ELECTION 2023: Most of the rest of the votes

Though the election results won’t be finalized and certified for another two-plus weeks, after today’s count, the daily results updates will be down to a trickle. Most notably in our area, this means Seattle City Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda will be moving to the County Council, with ballots counted from 40 percent of voters in District 8, which includes West Seattle, White Center, Vashon and Maury Islands, and spans southward to Burien:

Teresa Mosqueda – 32,811 – 54.77%
Sofia Aragon – 26,908 – 44.91%

Mosqueda’s term in citywide Position 8 had two more years to go. Her successor will be appointed by the new council. Speaking of which, it’s definitely final in D-1:

Rob Saka – 17,880 – 54.35%
Maren Costa – 14,872 – 45.21%

45 percent of voters’ ballots have been counted in these results, only 1 percent less than have been received. In the six other council districts, two of the three incumbents who did run for re-election are leading their opponents – Tammy Morales and Dan Strauss. If these results hold, the council will have six new members and three holdovers. Next ballot count is on Monday.

11 Replies to "ELECTION 2023: Most of the rest of the votes"

  • HTB November 10, 2023 (7:17 pm)

    Glad Shaka is winning! However, I’m completely baffled that Tammy Morales has pulled ahead. Not sure how any rational voter could walk around the International District and conclude that the status quo is a good idea.

    • K November 10, 2023 (9:07 pm)

      Not sure how any rational voter could claim the status quo is bad and then support the candidate whose chief campaign promise was aligning himself with the guy who has spent 15 years in city politics, but here we are.  Harrell is the definition of status quo.

      • HapoyCamper November 12, 2023 (8:20 am)

        If you look at the history Bruce Harrell and Deborah Juarez often had disagreements with the majority of the council. They were 2 of 9 members so on many things they would be outvoted even if they did vote against the status quo.

      • Danimal November 13, 2023 (6:46 am)

        I’m sorry, but it’s obvious that Harrell is doing a good job. Some of the worst spots in the city have been cleaned up and made safe again. That’s a win in my book. Can’t please everyone of course, but he is doing a good job. Too many of you won’t even give him a chance. It’s unfortunate.

  • West Seattle Mad Sci Guy November 10, 2023 (7:38 pm)

    I am amazed how fast they can work through so many ballots. I actually like waiting a few days for the results. Hope vote by mail spreads to more states now that some of them got a taste of it during the pandemic.

  • Rhonda November 10, 2023 (7:55 pm)

    Saka! 🇺🇸

  • WestSeattleWinning November 11, 2023 (12:31 am)

    Great results! So glad to see Saka with such a strong win. He worked hard with his door knocking, and lead a very strong and informative social media campaign.  We knew what he stood for and what he could bring to the table. I’m looking forward to seeing him work!

    • Josh November 11, 2023 (8:36 am)

      Can you share with the rest of us what he stands for and brings to the table?  Like specifically other than: more cops, fewer bikes, and just be nice (no need to be a leader, we already have one). Because no one seems to be able to say. Those are 3 pretty non specific things and how is his desire for more cops, fewer bikes, and doing what the boss says going to translate to anything but him getting $175 k a year for a couple years and hopefully failing up in the party ranks like his buddy Bruce.

      • Mike November 12, 2023 (1:14 pm)

        More cops would be helpful if that improves emergency response times.

  • Mellow Kitty November 11, 2023 (9:43 am)

    Just what we need, more corporate puppets. 

    • K November 11, 2023 (11:23 am)

      I think the corporations are going to be disappointed if they think they’re getting anything from Saka.  The guy has no policy ideas and no idea how to get things done in government.  The corporations were just backing him to stop Costa.  Better an empty suit in a chair than someone who will hold you accountable.

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