Celebration of Life planned November 4 for Rev. John H. Van Lierop, 1921-2023

Family and friends will gather November 4th to celebrate the life of Rev. John Van Lierop. Here’s the remembrance they are sharing now:

Rev. John H. Van Lierop passed away on October 4, 2023, peacefully in his sleep at The Kenney. He would have celebrated his 102nd birthday on October 27th.

What was unique about his passing is that his son, John H. Van Lierop, Jr, spent a portion of his own birthday with his Father the day before. He said that his Father was calm and relaxed and so he felt very good after leaving him that day. Then early the next morning, The Kenney night nurse called to inform John, Jr and his sister, Mary Aden Van Lierop, of their Father’s passing. The time spent with his Father the day before was the best possible present that his Father could have given him on his birthday.

Rev. Van Lierop had a long association with The Kenney. In addition to being a resident in the Memory Unit these past 9 years, he was their Chaplain from 1987-2004. Rev. Van Lierop was a retired Presbyterian minister of 42 years, having served 7 churches in three states, including the First Presbyterian Church of Seattle from 1968-1979. He was preceded in death by his loving wife, Mary Frances Aden, in 2011. In addition to his two grown children, he leaves behind a brother-in-law and numerous nephews and nieces.

A Celebration of Rev. Van Lierop’s life will be held at The Kenney’s Community Room on Saturday, November 4, at 2:00 pm, 7125 Fauntleroy Way SW.

(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries and memorial announcements by request, free of charge. Please email the text, and a photo if available, to westseattleblog@gmail.com)

4 Replies to "Celebration of Life planned November 4 for Rev. John H. Van Lierop, 1921-2023"

  • Cynthia October 20, 2023 (6:41 pm)

    John Jr. and Mary, When I worked at the Kenney I enjoyed the time I  spend with your father, he was a very kind and humble person. My deepest sympathies and condolences for your loss,  he touched many people in his long life. I am glad you had that special time to spend with him the day before. God bless you and may you have peace and comfort.

  • Millie October 21, 2023 (7:03 pm)

    What a wonderful gift you received to be able to spend time with your father on your birthday.  May your father’s memory be eternal.

  • Lee Cronbach October 23, 2023 (6:47 pm)

    John, Many condolences.  I know how much your father meant to to you.   And I remember his huge collection of books,   If only he had lived long enough to work with the Kindle reader, what a party he would have had downloading thousands and thousands of pages!You did a wonderful job of taking care of him which I am sure added years to his life.\Sincerely yours, Lee Cronbach, Fighting Parkinson’s disease in the Philippines

  • Martha Valasek October 24, 2023 (5:37 am)

    I look forward to seeing your memorial service and mentioned video.  I have fond memories of times with you.  You were present at my own father’s memorial service.  That was a comfort.  I treasure the friendship I have with Mary Aden and John Henry.  Family is important to me; so you are also.  I am glad you are with our Heavenly Father and seeing all are relatives and your friends residing there.  Your neice, Marti

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