PARK PROJECTS MEETING, REPORT #1: Changes planned in seasonal closing time for Alki Beach

Tonight’s online briefing regarding West Seattle park projects was newsworthy in several regards, so we’re breaking our coverage into three parts. First, news on a topic that wasn’t even mentioned in the announcement previewing the meeting – a plan to permanently change the Alki Beach Park (and Golden Gardens) closing time in the peak season.

Most recently, the seasonal hours have been in effect Memorial Day through Labor Day, so among other things, this would stretch them a few more weeks. Deputy Superintendent Andy Sheffler noted that this would “align with the beach fire program.” He also noted – in a key point that the Zoom screen partly cut off – the Board of Park Commissioners will have a hearing on this in two weeks.

The agenda for the December 14 meeting isn’t posted yet, but will appear here when ready. Meantime, our other two reports on tonight’s meeting (pickleball, and everything else) are on the way.

9 Replies to "PARK PROJECTS MEETING, REPORT #1: Changes planned in seasonal closing time for Alki Beach"

  • Old school November 27, 2023 (7:45 pm)

    Did parks say if they will be allowing fires in the fall/winter?  Thanks

    • WSB November 27, 2023 (8:02 pm)

      I believe “aligning” the operating hours & beach fires means “same hours/dates.” But I’ll add it to the followup list/

  • Kyle November 27, 2023 (8:09 pm)

    I don’t understand why they pick up the fire pits in the winter, when there is a lower risk of fire ban, it’s actually cold, and you could have a fire in the dark at like 6pm. Instead, in the summer you can have a fire in the dark for like 20 minutes before they tell you to put it out and get off the beach.

    • Quiz November 27, 2023 (9:20 pm)

      Exactly. I’ve been wondering this for 20 years. Winter beach fires would be amazing.

  • 2509fd November 27, 2023 (10:11 pm)

    Air quality is bad now due to smoke from fires and other pollution sources, so suggest no beach fires when aqi is over 100

  • anonyme November 28, 2023 (5:04 am)

    It makes absolutely no sense that frivolous, fossil-fuel fires are even allowed, much less encouraged.

  • DD November 28, 2023 (8:19 am)

    Sorry to read about proposed extended times for beach fires and wish we would consider the negative impact on air quality for residents along Alki and above the beach in the Admiral district. For a purportedly “green” city we’re moving in the wrong direction with this policy.  

  • Kyle November 28, 2023 (9:25 am)

    Before COVID the pits were left out year round. They were picked up for “social distancing” and then Parks changed a policy without input to pick them up each fall. As for air quality, we are talking about 10 or so open air fire pits. The AQI is under 100 in the Seattle over 90% of the time in the winter and this air pollution is negligible compared to other sources, like your car. But please run a study when the pits are in use and see if it has any scientific affect on air quality more than 500 ft away.

  • Lisa Michelle November 28, 2023 (3:17 pm)

    keep fire pits year around! Been living in Alki for 15 years and miss the fall/winter/spring fire pits, when it is darker and colder. I don’t have a fire place in my home like many and find being able to have a fire to be relaxing, comforting, and meditative 

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