Looking for a bazaar to sell at? Village Green West Seattle wants you!

November 18, 2023 2:50 pm
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle news | Westwood

Though today was the biggest holiday bazaar day of the season, there are more to come, including one at Village Green West Seattle (2615 SW Barton; WSB sponsor) that has room for more vendors – here’s the announcement:

Village Green West Seattle is hosting a local Festive Holiday Fair. We are looking for 5-6 more local artists, candle makers, quilters, glass makers, ETC., to come and set up shop at our community. This event is open to the public; it will be on Wednesday, December 6th, from 12-3 pm. Local vendors/artists, please reach out to Corinne at corinne@villagegreenretirement.com or call 206.937.6122 to reserve your spot.

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