrected”) effectively re-writing history. There being an attack on “Western society” or American values has been a historical dog whistle to fear monger and push the maintenance of an oppressive status quo. I, for one, champion the leaders of movements that sought to fight against the “Western society” of the US to get us to the more equitable (but not entirely so) society of today rather than holding onto the fantasy that the US was somehow righteous and moral from its inception.

    • Orb December 12, 2023 (5:09 pm)

      You may be surprised. Most liberals I know are now a bit more open to listening to more moderate leaders since what we are currently seeing and doing is not working. 

      • Falcon December 13, 2023 (7:58 pm)

        What a joke. Unbelievable that people believe progressive democrats are to blame for any way of life, when they literally have never been in control of anything. Centrist Democrats have had the majority for the whole time, and they pretend to be progressive and make people believe that’s the problem. This city hasn’t had a slightly left leaning mayor in over a decade.Y’all see a non-functional state, city or country and blame “extremist” democrats while ignoring that progressive democrats want 100% of a program, Republicans want 0%. So “compromise” gets to a point where said program will obviously fail, and Republicans successfully get the message out there that the program failed because the program itself and not the sabotage created by Republicans through “compromise”. Open your eyes folks.. you’re being had. Really ask yourself what policy has any “extremist Democrat” had passed, let alone “fail”? Guaranteed there won’t be an answer. Because it’s all corporate Democrat policy or Republican policies.

        • Scarlett December 14, 2023 (8:25 am)

          Working in the financial services industry early in my life I learned that there isn’t much difference between a Republican or a Democrat when they are sitting across the table from you and greedily strategizing their investments.   People talk a lot of crap but at the end of the day it’s all about the size of the ole wallet. 

  • Wseattleite December 12, 2023 (5:09 pm)

    Definitely worth listening to for anyone who actually thinks for themselves and votes outside of a strict party line. This voter will be paying attention. 

  • Rhonda December 12, 2023 (5:28 pm)

    Our family of color is proudly voting for Dave Reichert.

  • Alki resident December 12, 2023 (5:34 pm)

    I’ve been following Semi for quite awhile and am really liking him. He’s answered questions I’ve asked on his page. He definitely will be getting my vote this year. He’s going to make the difference we so need right now. 

  • R-Curious December 12, 2023 (5:48 pm)

    I lean fairly left and I’m a fan of Inslee and Ferguson, but I am interested in listening to a reasonable alternative, if only for the sake of offering thought challenges. Even if they don’t capture my vote, they may spark good debate and force their opponent into concessions. That’s a good thing.A quick scan of Bird’s site makes me think he is a reasonable alternative worth listening to, though I spotted two red flags: He calls himself a “Career American.†Is that a typo? Or populist pandering? Either way, it’s weird. More concerning, he touts an endorsement from Loren Culp. I suppose that’s to get the attention of the MAGA base and was necessary (and perhaps pushed on him by the party), but to me that’s an almost instant disqualification. Of course it’s not something you proclaim in your website, but was Bird also an election denier? The Culp endorsement opens that question to speculation. If so, that’s absolutely a disqualification from me. Is the Republican Party able to govern without tearing down trust in democracy? Present actual ideas outside of tribalism and culture wars? I’d like to think so. I’ll be reading more about Bird…

    • Pelicans December 12, 2023 (9:33 pm)

      Very thoughtful post with interesting questions.

  • Alec December 12, 2023 (5:51 pm)

    When the full Bird shows up so will I.

    • Yeah December 13, 2023 (2:34 pm)

      Underrated comment.

  • Never Vote Republican December 12, 2023 (5:56 pm)

    The Republican Party is anti choice, anti environment, and demonizes trans people. I would never vote for anybody that aligns with that party. 

    • Alki resident December 12, 2023 (8:10 pm)

      Where do you get your false information? 

      • Seattlite December 12, 2023 (8:52 pm)

        Agree Alki Resident…I often wonder if commenters have any facts to backup their statements.

        • Alki resident December 12, 2023 (9:49 pm)

          This one clearly doesn’t. What a shame to falsely influence people like this. Unreal 

          • Another One December 13, 2023 (1:06 pm)

            I am so confused by you and Seattlite.  You’re saying the Republican party is pro-choice, environmentalist, and for trans rights? You’re really saying that? And then saying people need to show you the facts to show you that’s the case? 

