WEST SEATTLE HALLOWEEN: Decorations with a soundtrack

Multiple readers suggested we check out this Halloween display at 37th/Graham. As our video above shows, it’s a light show with music. The yard has additional decorations too:

You can hear the music via 87.9 FM.

We’re continuing to spotlight West Seattle displays nightly through Halloween – if you have one to suggest, whether yours or someone else’s, please email us – westseattleblog@gmail.com – with or without photos – thank you!

4 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE HALLOWEEN: Decorations with a soundtrack"

  • Lynda B October 23, 2023 (11:31 am)

    Cool!  I didn’t know it had music. 

  • Stixn October 23, 2023 (7:41 pm)

    That yard, lighting, music and decorations are so creative and awesome! It’s a must see!

  • Dirk October 25, 2023 (6:47 pm)

    Home owner here. The show is usually running from ~5pm-9:30pm. I didn’t originally plan to do a Halloween show so I’ve been scrambling to put things up and create the shows. I’ve added 2 more songs/shows since the blog posted this. I’ll try to add another song/show before Halloween and add a couple more light displays. P.S, Sorry for the malfunctioning display in the video/pictures the blog posted above. There was a loose connector that has since been fixed.  

    • WSB October 25, 2023 (9:24 pm)

      What was malfunctioning? We didn’t notice anything awry!

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