WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: South Delridge gunfire; mini-mart crash-and-grab attempt north of The Junction

Two West Seattle Crime Watch incidents, one under investigation right now:

SOUTH DELRIDGE GUNFIRE: Multiple 911 callers reported gunfire about 15 minutes ago, including one person who said a bullet went through their apartment wall. Police have confirmed that and found other “spent rounds,” at 17th/Henderson, and they currently have Henderson blocked off while they look for other evidence. No reports of injuries. Here’s the partial description of the shooter that’s been broadcast so far – Black, male, fired the shots, then got into a white Chrysler SUV and left the scene.

CRASH-AND-GRAB ATTEMPT: Thanks to Chuck for sending the tip on this tonight – it was logged as “property damage” so that didn’t catch our eye in looking at the early-early-morning log. The door at the 76 station/minimart at 4001 California SW is damaged after a would-be crash and grab burglar drove into it around 3 am:

What the would-be burglar(s) didn’t count on is that the manager was still there, and he chased the would-be burglar(s) away; they took off without taking anything.

15 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: South Delridge gunfire; mini-mart crash-and-grab attempt north of The Junction"

  • Alki resident October 13, 2023 (7:33 pm)

    These crash and grabs can be avoided with the installation of bollards. A car can actually get high centered driving up on h th em as bf get stuck. If you have a business, install them now before this happens. It’s what saved our friends business. 

    • Pants October 13, 2023 (7:56 pm)

      So we are just going to have bollards in front of all restaurants and stores?! And you think this minimart has the extra funds to install bollards too? These smash and grabs are getting ridiculous. It’s time take our city back. 

      • Alki resident October 13, 2023 (9:20 pm)

        Bollards are more affordable than having to constantly pay for multiple break ins. It doesn’t take much to set up a fund system either. Over 100 cars a day are stolen in King County alone, every business eventually will get hit if they don’t do something now to prevent it. I’ve had four friends outside of Seattle have their businesses hit by stolen vehicle smash and grabs. Only one had bollards and now all of them do. The one that already had bollards sustained minimal damage to a window. 

      • Anne October 13, 2023 (10:03 pm)

        As others mentioned – cheaper than repeatedly having to replace doors, windows ,inventory. 

    • Delridge64 October 13, 2023 (9:01 pm)

      The shooter emptied what sounded like a full magazine in one go. And fwiw, I don’t think Chrystler’s made an SUV for over a decade, the Aspen. I’m guessing the cehicle ID was incorrect. 

      • WSB October 13, 2023 (9:13 pm)

        First they said sedan, then they said SUV. But what goes out over the radio is only a fragment of what they eventually learn.

      • Fuzz October 14, 2023 (7:10 am)

        The “Chrysler ” could have been a Dodge Durango. Seems Stellantis vehicles have become a deriguer item for a certain part of “Hoodlum Culture” as someone put it.

    • Call me crazy October 13, 2023 (10:09 pm)

      Back in the old days, there was a quaint belief that we could avoid this kind of thing by arresting, prosecuting and incarcerating criminals. 

    • Zaid October 14, 2023 (9:02 pm)

      I’ve lived in Seattle over a decade, but having not grown up here it’s still so hard for me to comprehend the amount of smash and grabs that take place. If we had a funded police force and the ability to pursue vehicles these types of crimes would be so easy to catch. When the neighbors call 911 for a vehicle crashing into a building, search for and pull over the nearest vehicles that look like it just crashed into a building.  

      • Hold On October 14, 2023 (11:12 pm)

        I think the “unfunded” police force trope is a bit of a misnomer.I recall seeing statistics for the NYPD. Maybe not apples to apples since NY has more beat cops, but their $ spent per officer was like $197K (and had a properly sized force). Whereas Seattle came out to $400K. Maybe it’s a function of less officers means more overtime pay. But it’s not for lack of funding—and could even be a result of government inefficiency and bureaucracy.

  • Chuck October 13, 2023 (7:51 pm)

    This makes me SO angry.  the owners, Dan and Loan, are two of the nicest people and live nearby. They work their butts off seven days a week for those of us in the neighborhood. 

  • DBG October 13, 2023 (7:54 pm)

    We heard the shots clear as day a block away from us, and immediately called it in. So disappointing to see this amount of violent crime in our neighborhood this year. And not sure about that “Chrysler” SUV description. I don’t think Chrysler made one, minus the super rare Aspen model 15yrs ago 

  • rob October 13, 2023 (9:38 pm)

     bollards are great. not only to stop smash an grabs but how many times have we seen on the news of a medical or someone hit the wrong pedal an smash through the front a store. these are often installed for the safety of the customers.

  • Anon October 13, 2023 (10:02 pm)

    The vehicle I saw leaving after the shots went off appeared to be a white Chrysler Pacifica Crossover.  The Pacifica started as a minivan, became a crossover suv from 2004-2008, and then became a minivan again after that.

  • bradley October 13, 2023 (11:57 pm)

     Vote Saka.  We need change.

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