        • Jesus take the wheel December 13, 2023 (1:57 pm)

          Huh?? How have they shown to NOT be anti choice, anti environment, and demonizing trans people? Facts? Where have you been? Their actions and comments are everywhere proving ‘Never Vote Republican’s’ point. Bob Ferguson all the way.

      • Never Vote Republican December 12, 2023 (10:05 pm)

        I do this thing called listening to what the party leaders say and reading what legislation Republicans pass and endorse.

        They don’t hide it.

        This comment section has massive astroturfing vibes.

      • Kt December 12, 2023 (10:49 pm)

        The GOP platform is 100% anti choice.  Read the GOP platform.  

        • WSDAD December 13, 2023 (7:59 am)

          I doubt any GOP candidate will support abortion for women, transgender rights, equal pay for workers, etc…If he supports those, he’s got my vote.

          • April December 13, 2023 (12:47 pm)

            @WSDAD  I agree, they will never support woman, transgender or equal pay and they will never get my vote!

          • Sanity 2024 December 13, 2023 (3:53 pm)

            Reichert does! He’s got my vote 100%. He’ll veto anti-choice legislation, defend LGBT rights, and advance equality for women. 

      • Watertowerjim December 13, 2023 (6:13 am)

        Usually through biased media like MSNBC and to a lessor extent CNN.  People get two separate news updates every night.  It’s scary. 

      • Also John December 13, 2023 (8:13 am)

        You’re joking…right?   Newsmax must not cover such news.

      • Felix Grounds December 13, 2023 (10:29 am)

        One only needs to look to Texas and Florida to know where the GOP stands on those issues.Any “moderate” republican, even in Washington state, once given the power, will be swayed by what is now the mainstreem MAGA GOP.

      • shotinthefoot December 13, 2023 (12:31 pm)

        Where are you getting your news? Good lord. Proof of their anti choice, anti environment, anti human rights, pro trump nonsense is literally everywhere…if you don’t have your head in the sand, that is. No backwards, fascist GQP in my state please. I WILL PROUDLY VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO. 

        • Sanity 2024 December 13, 2023 (3:54 pm)

          Reichert is running… He’s been against Trump since day 1. 

          • shotinthefoot December 14, 2023 (8:37 am)

            All republicans are complicit, whether they state they support trump or not. And Reichert has his own disgusting track record that people should really look into before blindly voting for him. 

    • AG December 12, 2023 (11:42 pm)

      Precisely this. Voting blue as if my life depends on it, since based on the evidence of the past several years, it does.

      • Wseattleite December 13, 2023 (9:10 am)

        Wow. The last several years – you want more of the same?  Very low bar of expectations. 

        • Jeff December 13, 2023 (2:36 pm)

          Why would you want to give DeSantis or Trump more power to stack the Supreme court? Or repeal/rollback all the rights we fought for in Washington state over some nonsense crime-focus you’re blaming democrats for when Texas is one of the worst crime states ever. Your little MAGA utopia is far worse than here.

  • heartless December 12, 2023 (7:33 pm)

    One of his promises if elected:
    Parents would have full access to ALL [his emphasis] student records (medical, psychological, counselor, academic).

    I don’t agree with that at all.  If a kid is being abused or mistreated at home do you think they’re going to try to get help from a school counselor or other trusted adult knowing that their abuser will immediately find out they said something? 

    I mean, what a phenomenally, dangerously stupid idea.

    • Phenomenally Stupified December 12, 2023 (10:06 pm)

      Uhhhhhh, great point, exceeeeeeept…..if that’s in a school file somewhere, that abusing parent you mentioned is already facing charges or scrutiny, no? The teacher or other school employee is required to report it to get the student out of a bad situation, yeah? I mean what a phenomenally stupid take. They’d find out when the cops showed up. The point is so that you don’t find out one day your kids received ANY kind of medical care you wouldn’t have consented to, as that kid’s parent. It amazes me to think that people think schools were created to protect kids from their parents. 

      • WS Res December 13, 2023 (5:38 pm)

        Youth have the right to certain types of medical care with privacy from even their parents.  And to speak to your dogwhistle, your kid is not going to get hormones or puberty blockers from school.

        • Phenomenally Confused by Your Response December 13, 2023 (10:35 pm)

          No, because my kid doesn’t want that. Are you claiming, incorrectly, that the school isn’t actually able to do that? Are you claiming, incorrectly, that schools in WA don’t have the option of setting kids up with a group that provides gender-affirming care without their parents’ knowledge, or don’t actually subscribe to the belief that it’s the job of schools to protect kids from their parents?

          • WS Res December 13, 2023 (11:41 pm)

            Schools do not prescribe any kinds of medications to students (if ONLY they were able to offer actual medical care!)  Schools have, among their many responsibilities, to protect vulnerable kids  who may be at risk of violence or homelessness – because they’re gay, because they’re dating someone of another race, because they’re seeking birth control or STD protection, because they’re seeking mental health care, because they’re exploring another religious identity, because they’re writing about wanting to study German literature in college rather than go to business school, and yes because they’re coming to terms with a different gender than the one their parents believe them to be. 

          • ThisCommunityHates December 14, 2023 (12:40 am)

            gender-affirming care at that age and from a school is entirely social, i.e. using their preferred pronouns, being able to use the bathroom they’re most comfortable with. what do you have against that? schools can’t even give out tylenol. you’re probably referring to SPS helping kids get in connection with Nova, but they still don’t provide medical-related services until a specialist and/or guardian is involved. if a kid is only either in school or at home, and the home is unsafe, why are you against schools being a safe place for them? there have been plenty of instances of kids getting out of bad home situations with the help of their school. your comment and viewpoints are unnecessarily, and why do you feel the need to butt into the private affairs of other kids?

    • KDV December 12, 2023 (11:41 pm)

      That argument doesn’t hold water at all. If a child reports abuse, the parent will know right away since they will be contacted by police and CPS to investigate allegations. 

      • heartless December 13, 2023 (1:33 pm)

        Okay, imagine if instead of abuse a kid is struggling with their sexual identity, maybe thinks they might be gay.  These struggles often reflect in poor performance at school, and are one of the issues school counselors discuss with students.  You think a kid from a homophobic home is going to tell the school what they’re struggling with if they know that information is going back home?  If they might get yelled at or beaten or kicked out of the house?  You’re all blind if you can’t see the issue here.

  • NotSoFast December 12, 2023 (8:22 pm)

    No thanks. I’ll be voting with a conscience.  

  • No Thanks December 12, 2023 (8:38 pm)

     I agree the progressive agenda didn’t work out as well as a lot of Democrats hoped, but the Republicans are not okay. I mean just read about how they all still support Trump by huge margins . Its sickening. No thanks! Ill take my chances with a Democrat. At least they still believe in democracy and the right to vote, a women’s right to choose and gay rights. Don’t get fooled the Republicans will  restrict abortion as much as they can in this state just watch…Dont get me started on banned books and CRT

  • Jeff December 13, 2023 (5:11 am)

    No to Bird and Reichert….gross. He failed women for years 

  • ThisCommunityHates December 13, 2023 (6:37 am)

    for those espousing their support for Reichert: have y’all not paid any attention to Texas? wild how in a post-Roe v Wade world that some of y’all want this career politician as a leader: https://justfacts.votesmart.org/candidate/key-votes/51346/dave-reichert/2/abortion-issues it really shows how little some of you care about others to only focus solely on how badly a candidate will punish criminals while ignoring how this person’s policies will harm swaths of people, especially the marginalized and vulnerable. since this is a post about Semi Bird, we don’t have any voting record for him, but radio interviews on the topic show he has no substance in his viewpoints on the topic expect leaning anti-choice.

    • April December 13, 2023 (12:49 pm)

      @thiscommunityhates  agree 100%

    • Do your research December 13, 2023 (3:51 pm)

      Reichert has made a commitment to never signing anti-choice legislation. He’s done this because WA has voted time and time again to defend abortion rights. He upheld those rights as Sheriff when there were mass protests. Abortion rights are safe with him as governor, plus just look at the legislature. 

    • TC December 14, 2023 (9:56 am)

      FWIW, there appears to be a ton of astroturfing happening in these comments. Way too many comments of the same formula, “I’m a lifelong Democrat that is now going to vote for a hard-right Republicanâ€. I suspect it’s Dave Reichert’s team given that most of them say they are voting for him when this blog post was about his primary challenger.West Seattle Blog commenters that lean hard right (whether real or fake West Seattle residents) are still in the very small minority based on the recent election data that is publicly available.

  • Andrew December 13, 2023 (8:39 am)

    I can no longer vote democrat in this state anymore because it’s like doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. 

  • LPM December 13, 2023 (10:07 am)

    Yes to R for Governor.  I’m a lifelong D and I’ve had it with the hand slapping on crime .  Our downtown, along with other downtown cores in Washington, is depresing with blocks of boarded up buildings and violent crime.  Inslee needs to be replaced.  No one party should be in power that long.   I will NOT however, vote for Trump.  Character matters.  I just may go to this dinner and hear what Semi has to say.

  • DC December 13, 2023 (10:26 am)

    I am a serious life long Democrat who is going to vote for an anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ, anti-climate candidate. I don’t care that he wants private insurance to be able to deny me based on preexisting conditions, or that he wants to defund our education system. I just want a candidate who says mean things about the extremist left and blames all crime and homelessness on ‘woke’ liberals without proposing any real solutions. I am a real person who is definitely not just a Republican…

    • James December 13, 2023 (12:26 pm)

      lol!!!! This got a huge laugh from me. I love the fake posts where it’s a person masquerading as a dem then spew MAGA level nonsense. “Liberals do all the crime!!!!” That crud is so tiring. 

    • Also a really real democrat! December 13, 2023 (1:10 pm)

      Thank you for your comment! I too am a lifelong Democrat and not a Republican pretending to be one. I am going to vote for this guy, because I don’t care that the Republican Party tried to orchestrate a coup or that the leader of the party is a fascist! Nothing matters but stopping wokeness. Again, I am a really real Democrat and not a Republican! 

  • WSMom December 13, 2023 (12:21 pm)

    I will never vote Republican again. Just look at what is happening in TX. Nope. 

  • Concerned citizen December 13, 2023 (3:01 pm)

    I will be voting for Dave Reichert 100%. Ferguson has been problematic for our state and Bird is too conservative for me. Keep us posted when Dave does a West Seattle event!

    • Seattlite December 13, 2023 (3:20 pm)

      Boom…Excellent comment, Concerned Citizen.

    • Jeff December 14, 2023 (8:00 am)

      Ferguson has been very good for our state. I disagree 2000%

    • jeff December 14, 2023 (9:34 am)

      Yeah it’ll be good to know… to avoid going anywhere near him. 

  • Admiral-2009 December 13, 2023 (5:46 pm)

    Mark Mollet a pragmatic D from Issaquah could be a winner for the State

  • Felix Grounds December 14, 2023 (7:40 am)

    Lifelong republican here, but I’ll NEVER vote for another Republican again.When see what’s happening in Texas and Florida, never again.When I hear the hateful rhetoric of Marjorie Taylor Greene or Matt Gaetz, never again.When I witness the utter stupidity and ineptitude of Lauren Boebart, never again.When I watch the entire Republican US house of representatives and their complete lack of interest or ability to actually govern, never again.When I saw nearly the entire GOP defend an attempted coup, never again.The modern GOP only cares about one thing, fealty to Donald Trump.I’ll take well intentioned, semi functional, slightly inept governance over a christo fascist dictatorship every time.

  • Scarlett December 14, 2023 (8:53 am)

    Step right up! You – yes you – can have it all! You can have safe, clean neighborhoods, a skyrocketing investment portfolio, juiced home values,  Officer Friendly on every corner,  great schools and happy students, a smiling grinning minimum workforce. even a winning football team.  Best of all there is absolutely no cost to you (or society)!  All you have to do is vote for the right candidate!
    You wonder how people can reach adulthood and still live in such a childish illusion. 

Sorry, comment time is over.